Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Yes, I am back, in a very disorganized muddle. Evidently I can create new posts, but I still can't access my archived drafts (and you know how I live to plan, outline, draft and redraft stuff.)

No worries. We'll just call it Improv Week at PBW.

I love summer because it's the best reading time of year for me. Every week I read on average ten to fifteen books, but I'm able to knock out a few more whenever the kids are out of school. I don't know exactly how many books I read per week during summer, but my TBR stack constantly needs replenishment.

I thought it would be fun to find out how much I read and make a giveaway out of it, so for this week (6/17-6/24), I'm going to take everything (books, magazines, newspaper articles, etc.) that I read, put it in a box, and send it to one of you. So far I've read Never Lie to a Lady by Liz Carlyle, Raintree: Haunted by Linda Winstead Jones, Blaze by Stephen King, The Kristallis Baby by Natalie Rivers, Unlikely Angel by Ashley Smith, Waters Edge magazine June 07 issue, and a pile of articles from the Sunday paper.

For a chance to win, in comments to this post, tell us the title and author of the book you're reading now (or, if you're in a reading dry spell, just toss your name in the hat) by midnight on Sunday, June 24, 2007. I'll draw one name at random from everyone who participates and send the winner the box with everything I read this week in it. Giveaway open to everyone on the planet, even if you've won something at PBW in the past.


  1. I'm currently reading Anne George. Funny Southern stuff.

    p.s. pick me!

  2. Anonymous2:52 AM

    I'm currently reading "For a Few Demons More" by Kim Harrison.

    Terri W.

  3. I'm currently on "Summer Knight" by Jim Butcher :)

  4. I'm reading and loving Tanya Huff the BLOOD BOOKS. (blood trail and blood price)

  5. I don't yet know what I'm reading next, but I think it's going to be Larissa Ione and Stephanie Tyler aka Sydney Croft's Riding The Storm.

    I'm really just here to say thanks for pointing me to the Raintree books! I was kinda "it's a Nocturne...maybe it's going to be a reading disaster for me like Bombshell" so I wasn't keen. And don't put me in the draw. :)

  6. Anonymous3:48 AM

    I'm actually reading Afterburn (S. L. Viehl ;)) right now. So far, big thumbs up! After this I'll probably head back to the library and grab the next Wheel of Time book... not sure which one I'm up to. Good stuff, that series.

  7. Anonymous3:48 AM

    I'm teading Tom Holt's Barking.

  8. Anonymous3:52 AM

    Just ONE book? I read in multiples.

    For example, my book at work is How to Write Killer Fiction by Carolyn Wheat, my bedside book is Paths Not Taken by Simon R Green, my bath book is Urban Shaman by CE Murphy and my stuck in traffic/waiting for the kids book is The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie. Sometimes, I have even more books on the go, but I've restricted myself to no more than four...

  9. Reading James Morrison's "The Testament of Gideon Mack"

  10. Currently reading Guy Gavriel Kay's "The Last Light of the Sun"

  11. Anonymous6:31 AM

    I'm currently reading The 12 Kingdoms: Sea of Shadow by Fuyumi Ono. Ah, translated fiction.

  12. Bio Rescue by Lynn...Lynn somebody.


  13. Anonymous7:42 AM

    "A Time to Sow"
    By Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore

  14. I'm currently reading "Pearls Before Swine: An Albert Campion Mystery" by Margery Allingham.

  15. I'm between books at the moment, but really enjoying issue #45 of Other Voices. I've been on a real lit mag kick lately. . .

  16. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I've just started reading "Lean Mean Thirteen" by Janet Evanovich.

    Wendy S

  17. Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison

  18. A Kiss from Maddalena by Christopher Castellani An absolutely excellent read.

  19. I should finish Talyn today. James Patterson's "Honeymoon" is on deck.

  20. I just started Changeling by Yasmine Galenorn. The first book in this series is Witchling which was great and this second one is starting out just as good.

  21. The latest in Jacquelyn Carey's "Kushiel" series. Sucks my brains right outta my head. In a good way.

  22. On Chesil Beach by Ian McEwan.

  23. Currently reading "Playing Away" by Adele Parks

    [subliminal message: Jenyfer seriously needs some summer reading material and she's never won before..]

