Wednesday, June 06, 2007

RW: I Told You So

Two years ago a big name author refused to read one of my own books for a possible quote. This isn't unusual, and I didn't personally make the request, but the circumstances involved made it such an unpleasant experience that it put me off getting quotes ever since.

A week after that smackdown, an editor asked me to read an ARC of a first book in a debut series for a possible quote. Perfect opportunity for revenge! All I had to do was surrender to the dark side and say Sorry, but I'm too busy with my bestselling career to take time out to blurb your rookie in a polite fashion.

Only I couldn't, because I really liked the editor, and I wasn't too busy, and my good angel, the sadistic bitch, advised me that it would be the wrong thing to do.

I (very reluctantly) agreed to read it, and the editor immediately sent me the ARC. I took it out of the mailbox and stomped all the way back to the house with it. I let it sit on my desk for a full day. I glared at it. My bad angel wanted it to suck. My bad angel assured me that it would likely be the biggest pile of trash I'd ever read. I even started mentally rehearsing polite ways of saying to the editor "Sorry, but your rookie can't write her way out of a trick-or-treat bag."

I finally read the first page, just to see how much it was going to suck, and lost myself in it. After I devoured the book, I wrote a quote for the author that will probably end up being the best blurb I will ever write. Everyone thought I was crazy for doing that for a complete stranger, but I didn't care. This book was that special.

Several months later the rest of the reading world discovered how great the book was. My good angel started crowing, "I told you so!" and hasn't shut up since.

I still don't know who was first to endorse J.R. Ward's Dark Lover, me or Nicole Jordan, but we both did it long before the Black Dagger Brotherhood series skyrocketed into the enormous success it is today. Having our names and quotes on one of the hottest-selling novels in paranormal romance doesn't hurt, either, but we didn't do it for that reason. Which counts? Pretty much forever.

To celebrate the two-year anniversary of my first reading J.R. Ward's terrific debut, I've put together a big I Told You So box of great paranormal romance and dark fantasy reads: unsigned copies of Hunting Midnight by Emma Holly, The Blood Books Volume One (Blood Price and Blood Trail) by Tanya Huff, Night Echoes by Holly Lisle, A Taste of Crimson by Marjorie M. Liu, Nightlife by Rob Thurman, Hunters: Heart and Soul by Shiloh Walker, and Dark Lover by J.R. Ward, along with a signed copy of my novel Night Lost and some other surprises.

For a chance to win this week's goodies, in comments to this post, write a quote for your favorite author or novel (or, if you're quote-blocked, just throw your name into the hat) by midnight EST on Friday, June 8, 2007. I'll draw one name at random from everyone who participates and send the winner the entire I Told You So box of books. This giveaway is open to everyone on the planet, even if you've won something here at PBW in the past.


  1. Anonymous3:20 AM

    I would like to throw my name into the hat!


    Terri W.

  2. Anonymous3:38 AM

    I'd like to throw my name in the hat please.

  3. "Lynn Viehl's Darkyn novels will put you in a trance from page one."

  4. Gaiman's 'Neverwhere':
    More wierdness than you could shake a herring at.

  5. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Heh, I couldn't write a cover quote to save my life, so I think I'll just throw my name into the hat this time.

  6. It's very late here and my brain cells are fried, so I'll skip the quote and just ask that I get placed in the hat too! Thanks!

  7. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Yikes, I don't know how to write cover quotes so I'll just throw my name into the hat!

  8. For Greg Egan's Axiomatic: "Don't miss Egan, we aren't going to see anything this good for a long, long time."

    I actually wrote that on my review blog... so am quoting myself.

  9. I'm quote-blocked so I'd like to just throw my name into the hat.

  10. A gift to die for.
    Please put my name in the beaver hat.

  11. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Guy Gavriel Kay, "The Lions of Al-Rassan"....

    Even the sun goes down.

    Thank you very much for the chance. I would love to get my hands on those books. :)

  12. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Eeks can I take that back? Seems as if I mis-read the issue. Stupid me.

    I'll just say to Guy Gavriel Kay's "The Lions of Al-Rassan":

    A book that would change you. For the better.

    (much apologies for posting twice. I hope that hasn't disqualified me, but if it has, I totally understand.)

  13. Anonymous7:41 AM

    *G* oh wow... what cool company I'm keeping.

    Don't put me in the hat but i'm going to attempt a cool quote

    Stardoc-prepare to lose the next several hours of your life. You won't be going anywhere until you've read the very last past.

    (okay, so it's long quote)

    or for another fave author

    Shelby Reed's Seraphim

    Warrior Angels, Undying love, and a hot, heartwarming read~what more could you ask for?

  14. Sarah Waters' Affinity:

    This entrancing book will warm your heart even as it breaks it.

