Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Lover Eternal

Ladies, as of today, the boys are back in town.

Book Two of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward

Okay, okay, quit drooling on my blog.

To celebrate the return of the Brotherhood, I have four unsigned copies of Lover Eternal to giveaway -- all that was left at my BAM by the time I got there tonight -- and one of them could end up on your nightstand, along with a surprise*.

To snag one, tell us in comments to this post which characters from fiction (or movies, or TV, or whatever) whom you consider to be truly immortal lovers**. Post your romantic pick by midnight EST on Wednesday, 3/8/06, and I'll randomly draw four names from everyone who participates and post the names of the winners here by noon EST on Thursday, 3/9/06. Giveaway open to everyone on the planet, even if you've won something here before.

*No, I'm not going to tell you what it is.

**For example, my first pick would be Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice.


  1. Mulder and Scully from the X-files ;-)

  2. Ah, guh, so many to choose from....

    That final scene in Braveheart wrenches a sob from me every time Murron appears in the crowd.

    Not to intentionally invoke Patricia McKillip twice in one week, but the love between Morgon and Raederle goes on forever in my mind.

    And in my heart, Fred and Wesley from Angel are together, somewhere. Sipping pina coladas. Getting caught in the rain.

  3. Anonymous2:15 AM

    Jane and Silver from Tanith Lee's The Silver Metal Lover.

  4. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Sam Vimes and Lady Sybil, from Pratchett's Discworld books.

    And Sioned and Rohan, from Melanie Rawn's The Dragon Prince.

  5. Hmmm....

    Lessa and F'Lar from the Dragonriders.

    Eve and Roarke from the "... In Death" books

    Jesse and Becca from "Life Goes On"

  6. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Oh, I'm with Dayle. It literally brings tears to my eyes to think that there is an alternate ending world where they can be together forever.

    Off to find a hankie.

  7. Superman and Lois Lane:-).

  8. Anonymous7:58 AM

    I would have to agree with Elizabeth Bennett and Mr Darcy - especially the BBC version with Colin Firth as Mr Darcy.

  9. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Xena and Gabrielle. Hands down. *g*

  10. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Oh dear.

    Immortal lovers....

    My sentimental pick -- Damerel and Venetia from Venetia by Georgette Heyer.

    Or, yeah, Jayne and Silver from the Silver Metal Lover books, 'cause that book has bugged me for YEARS. I always thought it was so unfair, how it ended.

    Or, to be frankly snarky, my *favorite* Immortal lovers would be Duncan and Methos. But only 'cause I'm a big softie.

  11. Lord Vidal and Mary Challoner from Heyer's Devils' Cub

  12. Isabeau and Navarre from Ladyhawke.

  13. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Odd Thomas and Stormy. Somehow someway they have to be together.


  14. Buffy and Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

  15. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Tara and Willow! (Kennedy can bite me.) Also: Angel & Cordelia.

  16. There are so many immortal lovers to choose from, but my favorite has to be Veronica Franco and Marco Venier from Dangerous Beauty.

    I can't wait to read this book. JR Ward has got me hooked. I dont own a copy yet but if I dont win I'm headed out to the bookstore to pick up my own copy!

  17. Anonymous9:40 AM

    My favorite lovers are Captain John Sheridan and Delenn from Babylon 5. In my mind, their souls can never be seperated. :-)

    Claudia Moore

  18. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Tinker & Windwolf (Wen Spencer) and I have to agree with Eve and Roarke from the "In Death" series


  19. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Rhett and Scarlett. I think because their relationship is extremely complicated and messy but underneath it all, passionate. I love those two.


  20. I have to say Rhett and Scarlet also--and am surprised more posters haven't picked them : )

  21. Phedre no Delaunay de Montreve and Joscelin Verreuil from Jacqueline Carey's KUSHIEL series.

    Westley and Buttercup from The Princess Bride.

    Hmmm...Joshua Lyman and Donnatella Moss from The West Wing.

  22. Tristan and Isolde. (Yes, I'm dying to see the movie. It looks gorgeous)

  23. Scarlett & Rhett

    Eve & Roarke

    Eliza & Henry

    Buttercup & Westley

    Lady & the Tramp

  24. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Jane Erye and Mr. Rochester

    Rick Blaine and Ilsa Lund from Casablanca

    Joshua Lyman and Donnatella Moss from The West Wing

    John Black and Marlena Evans Black from Days of our Lives ;)


  25. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Beren and Lúthien, The Silmarillion/The Lay of Leithian.

    (...and I'll throw in Sheridan and Delenn, but that one is already taken. :)

    Ted MacKinnon

  26. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Leloo ANd CorbinDallas from The Fifith Element. *grin*

    Isabeau and Navarre from Ladyhawk

  27. Trinity and Neo from The Matrix. I'm amazed no one's suggested them yet!

    And I also thank you for Moon Called - I started it last night and was hooked on page one! I'll be blogging about it soon.

  28. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Deirde & Naoise from the Irish legend and Faramir & Eowyn from Lord of the Rings

  29. Oh my, I loved all the couples on Buffy and Angel[Buffy and Spike, Willow and Tara, Wesley and Fred, Angel and Cordelia]. I'm still pissed that they aren't on anymore.

    James and Lily Potter. I know, it's a little out of left field since we don't even know their story, but the fact that Lily died saving Harry, and James died trying to save Lily just clouds me up:-)

    I've already read Moon Called and loved it, so thanks again. I'm all in for any other recommendations you might have!

