Wednesday, May 02, 2007

RW: Cleanup

I'm running late again today, so let's start off with the winners of the Raintree: Inferno giveaway. They are:

Marianne Arkins

Diane M


Kerry (whose comment started with ooh. Me, me!)


Sherryr (whose comment started with I would love to have this book by Linda Howard)

Janice (whose comment started with Well I seem to be finding a bunch of good writers lately.)


B.E. Sanderson


Winners, please send your full name and ship-to information to so I can get these books out to you, and thanks to everyone who joined in.

A couple of masochists folks have asked me to list the fifteen finalists for the Name This Ship contest, and here they are by ship name submitted, in no particular order:

l'eau reve (water dream)

Also, more than a few people e-mailed to ask why I didn't post a photo of the artwork portion of the contest prize. To be honest, I wasn't quite finished with the piece at the time -- it was a mini-quilt, about 10" X 16", and I was still applying the binding as I began the contest. Also, I like to keep some things a surprise. But if you want to see it, you can click here for a look.

As I'm running behind, today we'll have a quickie giveaway: all four Darkyn novels, signed by me, in a little book tote I made, with some surprises added in. If you'd like to win, in comments to this post list a place outside your home where you enjoy reading a book. Post your entry by midnight EST tonight, May 2, 2007, and I will draw one name at random and send the winner the books, tote and surprises. This giveaway is open to everyone on the planet, even if you've won something here at PBW in the past.


  1. Anonymous9:14 AM

    ooh, what a prize! :)

    I'm a caffeine addict with a chaotic, messy house, so a cafe sans bebes is my favorite place for a good book and a cup of hot java.

    Congrats on your new release! Wishing you gobs of sales...


  2. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I made The Fifteen! Wow, that's almost as good as winning. Almost. Still, I'm honored. Thank you.

    Now for where I like to read outside my home...the beach. In a nice lounge chair with an big umbrella, a large floppy hat, lots of sunscreen, and a book I try not to get wet. The sound of the water, the birds, and my children and friends in the background is perfect. I can knock out a few books with a week at the beach. I think my record is around twelve in one week. Usually I get between five and eight sandwiched between Edisto shrimp and naps.

    Well, the mountains too.... Okay, I confess, I carry a book in my purse at all times.

    Karen, the lurker

  3. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Okay, this is probably weird, but I own horses and I go out to the barn/pasture with a blanket and just sit. My babies will wander by to check out what I'm doing and then start grazing next to me and it is simply the most relaxing thing in the world to know that these huge animals love and trust you. And they usually try to eat my books too looking for carrots!
    Tami Kennedy

  4. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I like to read books on the bus. It's a double-edged test: my ability to sense our approach to my stop, and how deeply the story has drawn me in (missed stop).

  5. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I take a book with me every time I go to the gym and spend half an hour on the stationary bike ('cause, you know, it didn't work out too well when I tried reading on a real one).


  6. There is a lake not far from my home that I am fond of carrying a book, snacks and a thermos of coffee to in order to sit back and be swept away by a good story.

  7. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I read *everywhere*, but mostly in fast-foodies (at lunch, after work, whatever). I always have at least one book with me, whether it be printed or electronic.

  8. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Where do I read outside the home? In the car (when hubby's driving), at the in-laws, at the beach, on vacation, at school during office hours, at the doctor's office, picking up the kids from school, well ... I think you get the idea.

  9. I read while I'm on my treadmill it makes the time go so much faster. Or sitting in my swing outside on the deck.

  10. I like to read on the beach, my back propped against a granite cliff as the waves roll across the shingle.

  11. Anonymous10:03 AM

    In my pick-up, in places like parking lots, out in the field, or just in the driveway (privacy=) ).

  12. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Airports. Reading in airports/airplanes is the only way to make travel bearable. When I go on a trip, I spend lots of time thinking about what books to pack in my carry on to make sure I've got reading material that long enough and interesting enough to keep my mind on it and not the actual airport/airplane/spoke-and-hub system that always is frustrating.