  15. Anonymous8:01 AM

    This is me throwing my name in because I have so much trouble explaining why I like a book all the time:

    "It was just good, darn it!"

  16. China Mieville
    Perdido Street Station

    "Mieville guides the reader with effortless clarity through the darkest corners of his world, and never loses the spark of humanity."

  17. Name in hat. ^^' BI can never say why a book is good until I've spent a day thinking about it...

  18. As it happens, Ward's newest is the last book that I couldn't put down until I had finished reading it. So, for Lover Revealed:
    "An addictive read that leaves you craving the next book."

    All true, too. September is too far away, darn it.

  19. Please put my name in the hat, too.

  20. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Can't think of a quote, but wanted to thank you for mentioning J.R. Ward in your posts. I discovered the BDB and now am as much an addict of them as I am the Darkyn and Cherijo. Hey, there's a good quote!

    "BDB--Beware! Addictive!!"
    Tami K.

  21. Oh dear.. which book to write a quote for, now that is the question.

    I'm afraid my brain is overloaded with naughty images of Doctor Who, so I'm stumped to recall any book I've ever read in my entire literary lifetime. Hehe.

    Name in hat.

    Thank you muchly!

  22. The StarDoc series is just what the doctor ordered. The characters are true to heart, the plots cleverly stitched together. Get a healthy start on your free time by reading this fabulous series.

    Hmmm....Too corny, but at least I'm in the hat too!

  23. "Hope is the denial of reality. It is the carrot dangled before the draft horse to keep him plodding along in a vain hope to reach it."

    by authors Margaret Weis and Tracey Hickman

  24. oh sorry, I misunderstood the assignment. I thought we were picking favorite quotes from novels.

    I'd still like to throw my name in the hat. You can make it a dunce hat.

  25. My quote for Midnight Rain by Holly Lisle

    Midnight Rain was the first non-lesbian "romance" book that I ever read. Because of you, I decided to give it a try and have been hooked since. ;)

    If I hadn't listened to you, I would not have had to go out and buy another bookshelf.

    Alright, who am I kidding? I'd have bought the bookshelf anyway, but I would have missed out on some great fiction!

  26. Throw me into the hat, Lynn. Sorry. I'm quoteless today.

  27. I'm terrible at quotes, so I'd just like to throw my name into the hat please.


  28. For Nick Bantock's "Griffin and Sabine:" Combining gorgeous art and the illicit feeling of reading someone else's mail, Bantock's books might just have the power to turn readers into devoted letter writers.

  29. I am quote blocked. Throwing my name in the hat.

  30. I guess my favorite author is Robin McKinley because I've enjoyed the majority of her books and she writes interesting stories in a smart way. There are other's I love too but I have good memories of reading her books. This isn't a great quote is it? I suck.

  31. Please throw my name in the hat.

  32. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Tim Powers' The Anubis Gates

    "A time travel novel that actually ties up all the loose ends. You'll never hear 'Yesterday' with the same ears again."


  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Just tossing my name in the hat because I have no clue how to write a cover quote.


  35. Terry Pratchett's entire Discworld series

    "Witty and wonderful, the Discworld series keeps us laughing while sharing gentle wisdom about life and how to survive the nasty bits."

    Name in hat, please, and sorry I had to delete a comment. (I had a mistake in it!)

  36. Okay, I'm terrible at quotes so I'm just tossing my name into the hat!

    ~ Eponin (Joy)

  37. I definitely can't write a quote to save my life :) So I'm just tossing my name into the hat :)

  38. I have no idea how to write a cover quote, but I'd love to add my name to the hat.

  39. -tosses name into as a rabbit pops up, rubs its bruised head, and gives me the finger before disappearing again-


  40. I would love to toss my name in your hat. My personal favorite, right now, is Kiss of the Highlander by Karen Moning. "It's kind of like chocolate. Makes you want to melt with it and wish that it'd last forever."


  41. Anonymous11:49 AM

    I have never attempted to write one before.

    For Robert McCammon's "Blue World"


    Sorry, I am in a playful mood.

  42. Hmm . . .

    Piers Anthony's "Xanth" books--

    "All the pun-ishment you can handle."

  43. Tossing my name in too.

  44. Anonymous12:43 PM

    What a fantastic prize!

    For Amanda Quick's Dangerous:

    "So hot we can blame her for global warming."

  45. For, Any Bitter Thing by Monica Wood. Holds you tight and never lets you go.

  46. Wow!

    Name in the hat please.

  47. Francesca's Kitchen by Peter Pezzelli, Warms your heart and soul.

  48. Lost and Found by Jacqueline Sheehan. Emotionally beautiful and compelling characters.

  49. The Sense of Paper by Taylor Holden. Beautifully portrayed characters with vividly descriptive locales.

  50. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Throwing my name into the hat. :)

    Tina S.