  24. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I was fortunate enough to receive an advance copy of Marjorie Liu's new book that comes out next month, so I am deep into that story. I think that I read about five books a week and am alwalys looking for new authors and books.

  25. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Had a senior moment. The title is Soul Song

  26. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I'm re-reading (for the upteenth time) Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.

    How on earth do you read so many books? I must be a really slow reader!

  27. Anonymous9:00 AM

    I'm about half through several books: Silver Birch Blood Moon, Montmorency on the Rocks, and Sweet Thursday.

    Welcome back!

  28. Diplomacy of Wolves by Holly Lisle.

    Good stuff, REALLY good stuff.

    I agree with Jo! I must be a slow reader too. How on earth do you read so many books?

  29. I am reading The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger (Wonderful story). Just finished Jim Butcher's Death Masks(very good), Angela Knight's Master of Dragons (so-so) and Joan Didion's The Year of Magical Thinking (lyrical).

  30. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Hey Lynn! I'm reading "A Fistful of Charms" by Kim Harrison.

  31. Anonymous9:11 AM

    What a fantastic contest. I'm currently reading A Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George and Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares. I usually gobble books up in the summer, too, but I can't now with the job. I read nonfiction before bed because fiction keeps me up, but the only time I have for reading now is before bed! Uh-oh! I need to tweak my schedule.

  32. Bitten by Kelley Armstrong is in progress. The Rabbit Factory by Marshall Karp is next in line (and a monster of a book!). Sir Thursday by Garth Nix is my "waiting for the child's extracurricular activity to conclude" standby.

    Edie, I am chartreuse with envy.

  33. I'm currently (re)reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Have to make sure I remember everything when the new one comes out). And eagerly waiting for the arrival of Lean Mean Thirteen.

    *gets up to check and see if mail has arrived yet*

  34. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Like Linesse, I usually a have a book for all locations and occasions going. I'm reading 'Komar' by Lois McMaster Bujold, 'The Silver Pigs' by Lindsey Davis, and 'Talyn' by Holly Lisle. I'm out new S.L.Viehl material at the moment. Hmmm.... Rereading is good too.

    Karen, the lurker

  35. Hunting the Corrigan's Blood by Holly Lisle (re-read).

  36. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Just finished two short stories by Todd Wheeler (I won them in a contest where I got to name three characters in one of the stories - Eugenia & Nelson Bowdler and their son Darren);

    currently reading "Contact" by Carl Sagan - beats all hell out of the movie, of course.

    Chris Moriarty is at the top of the pile.


  37. "Chapter After Chapter" by Heather Sellers and "The Price" by Michelle Levigne.

  38. I am reading Sicilian Husband, Blackmailed Bride by Kate Walker.

  39. I just received my copy of Wolf Tales IV by Kate Douglas in the mail yesterday and I'm already half way through.

  40. I just finished reading "St Peter's Fair" by Ellis Peters, and and halfway through "The Last Camel Died at Noon" by Elizabeth Peters. I know these aren't cutting edge new titles, but I have both series as audiobooks and I like to listen while I'm knitting. (Gah, that makes me sound so old!)

  41. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, J.K. Rowling and Signs of Chaos, Roger Zelazny

  42. Anonymous10:06 AM

    The Subtle Knife, by Phillip Pullman...


  43. I'm reading Briar Rose by Jane Yolen right now.

  44. I'm currently reading the first 4 books of the Darkyn series, by Lynn Viehl.

    (I wonder where I got those from?????)

  45. I'm re-reading The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.

  46. I'm usually reading three books at a time - one NF and two fiction. Currently, I'm reading:

    The War of the Flowers by Tad Williams. Afterburn by Hmmm - what was her name? ^_^ and Guns, Germs, and Steel.

    Great giveaway!

  47. I'm currently re-reading "The Wreck of Heaven" by Holly Lisle.

  48. My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding. Thanks!

  49. Anonymous11:56 AM

    I'm finishing book w. two Tess Gerritsen stories, "Harvest" and "Life Support." Liked the first and really appreciating the Alzheimer's story line in the second. I'm playing catch-up w. her.