  13. I like to read in my hammock, out under the trees. Fantastic prize, PBW!

  14. Awesome prize, Lynn! My favorite reading place when I was a kid was in a maple tree that grew in front of our house. Its branches spread out from a hammock shaped center. I used to spend hours sitting in it during summer.


  15. There's a little cafeteria next door where I work that has a small seating area outside. It's just this small circular patio area filled with trees. The walls are high and covered in fig ivy so the noise of the downtown traffic is muffled, and with the sun and the birds and the wind in the leaves, I almost feel like I'm all alone in the middle of nowhere. Just me and my book and an entire hour of quiet.

  16. Near my home is Wintersmith Park. It has a small lake (pond, really) with plenty of park benches under large, shady trees. I often go there and read or write on a friend's laptop. Of course, a lot of the time I end up just watching the ducks swim and the people walk.

  17. I park at my kids school for a half hour ad read in my car before I pick them up.

    I have a nice view, the warm sun, and recirculated air to keep out the pollen. Couldn't ask for more. ;)

  18. I don't own a car and have about an hour's commute by train to and from work, so I'm never without a novel when I'm on the train. Reading all the way to work is so much less stressful than driving there!


  19. In the doctor/dentist waiting room, on a bench outside my office, in a lounge chair by a pay lake my husband likes to fish in.

  20. Anonymous11:01 AM

    OH I SO want to win this for my friend (and I'd read em first even though I don't like vamps just because it's all of em!)

    My favorite place to read outside my home is... outside, period. I love sunshine. If there isn't too much wind, I will take my book to the nearest bench and not budge for hours.

    Jess (pick me, pick me!)

    PS. I too am delighted I made the short list. I was going to ask about that but didn't for fear that you had hated my suggestion. :-D

  21. Anonymous11:05 AM

    I love places that have deep chairs that are soft and draw me to their backs but are low enough that my feet will still reach the floor. There are a couple libraries and bookstores in my area that pull me to them and their reading chairs like the comfort moth I am.


  22. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I like to walk down to the park near the house and read...

    Also, I like to go to the botanical gardens and read there, and people watch...


  23. Someone else's home?

    I used to dread those hot summer days when the other kids all clamoured to have lessons outside. The garden looks so tempting, all green and lush and warm, but...bright light! bright light!

    *wimps off*

  24. Anonymous11:28 AM

    I love reading at the local airport, less than two miles from my home. It's small but the terminal building is quiet on the weekends.

  25. I go along with my dh to the driving range and read while he hits range balls. It's always pleasant, no bugs, fairly quiet and there are soda machines nearby.

  26. I read for an hour and a half every day during lunch. I love reading at work because there are NO interruptions.

  27. At work! While on job 8 - 5! And I have permission, whoo-hoo! I also read on the bus in, but more than anything, I love reading in the tub, and on the trampoline in the backyard in the sun.

  28. I like to read outside in a garden with lots of shade, a nice cold glass of iced tea, and a good friend to talk with.
    P.S. Don't enter me, I've already got them all.

  29. Anonymous12:02 PM

    The outdoors would distract me. As a kid, my favorite reading memories were while sitting on the carpeted library floor, tucked away between the shelves upstairs. I'd sometimes read through lunch.

  30. This prize rocks!

    If it isn't the coffee shop (comfortable chairs, coffee, and people watching in between chapters ... how can you lose?), it's the park (soft blanket, soft grass, picnic snack, people watching in between chapters..most of the time.. ... again, how can you lose?).


  31. i love to park my big butt beside the pool with my chair, snacks, and drinks. That way the kiddos can play and as long as I can still hear them I know they are alive lol. And when I get to hot I can always get wet

  32. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I love to read at a nearby park, or at the local community college while sunbathing on a picnic table. Starbucks is also a nice place to kick back and dive into a novel recently bought from a nearby Borders.


  33. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Oooh. Nice giveaway. I'd love to have this.

    At work. I work 2 12-hour shifts on the weekend, so I have a lot of time in between inspections. Reading helps make the time go better - and help keep me awake! (Plus I also have a notebook for writing, puzzlebooks, and knitting to help pass the time. There's no computer to use.)


  34. Anonymous12:53 PM

    (Ohhhh, I'd love to win this!)

