Darlene Ryan
Nadia Lee
Tracy Sharp
Deb Salisbury
Winners, when you have a chance please send your name and ship-to info to LynnViehl@aol.com so I can get your books out to you. My thanks to everyone for joining in.
Today NaNoWriMo officially begins, and from now until December 1st I'll be writing along with everyone who participates. As in 2009 I'll be updating daily my NaNo wordcount widget over on the sidebar here as well as my writing log over on the Stories blog.
Because I had a little trouble deciding which story I was going to tackle in November, I took some time to write in advance a fairly detailed synopsis for my NaNo novel. Mapping out the story really helped, too; I feel now like I know my vision of it inside and out. Since I'm already in love with my protags and the storyline, it should be interesting to see how that translates on the page.
Are you ready to NaNo? Any last-minute jitters, or are you raring to go? Let us know in comments, and if you'd like some fellow NaNo'ers to drop in please post a link to your website or blog. Good luck to everyone.
Oh yes, jitters. Excitement and can I do it pep talks.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to doing it just because I can and refuse not to.
Happy writing.
Glad you're settling into your story a little better. I'm both excited and terrified.
ReplyDeleteI had a story all prepped except maybe five more scenes, but have decided to switch to another project to take the Harlequin one week intensive (so I needed a romance project). I decided on it yesterday and had nothing more than a three sentence start written back in 2003. I have more than that now though. It's coming to life left and right and I'm feeling a little better about it now, because I haven't done raw development for NaNo...umm...pretty much ever :).
Yes, jitters. My ex husband died mid September and our son isn't handling it very well. I'm mentally distracted, and overbooked my time for my life style.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, sometimes NaNo is just what you need to stop listening to the chaos in life.
I still have no idea what I'm going to write. I have a couple of possibles, I just need to pick one.
ReplyDeleteJust not, you know, the YA fantasy that needs about a month worth of world building that I haven't begun... I might just toss a couple ideas in a bag and pull one out. Beats writing about zombies...
Sorry to hear of your troubles, Suzi. Nano can be just the thing to take your mind off.
ReplyDeleteMe, I had a good day with 10k completed.
No idea what happens next, but I think it's going to be exciting. Tragically, I've left my protag in an uncomfortable and awkward position. Just the thing for making characters do something!
I thought I was ready, but when it came time to write, I ended up staring at the computer screen without being able to come up with anything. Hope your day's off to a good start.
ReplyDeleteI have dived in alright! Day 1 was good for me. Got in more than 3000 words. My novel is called " Lucky For Some, Thirteen". It's going to be a thriller. I love NaNo, all the more since my NaNo effort for 2009, a psychological thriller titled "it Can't Be You" will be published at the end of Nov 2010.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Lynn! I'm so happy to have won Writers Gone Wild!!!
ReplyDeleteI'll be doing NaNo, too. Happy writing, everyone.
I'm determined to win Nano this year, after three years of life getting in the way. Last year I came so close, and both of my kids (6 and 8 at the time) finished their YWP novels. This year all three of us are writing again and I'm NOT going to be the only one who doesn't finish again!
ReplyDeleteI'll be blogging about NaNoWriMo and the YWP, and hopefully posting some excerpts of the kids stories (if they let me).
Yep, jitters are definitely in place. This is the first year I actually committed to the website, so I'm all kinds of nervous. It was easier when I was just promising myself I'd write 50K in November. But hey, nobody said this was supposed to be easy. Good luck everyone, and I'm at userID besanderson if anyone cares to buddy me. =o)
ReplyDeleteNo jitters here. What I am is cranky. I had a bright, shiny new project all ready to roll out for NaNo, and instead one of my old projects rared its head and demanded a rewrite, RIGHT NOW. So I'm counting my words as a NaNo rebel and hoping I can knock out both before the month is over. *grumble*
I'm going to get off to a terrible start since I'm so busy that I'm already sacrificing sleep and eating time. I've been scribbling down words whenever I get a spare minute, but hopefully I'll be able to set time aside and really work after this week.
ReplyDeleteJitters and excitement, too. I stayed up to get my first batch of words just after midnight, and I'm trying to get ahead today (since I took a day off from the Evil Day Job). I'll need a little cushion to get through the month!
ReplyDeleteSuzi, so sorry to hear about that. Hugs to you and your son as you both struggle to find balance again.
ReplyDeleteA HUGE congrats to the winners! *willnotenvywillnotenvywillnot...what the heck, yes I will!* Lucky you. ;o)
I don't have jitters, but I am determined. I already see that I'm going to have to do huge wordcounts on the weekends because by the time I get home from my non-job, I'm almost too tired to think! But I will write, even if it's just a bit, because I have Dr. Wicked and he is my friend. ;oP
I have three characters, a setting and some vague notions of what they might get up to, so I'm feeling desperately underprepared. But then I remind myself that I always feel this way, no matter how much preparation I've done, and it always seems to work out. So I'm thinking positive thoughts and typing like mad!