  50. I've got four books going:


    DECEPTION POINT by Dan Brown

    TOMB OF THE GOLDEN BIRD by Elizabeth Peters

    INTO THE MUMMY'S TOMB edited by John Richard Stephens

    I have been pleasantly surprised by the last book, an anthology. Usually I find only two or three stories that I enjoy in an anthology. I've enjoyed nearly every one in this book. Very fun complilation of Mummy type stories.


  51. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Right now, I'm on a non-fiction kick.

    Ancient Rome on Five Denarii a Day by Philip Matyszak

    Working IX to V: Orgy Planners, Funeral Clowns, and Other Prized Professions of the Ancient World by Vicki Leon

    Magic in the Ancient World by Fritz Graf

    The History of the Ancient World: From the earliest accounts to the fall of Rome by Susan Wise Bauer

    Feast: A History of Grad Eating by Roy Strong

    Ritual Sacrifice: Blood and Redemption by Brenda Ralph Lewis

    I've pretty much read all of them through once, but I'm doing the pick up and surf through them for inspiration right now.

  52. All Night Long by Jayne Ann Krentz

    How to Right a Dog Gone Wrong by Pam Dennison


  53. I'm also reading several books at one time. The one I read at home is Kiss of Midnight by Lara Adrian, the one I'm reading for book club is A Grave Talent by Laurie R. King, and the one I take to the dayjob is Rebel Ice by someone... the name escapes me *g*.

  54. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Hi Lynn - love the blog.

    I'm reading Strange Piece of Paradise by Terri Jentz - fabulous!

  55. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I'm reading Special Topics in Calamity Physics by Marissa Pessl.


  56. Anonymous12:31 PM

    1. A Scattering of Jades by Alexander C. Irvine.

    2. Dante's Equation by Jane Jensen.

    3. Disappointment with God by Philip Yancey.

  57. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I just finished Demon by John Varley last night. I now have to wait til Friday to buy another book to read as I am in Canada on a work trip. WHAT TO DO WITH MY TIME NOW?

  58. Making my way through Jacki Frank's Jacob...

  59. I'm currently reading THE LIVING BLOOD by Tananarive Due! :*)

  60. Heh, you guys all sound so much more mature:

    I'm currently reading HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE by JK Rowling.

  61. 1. Macromedia Dreamweaver 8, How-Tos: 100 Essential Techniques

    2. Re-reading Blood Bound by Patricia Briggs


  62. Slightly Sinful by Mary Balogh

  63. I'm reading "The Perks of being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky, "Doppleganger" by Marie Brennan, and still going through "The Nasty Bits" by Anthony Bourdain (been reading it in segments for a couple of months).

  64. Stardust by Neil Gaiman

  65. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I'm reading "The emperor's new mind" by Roger Penrose.

  66. The Icarus Girl by Helen Oyeyemi.

  67. The android's dream by Scalzi, John

  68. Hi PBW,
    I just started reading your Darkyn novel,Night Lost.
    Hugs, Danette

  69. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Just finished (two hours ago)... The Blue Girl by Charles de Lint.
    Recommend everything he's written!


  70. Anonymous3:44 PM

    I'm 200 pages into Needful Things, and loving it.

  71. I'm reading The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. :)

  72. I'm currently reading The Big Book of Amber omnibus by Roger Zelazny, Dark Need by some obscure author, The Book of Concord (Concordia edition), and The Road Home by Joel Rosenberg.

  73. Currently reading Christine Falls by Benjamin Black (Banfield)


  74. Anonymous4:47 PM

    What a great idea for a contest! I'm currently reading a new fantasy book called KEY TO CONFLICT by Talia Gryphon.

  75. I'm currently reading an ARC of Soul Song by Marjorie M. Liu. Dorchester Publishing sent me a copy to write a review. I'm about half way through and it's great so far comes out in print on 07/03/07

  76. Shadow Hawk by Jill Shalvis

    Very good so far!