    We have a little bench in our backyard that gets just the right amount of shade this time of year. Gorgeous.

  35. I read books on the buses on the way to and from work every day. I'm developing a new rating system to go with it:

    5 -- a book so good you don't even notice the horribly smelling people and the guy yelling on his cellphone nearby

    4 -- a book so good you almost miss your stop

    3 -- a book that is good for keeping your mind on how many stops you still have left

    2 -- a book that isn't much better than just sitting there

    1 -- a book that just takes up room in your bag and you forget to change it out for another off the TBR pile

  36. I love to go read in the park near my house; there's a hill that gets me safely away from most joggers, dog-walkers and Frisbee-throwers, so I can really enjoy it.

  37. I like reading at work during lunch breaks (although it does seem to make the time pass too quickly sometimes). I also bring a book and read in the car while waiting to pick my husband up from school.

  38. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Any quiet corner I can find at work on my lunch hour to be whisked away to whatever world I'm currently being invited into by the author/characters for my 30 mins. to recharge my batteries and get ready for the afternoon slog. Short of that any place that will let me read!


  39. Anonymous1:43 PM

    I read in my car and on my front porch. And once in a very long time, at Starbucks.

  40. In my car waiting for my kids.

  41. Backyard swing with all my flowers surrounding me. Smells wonderful and very relaxing.


  42. Anonymous2:10 PM

    On my parents' porch. They live on five acres in a small valley

  43. There's a lake in the Harz mountains, dark because the water comes from the moors, and cold even in summer. Few tourists find it and a fewer swim in something that looks like Nessie has a few sisters living there. I can spend hours there, lounging on a portable chair reading, swimming, having a snack, more reading .... and most of the time the only sound you hear are birds, buzzing insects, and the occasional roe or deer breaking through the undergrowth for a drink.

  44. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I like to read in my backyard where I have a gazebo which is surrounded by fruit trees or a park near my house.

    Terri W.

  45. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I'm so excited to be in the list of runners up. "It's an honour just to be nominated!"

  46. I'm not sure if it's a place where I enjoy reading. But I have picked up a few books lately that I haven't wanted to put down, and taken them into work with me.

    The adrenalin rush when someone opens the door and I have one second to pretend I'm doing what I should be, certainly adds a new dimension to the reading experience. :). And I so suck at looking innocent.

  47. I just love to read, doesn't really matter where I am. I've been known to read while I'm working. I usually have 1 or 2 books in my purse so I don't go into withdrawl while standing in line somewhere.

  48. OMG... I won something?!?

    My email to you is on its way. Thanks!!!

  49. Anonymous3:45 PM

    I love reading. I read just about everywhere. I think my favorite spot (before our yard got infested with fire ants--at least 20 mounds or more and our yard is only 1 acre) was underneath an oak tree in my backyard. It was so peaceful. I migrated to the porchswing when the fire ants came a-knockin', and have since migrated to my bedroom because the porchswing blew off in the middle of a storm. (Talk about bad reading luck, eh?)

  50. eeee! A signed Darkyn prize. How cool is that? I recently moved - into a 26' RV - so "outside the home" isn't that far away. I like to sit on my front porch and admire my flowers while reading.

  51. how exciting!
    I used to get most of my reading done on the subway in New York... I have yet to find the best place to read in Houston, although the courtyard of the Rice Memorial Center on campus has been lovely so far.

  52. I love reading on the beach,it the perfect place for me because I'm relaxed when I'm by the ocean.
    Hugs, Danette

  53. Well, quite a few years ago, when the nice spring weather anchored in, I would take Tolkiens Trilogy, and several books, with me outside on the deck. I would set up a lounge chair, with a cold beverage, and spend several hours reading.

    I don't have a deck at my new residence, but I have a small bench swing near the front door, so I use that instead.

    Some new books to read would sure help! (Hint..Hint..Hint!)

  54. Anonymous4:41 PM

    I won, I won! *jumps up and down excitedly* And I came second in the Name This Ship contest! What a way to start a morning :).

    As for reading outside my home, nothing beats the early morning train, which I must now go catch.