  30. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Joy and Raphael from "A Girl's Guide to Vampires" by Katie MacAlister. Anita Blake and Jean Claude from Laurell K. Hamtilton's Anita Blake series. Ed and Carol Vessey from the TV show "Ed," as well as Mike and Nancy from the same show.

  31. The Mummy (Imhotep) and Anck Su Namun. :)

  32. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Eric and Shelley - The Crow

    Jack and Rose - Titanic

    Jessica V.

  33. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Oh boy, this is hard. My first favorite is Lessa & F'lar from the Dragon Riders, then Aragon and Arwen from Lord of the Rings (Now that is an immortal relationship!)and last but not least Jack & Shea from the Carpathians.

  34. Mickey and Mallory from Natural Born Killers


    Tita and Pedro from Like Water for Chocolate

  35. My mind always goes blank when trying to answer questions like these. :)

    Scarlett and Rhett (from you know where)

    Lucinda and Alistar from Rumor of Gems

    I love the romances in old films too, like My Man Godfree and Sabrina. :) I'm a big fan of the old black and white films.

  36. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Romeo and Juliet,
    Oliver and Jennifer,
    Mickey and Minnie ;o)


  37. I'm not exactly known for being a romantic but here goes.

    Fiona and Shek. He didn't care that she turned into an ogre at sunset. (how many men are there out there like that?)

  38. I agree with most of them. My favourites are:

    Westley and Buttercup;
    Eve and Roarke;
    Isabeau and Navarre (sigh);
    Aragorn and Arwen.

    Shinji and Asuka from Evangelion

  39. Ok, my picks are the following:

    Luke and Laura from General Hospital

    Trinity and Neo from Matrix

    Jack and Rose from Titanic

    And, Kahlan and Richard from Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series. *sniffles*

    Oh and another-- Vamps Alisia and Lucien from my own WIP, Pirouette. Shameless plug ;)

    Erin K.

  40. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Will and Lyra from Phillip Pullman's "Dark Materials" trilogy. I cried and cried.

  41. Anonymous6:45 PM

    My mom & dad (49 years and still going) and/or fictional Eve and Roarke from In-Death.


  42. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Eddi and the phouka from War for the Oaks. Love that guy.


  43. Jamie and Claire from the Outlander series.


  44. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Ah, immortal lovers, lemme see...

    -Rick and Ilsa from Casablanca
    -Robin Hood and Marian
    -King Arthur and Guinevere
    -Frankie and Johnnie
    -Anna Karenina and Vronsky

    Hm...none of these folks ended up too well...LOL. I love them all anyway

    Michele L

  45. After Cinderella and the Prince, comes Steve Austin and Jamie Summers.
    Morgan and Raederle from the Riddle Master of Hed come in third.

  46. Christian and Maddy from Flowers from the Storm

    Althea and Jess from Simple Jess

    And in a strictly platonic sense (but immortal coupled none-the-less) Holmes and Watson. ;)

  47. Anonymous9:42 PM

    My vote goes to Phedre no Deaunay and Joscelin Verreuil. Their love isn't always easy, and it sure isn't conventional, but they love each other so much they are willing to go through anything for each other.

  48. Mr. Rochester and Jane Eyre (Jane Eyre)
    Heathcliff and Cathy (Wuthering Heights)
    Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth (Pride and Prejudice)
    ~Briana N.

  49. Anonymous10:28 PM

    The first couple that popped into my head is Vincent & Catherine from "Beauty & the Beast" followed by Buffy & Angel from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." Love them. Sigh...

  50. Anonymous10:40 PM

    The first two that popped into my head:

    Serena and Darien, Sailor Moon

    Richard and Kahlan, Sword of Truth

  51. Veronica Franco and Marco Venier from 'Dangerous Beauty'. Oh, the longing, the passion, the love...

  52. Is mythology considered fiction?

    Oberon and Titania...

    Henry Higgins & Eliza Doolittle.

  53. Aeryn Sun and John Crichton from Farscape.

  54. I'm a bit cranky before I get my first cup of coffee, so I'll say Heathcliff and Catherine from Wuthering Heights. Two unlikeable people who are made for each other (and deserve each other throughout eternity.)

  55. Nicholas and Katherine from my first and yet-to-be-pubbed book (The Raven's Revenge).

  56. Anonymous11:27 AM

    In addition to many on this page....
    Johannes Brahms & Clara Schubert in Song of Love

  57. Han Solo and Princess Leia.

    Poukka and Eddi of War for the Oaks

  58. Anonymous4:10 PM

    How do you choose!

    I'm pleased to see it's not only the permantently star-crossed that make up the previously suggested, so I'll go with:

    Lord Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane


    Talia and Dirk from the Arrows series of Valedmar books by Mercedes Lackey.

  59. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Vicomte Valmont and Madame de Tourvel;

    Rohan and Sioned, indeed;

    and Adrian and Christina, from Judy Cuevas's debut novel.

  60. Some of my first choices have already been mentioned, so I only will mention the others.

    Sam and Molly from the movie "Ghost"

    Napoleon and Josephine

    Bonnie and Clyde

    The second, I remember a song from a lot of years ago about their love and how it showed them like a charming and daring couple, and how shocked I was when I read more about their true life and crimes, but they were clearly deeply in love with each other.


  61. I forgot Batman and Catwoman. I always thought that they were destined to be together :o)


  62. Anonymous8:41 PM

    I'll go with:

    Falco and Helena from the Lindsey Davis series

    Blackthorne and Mariko from Shogun

    Daav yos'Phelium and Aelliana Caylon from Scout's Progress