  77. What I'm reading now? That would be about three or four things at any given moment.

    Currently: Mister Monday (Keys to the Kingdom, Book 1) by Garth Nix

    A Working of Stars by Debra Doyle and James D. MacDonald

    Mastery by George Leonard

  78. I just started on Soul song By Marjorie Liu. Looking forward to this one.

  79. I'm currently reading Ghoul by Brian Keene and Brother Odd by Dean Koontz

  80. Hah! I'm currently reading "Night Lost" by a certain Lynn Viehl!

  81. I'm just starting Bad Girl Bridesmaids by Susanna Carr.

  82. Steve Thayer's The Wheat Field and Just Pockets by Patricia Moyes. (Yes, it's all about sewing pockets. Whoohoo!)

  83. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Currently I'm finishing up Lover Revealed by J.R. Ward and re-reading The Final Encyclopedia by Gordon R. Dickson.

  84. I'm just about finished with The Children of Hurin by JRR Tolkien.

  85. I have two things on my hit list... God, I feel lame for taking so long on these knowing that you've got a dozen reads going on at once. But here goes it:

    Dark Lover, JR Ward (fun re-read)
    Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand (which I'll be reading until I'm dead BTW).


  86. Wow, 86 people before me want to read your ABR (Already Been Read) Pile? Make that 87.

    I'm reading about 20 things at the moment, but the active reading is going on with:

    The Leader of the Future 2


    Who's Afraid of A Large Black Man?

  87. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Reading MAGIC BITES by Ilona Andrews and re-reading BLOODRING by Faith Hunter

    Christina Stiles

  88. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Sugar Daddy, Lisa Kleypas. I usually read 5 or 6 books a week. Wow can't imagine your level.

  89. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Currently reading an ARC of Soul Song by Marjorie M. Liu (awesome so far), Undead and Uneasy by MaryJanice Davidson and No Plot? No Problem by Chris Baty. At least for this week.

  90. I just finished reading an ARC of IN THE MIDNIGHT HOUR by Patti O'Shea and ON THE PROWL which is an anthology by Patricia Briggs, Eileen Wilks, Karen Chance & Sunny. Both are excellent books and are due out in August. I've also read several Kate Steele ebooks from Changeling Press. Short week so far. *g*

  91. The Fat Man's Daughter by Caroline Petit

  92. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Touch of Madness by C.T. Adams and Cathy Clamp. Second in the Thrall series. Just started but very good so far.


  93. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Just finished Fanged & Fabulous... enjoyed it muchly :) Am about to start Raintree Haunted, which I just got today.

    Also working my way through Holly Lisle's language book, though that might not count as reading :)

  94. I just picked up "Night Echoes" by Holly Lisle, but also have "Double Take" by Catherine Coulter and "The Good Guy" by Dean Koontz in my TBR pile.

    So many books, so little time!

  95. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Can I still enter? I'm strapped for new stuff to read. Right now, here's the pile'o'books I'm trying to make work for me because they worked in the past:

    "Once a Hero" by Elizabeth Moon, "Spindle's End" by Robin McKinley, "Dolley Madison in Love and War" and "Riding Shotgun" by Rita Mae Brown and last, not least: "The Lives of Dax", edited by Marco Palmieri.

    None of them are throwing off sparks for me right now. Maybe I should sit down and write a book, myself.


  96. I'm currently reading...

    Children of Dune (reread)
    Lightning's Daughter (reread)
    Sympathy for the Devil

    Each book lives in a different part of my real world and serves a different purpose.

  97. I'm rereading Dragonsdawn, by Anne McCaffrey, The Crystal Singers of Ballybran, also by Anne McCaffrey, and some random Stephen King mother had lying around the house...

  98. The Innocent by Harlan Coben

  99. Birds of Prey by Wilbur Smith.

  100. I'm reading before you leap by kermit frog, and women and money by suze orman.

  101. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Currently reading "The Rest Falls Away" by Colleen Gleason at home and the graphic novel "Plain Janes" by Cecil Castellucci and Jim Rugg (DC Comics Minx line) carried around in my purse. For listening enjoyment, I am inbetween audio books now.

  102. I'm reading "The Art Of Learning" by Josh Waitzkin.

    Michael Snell

  103. Anonymous3:36 PM

    I'm reading The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss, The Shadowy Horses by Susanna Kearsley, and Beyond Fear by Bruce Schneier.

  104. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I'm reading Pam Rosenthal's "The Slightest Provocation."