  51. I just wrote a query... I'm all about being quote blocked. Please just add me to your long list of "in the hat" folks.


    And, yeah, JR Ward rocks!

  52. I'm throwing my name into the hat too.

  53. I'm quote-blocked. I used up all my brain cells working on titles. But I'd like to toss my name in. And you deserve to say "I told you so!"

  54. Wife Living Dangerously - Debra Kent

    "A slice of married life so sharp it will draw blood"

    Name in hat, please :)

  55. Glad you listened to your good angel. :-)

  56. Dark Lover - JR Ward

    "Prepare to surrender a piece of your heart. The Black Dagger Brotherhood rocks!"

    Call me slow, but I've only just discovered JR Ward after my agent recommended I read her books. I've just finished book four and almost cried when I saw I'd have to wait until October for the next.

  57. Please throw my name into the hat.

  58. Anonymous5:17 PM

    No quote but I would suggest reading Octavia E. Butler's books. I've managed to get my hands on all of them and I would reccomend Fledgling as it is a "vampire" book that would have led, I imagine into a whole new series of books had the author not passed away. I hope she is reincarnated and continues to write in whatever new life she is reborn into.

  59. Jonathan Stroud's The Amulet of Samarkand:

    "Fast-paced, darkly hilarious, and filled with footnoted wisecracks from page one, this book is a delight for those with a taste for unique magic and a powerful cast of characters."

    Love that book. LOVE.

    Thanks for doing these challenges, PBW! They're really fun. (And the prizes...prizes are good, too.)


  60. PLEASE put me in the hat for this drawing! :)

    ok i am not sure about giving a quote but i can name one author that i tried and loved her books ^_^ Christine Warren her books are amazing. I usually get all of my authors that are on my list but i had read all of them at the time and i needed some new material until my auto buys came out with more so i picked up Wolf At My Door by Christine Warren and i have been reading her books ever since. Now she is on my auto by list as well. My list just keeps getting bigger and bigger as more authors come out LOL!!! but i still have my ultimate favs wich are Amanda Ashley, Christine Feehan, Nina Bangs, Emma Holly,Maggie Shayne. and i cant forget you Lynn ^_^, JR Ward and many more where that came from hehe i guess i have more favs than i thought!!!! You should see my 2 page front and back auto buy list i take everytime i go into the bookstore:) it has all of my authors plus the books and dates they are released it is way beetr than tring to remember them all, This way i dont forget any.


  61. Well since I couldn't write my way out of a paperbag Please just throw my name in the hat. I love JRs book too. Picked it up by accident and was so glad I did. Hadn't heard anything about it. Looks like there is few authors in the prizes you listed that i've not read. I need to put them on my tbb list.

  62. Please throw my name in the hat, too!

  63. Throwing my hat into the ring:

    Praise for Bill Bryson's "A Walk in the Woods":
    Caution : This is a book you want to be careful with. Read it over lunch at your own peril. There are laugh-out-loud, snort hot & sour soup out your nose moments.

  64. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I'm pretty sure any quote I came up with would not do a good book justice. Throw my hand in hat.

    Oh, and I read the Dark Lover's book on your original suggestion and would probably not have gotten around to picking it up otherwise. I loved it. Thanks for that one.

  65. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Wow, what a prize!

    "Excellent characters, fast pace, lots of adventure, and a bit of romance." For Lois McMaster Bujold's Cordelia's Honor.

  66. Anonymous8:24 PM

    The Fifth Sacred Thing by Starhawk.

    Blurb: Although Starhawk's book is pure fantasy, I read it and felt homesick. Surely that world was my birthplace and where I needed to return.

  67. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Please put my name in the hat.

  68. Just tossing my name into the hat.

  69. throwing my name into the hat also, thanks.

  70. Throwing my name into the hat. Zonked out on antibiotics--I can barely walk a straight line, let alone come up with a good quote! =)

  71. I'm throwing my name into the hat. Good luck to all.

  72. Like the rest: quote-blocked and can't pin down a favorite--they're all so good!

    Throwing my name in the hat :)

  73. I've read too many books recently to construct a coherent blurb for any of them, so just deposit me in the hat, please.

    (Hey, it's getting crowded in here...) ;-)

  74. "Holly Lisle is in great form in this one! [I See You] is a rollercoaster ride from start to finish and will have you guessing until the very end!"

  75. Severely quote blocked here, but I have to say that's an amazing story. I'm glad you didn't let your bad feelings hold you back :).

    And yes, I'd like my hat in the ring too please :).