  55. Anonymous6:31 PM

    I lovelovelove to read at the beach. We go to Edisto Island for a week every Memorial Day, and I start stocking up novels for the trip early. I like nothing more than lying in the sun, reading the day away.

    Bliss, I tell you.


  56. Anonymous7:11 PM

    at the park, in front of the little brook that winds its way behind my house. it's peaceful and the tinkling sounds of the running water makes it soothing.


  57. Anonymous7:18 PM

    I like to read while I am riding in a car. Trips to the beach and the mountains afford prime reading time. I also read while riding to local wal-mart. I never leave home wihtout a book, you never know when you will have to amuse yourself. Judy

  58. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Kairokitty2002 answer would be --- EVERYWHERE -- I travel with books everywhere I go. I leave spares in the car for emergencies and at work if I am in the mood to read during a break. I am also one of those impatient human beings who finds standing in line for over two seconds with nothing to do sheer torture, so I will read in line at the post office, the pharmacy or the supermarket.

  59. I love to read on the beach near my home.

  60. Anywhere and everywhere. I'll read while waiting for class to start, in my cubicle when I have nothing to do because my bosses are both busy, in the car (which is kind of masochistic, since I get really car sick)...

  61. Woohoo! Made the fifteen. I feel better now =)

  62. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Hi PBW ~ another great contest...

    I love reading in the passenger seat of the car when I have to run errands with my sig other. Makes the trip less of a waste of time.


  63. I have a swing on my back porch and a secluded backyard with a garden. With birds in the background and the smell of flowers, I can totally lose myself in my reading. (But I never leave home without a book :)

  64. Oooh, all of those are lovely. Poor you, having to choose! prize. Hehe.

    Owing to the massive amounts of time I spend at school, there's nothing like settling into the library beanbag with a good book. It's calming, it's relaxing, and it's cushy as all get out. Mmm, beanbags.

  65. Outside, literally. Camping trips are my favorite time. Early in the morning with the window flaps down and the morning chilly and filled with birdsong, or in the evening seated near the fire, smelling of woodsmoke and bug spray and sun screen.


  66. I'm so happy I won a book! :) :) As for where I like to read outside the house: on planes. No distractions means I usually can read a good chunk of book or two, and it keeps me entertained. Also I find myself concentrating so much on a book I barely notice turbulance.

  67. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Terrific prize! Congratulations to the 15 finalists for the "Name This Ship" Contest. Great entries - all of them.

    My favorite place to read - anywhere I can open a book. I leave books all over the house so that no matter what room I'm in, I can pick one up and read. When I go out, the book I'm currently reading goes with me. My DH says I would still be reading even if nuclear war broke out all around me and would only glance up if my place in the book was disturbed. LOL.

    Kathy B.

  68. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Blogeois said...

    I could say I'd read it in my flower-filled backyard retreat or out front on the small but sunny porch, but if I want to get away and really like the books, as I do yours (shameless smooching), I have a tendancy to take them with me to read at our local cafe, Starbucks, or Peets Coffee & Tea house.

    The only issue with this is that I get interrupted often by others wanting to know what I'm reading. This, however, should be a good thing for you, especially if it translates in additional book sales.

  69. Anonymous10:06 PM

    My favorite place to read is outside my dorm room on the lawn. Since I'm not in front of my computer I find that I get a lot less distracted by random messages.


  70. Anonymous10:18 PM

    I love to read at a local restaurant near my home that I go to often. They know me well there, and I order a meal or some soup and salad and a drink and settle in to read. The waitresses automatically refill the drink and no one generally disturbs me with how is everything and want this or this? I read and relax and think and it is just so peaceful and feels so sinful. I am one of those people who can shut everything out when immersed in a good book and this to me is the perfect way to take a break from school work.


  71. Anonymous10:45 PM

    AWWWW! I don't have a chance! And this is such a must have PRIZE!

    Well, If I can't read in bed, the next place would be my car. I go buy the new book. Can't wait to read it. And sit in the driveway before anyone knows I am home. Lovely.

  72. Outside by the campfire on the Oregon Coast. My idea of heaven. So long as it's not raining.