  105. Currently reading How Few Remain by Harry Turtledove, as well as sporadically picking up Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond.

  106. I am reading Dragonflies and dinosaurs by Kate Austin. Love it.

  107. I am reading The Virgin of Small Plains by Nancy Pickard. Wonderful and emotional.

  108. I am reading Any Bitter Thing by Monica Wood. Very enjoyable.

  109. I just started The Sense of Paper by Taylor Holden.

  110. I am reading something special, I an enthralled with this novel. Francesca's Kitchen by Peter Pezzelli.

  111. Anonymous6:41 PM

    I am rereading Kiss of Crimson by Lara Adrian and Jacob by Jacquelyn Frank.

  112. I reading Nightlife by Rob Thurman.

  113. The Hazards of Hunting a Duke by Julia London, and I finally got my hands on StarDoc and started reading it at the red lights on the way home from the bookstore. (I'm not entirely crazy. I've actually seen someone reading behind the wheel of a moving vehicle on the highway for goodness sakes. At least I stop first.)

    I've also got Nightlife by Rob Thurman and Games of Command by Linnea Sinclair on the TBR pile. I'm impressed by people who can read more than a couple of books at a time. I had to train myself to be able to read even two at a time.

  114. I'm starting a new book, HUNTERS: HEART AND SOUL by Shiloh Walker.

  115. I am reading the Yates Garden Guide to see if I should plant bulbs now or later. It is winter here now, so want some bulbs for spring. I am so not green thumb!!!

  116. Read so far this week: "The Devil in Winter" by Lisa Kleypas, Holly Lisle's "Create a Plot Clinic", and re-read "Diplomacy of Wolves" by Holly Lisle. Tomorrow and Friday, re-reading "Vengeance of Dragons" and "Courage of Falcons", books two and three in the her trilogy.

    I have to add that last weekend I re-read "Blade Dancer". Some books are just too good to read only once (or twice).

    I haven't read anything in your giveaway -- please put my name in the hat! Thank you.

  117. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Hmmm. This week, I'm reading/have read "Pharaoh" by Eloise Jarvis McGraw, "The Leopard Prince" by Elizabeth Hoyt, and a few magazines. Not much, compared to you, but I've been distracted. :-)

  118. Anonymous8:44 AM

    30 Days of Night, a horror book, can't remember the author.

    The History Channel Magazine

    Reinventing Chastity by Eve Vaughn

  119. Reading through the comments I now have more books to add to my Want-To-Read list. Thanks everyone.

    Right now I have four books on the go: The Enemy by Lee Child, Kill the Messenger by Tami Hoag, Prime Time, by Hank Phillippi Ryan and Aftermath Inc, Cleaning Up After CSI goes home by Gil Reavill.

  120. Ohhh, I'm just finishing off a sneak peak of something Shiloh Walker has been writing. I guess that doesn't count since it's not available yet *g*

    Next up on the TBR pile is Definitely Dead by Charlaine Harris. I'm loving this series.

  121. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Hmmmmmm.........at the moment I am reading Charles Sheffield's "Dark as Day". It's a definate must for fans of hard sci fi, but sort of confusing to me. Whats the opposite of 'hard' sci fi? I guess I usually read regular sci fi, cuz this book was hard to get into and harder to keep reading. I'm not the type to put a book down once I start on it though, so I'll keep on reading.


  122. Just finished reading a Harlequin SuperRomance, His Perfect Woman by Kay Stockham.

  123. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Reading "The Flying U Ranch" by B. M. (Bertha Muzzy) Bower, a western written by a woman roughly contemporary with Owen "The Virginian" Wister. Not as good as the first book in this series I read, this one is a random bit of fluff about a range war between cattlemen and sheepherders in Montana. But Bower's style is fairly easy to digest compared to her contemporaries and it's neat to be reading a western this old that's not all dust and testosterone.


  124. Just finished Kitty Takes a Holiday by Carrie Vaughn... Excellent! Just starting Kindling by Mick Farren.

  125. Anonymous1:20 PM

    I am currently reading any of Holly Lisele's books that I can find after going to her site from your's. I am also reading Harry Potter in anticipation of the new one, and am enjoying A Plague of Memory.