  76. I'm throwing my name into the hat. Or my hat into the ring - whichever analogy you prefer :)

    And here's my attempt at a quote:

    "Sensual, heartbreaking, action-packed, and utterly compelling - romance at its best!" (for J.R. Ward's Lover Awakened)

  77. Anonymous1:38 AM

    I have too many favorite authors to list. I treasure all the authors and their wonderful books that help make life more interesting. As for a quote this is the best I can do.
    "I am holding on by my fingernails trying to make it until the new JR Ward book comes out. September is too far away."


  78. I'm throwing my name in the hat.

  79. Hm, not too many people actually submitting cover quotes. I think that means they're much harder to write than they look!

    Add my name, please!

  80. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Please toss my name in as well,



  81. Anonymous10:09 AM

    I'll have to toss my name in the hat. How can I resist even though my pile of books that I still need to read is already dangerously high :)


  82. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Another name for the (big) hat please


  83. Anonymous12:08 PM

    My name in the hat, please!


  84. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Name in hat, please.

    I've read a bunch of books recently and can't think of a quote right now for any particular one. Although I can say that I've read The Name of the Wind and I can hardly wait for days 2 and 3.

  85. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Yes, Yes, I want my name in the hat. I have really enjoyed the Black Dagger Brotherhood series, can't wait for the next or the next Darkyn either. Really enjoyed Lost Night!


  86. Anonymous1:05 PM

    I want my name in the hat. Thanks

  87. Please throw my name in the hat.

    "This book was so good. I read it twice in one sitting."

  88. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Excellent post! I too concur about JR Ward's series.
    I have always wondered if those quotes from other authors are real!
    I hope you now can stick it to that famous author who wouldn't read your first book.
    You rock!

  89. Throwing my name in the hat.

    Judith Tarr's A Wind in Cairo No one can make you believe in redemption the way Tarr does.

  90. Anonymous5:17 PM

    just throwing my name into the hat. thanks!


  91. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Faith Hunter's Bloodring: A dark, fascinating tale of a mage's struggle to survive in a post-apocalyptic society where Seraphs want to cage her and Darkness wants to use her in its battle against Light.

    Christina Stiles

  92. For Jennifer Donnelly's The Tea Rose:
    "The most fun I've had since watching Newsies!"

  93. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Kiss the Witch and quess the fairy tale! (Kissing the Witch:Old Tales in New Skins by Emma Donoghue)

    Saskatoon, SK

  94. For Rob Thurman: "The monsters are real. But that's not going to stop Caliban, even if he's afraid he is one. Compelling tales of the hope that exists even on the dark side of life."

    And yes, please throw my hat into the ring, too.

  95. Anonymous7:07 PM

    I tried posting earlier and couldn't for some reason, so here goes. I'm reading non-fiction at the moment, actually, but I'll quote for it anyway. :)

    A Woman After God's Own Heart, by Elizabeth George.

    "Practical wisdom for the harried Christian woman, this is a must-read for anyone struggling to make God a priority in her life. Geared toward wives, but anyone can learn from George."

  96. Susan Mallery: "The Queen of the reunited romance!"

    and just for fun...
    Suzanne Brockmann: "Strong men and women kicking butt with attitude! (and m&m's)"

  97. As much as I'd like to be able to come up with a great quote, I don't think I'm capable. But I'd like to be in the hat!

  98. I'm quote blocked at the moment, but would love to throw my name into the hat. I've been pimping out Holly's paranormal romances to everyone I can think of, and am thrilled to see NE in your "great reads" box.


  99. "With warmth, wit and heart, Suzanne Brockmann's characters wrap themselves around your heart and won't let you forget them."

    You can tell I'm going crazy for her newest book in August. *sigh* August. Thank you very much for the giveaway, ma'am! ^_~

  100. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Dark Lover
    haunting and consuming - it grips your senses and never lets go.

  101. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I'm drawing a blank on quotes, but throw my name in the hat!

  102. Throw my name in the hat please!

  103. My oh-so-borrring quote for any of my favorite authors:

    "Buy this book - it will go on your keeper shelf".

    Which is why it's good that I'm a reader and not a writer.

  104. Anonymous11:17 AM

    I'm quote blocked except for "Write faster"


  105. would love to throw my hat in for the draw (I love all of the authors, and like most of JR Ward's fans am desperately waiting for the end of September to arrive! I've already booked the release date for Lover Unbound off!)

  106. Laurie King's "Beekeeper's Apprentice" is a thrilling chase, full of rich characters, biting wit and excellent writing.

    Oh...and Hannah throws her name into the hat for the box.

  107. Kage Baker's Company novels and short stories are an intricate, addictive treat.

  108. Anonymous11:51 PM

    JR Ward's books are hot, erotic, and will rock your world!

    (Sorry, it's late, I'm tired, and it's the best my feeble brain could come up with with only 8 minutes left!!