  126. I'm not reading at the moment, since I'm working on my own novel. I can't work and write at the same time... I find myself writing like whoever I'm reading! But... here's tossing the hat :-)

  127. I'm reading Writer Mama by Christina Katz, and I am rereading Dark Lover by JR Ward and Dark Need, by you.

  128. I am currently reading The Courtesan by Susan Carroll.

  129. Anonymous10:09 AM

    I'm in-between books right now. I just finished The Dream Thief by Shana Abe and my next book is The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch (starting it today on my coffee break). Also read this week, When Gods Die by C.S. Harris (book 2 of the Sebastian St. Cyr mystery series).

  130. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I'm reading _Left Hand of Darkness_ (Le Guin) and _51 Tales_ (Dunsany). Ice planets and Death, yippee.

    Hugh Laurie reading the phone book would entertain me; listening to him read _Great Expectations_ would be stellar (hint hint) ;-)

    Thank you for sharing your writing life with us.


  131. I'm currently reading Shadows in the Starlight by Elaine Cunningham. I'd say it's urban fantasy, but it's written in a very unfantastical way - completely different to any UF I've read. It's almost like a straight PI novel but with elves. Very gritty and compulsive reading.

  132. Ooh, what a neat idea :). I just wish I read as fast as you do. Not including the reading for work stuff, I can finish 1-2 paperbacks in a good week.

    I swear this is pure coincidence, but I just finished a book this morning. Night Lost by...umm, who was that ;)...Lynn Viehl. I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying the Darkyn books. And all the set up in the first book is playing out in each one so sweetly.

    Anyway, I'm also reading The Bull from the Sea by Mary Renault because Colin wouldn't let me take Night Lost on my camping trip for fear one of my friends would snag the book and he'd never get the chance to read it :). It's funny because I just listened to an audiobook of Greek Mythology. It's a good read so far :).


  133. Haley's Hints by Graham Haley


  134. I'm currently reading The Stand by Stephen King. I am amazed that you can read so much in a week and still have time to do anything else.


  135. I just arrived at my aunt and uncle's place this morning, so I haven't yet started on a book (although they have rooms full - it's a great place to visit). So far today I've read a Small Farm and a few Harrowsmith Country Life magazines. I'd like to toss my name in the hat, though.

  136. Anonymous6:43 PM

    I am currently reading When Demons Walk by Patricia Brggs. Love her work. Wish I could find a copy of Masques by her that does not cost a fortune.......

  137. I am reading The Gemini Game by Susanna Kearsley. I loved The Thundering Horses.

  138. Anonymous12:35 AM

    I'm currently reading "Nighttime Is My Time" by Mary Higgins Clark, from the "borrow me" bookshelf in my workgroup's storage room. (Cool work group.)

  139. Anonymous3:43 AM

    I am reading:

    RISES THE NIGHT by Colleen Gleason


    MONTANA GOLD by Genell Dellin

  140. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I just finished Seize the Night by Dean R. Koontz.

  141. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Meadowland by Thomas Holt

  142. Currently Reading: Lipstick Jungle by Candace Bushnell

  143. Deerskin, by Robin McKinley.

  144. Anonymous12:05 PM

    The Good, the Bad and the Undead by Kim Harrison

  145. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Most recently finished: Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy

    Currently reading:
    Many Waters by Madeline L'Engle (reread)
    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling (reread)
    Kushiel's Justice by Jacqueline Carey
    Scientific American, June 2007 issue

  146. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I've just finished Undead and Uneasy. I think All Together Dead is up next. I'll decide after today's chores are done...

  147. The Apprentice by Tess Gerritsen.


  148. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Kairokitty2002 I read several novels at a time, there is the one I keep at work and read during breaks. The one I keep at my other job and read during lunch time and the ones that I have going at home. I am currently in the process of reading: The Margarets - Sheri S. Tepper, Murder in Little Italy - Victoria Thompson, Lean Mean Thirteen - Janet Evanovice, Talyn - Holly Lisle.

  149. Anonymous2:17 PM

    I'm reading JD Robb's Innocent in Death.

  150. Currently reading:

    David Gemmell, Lord of the Silver Bow
    Lois McMaster Bujold, Paladin of the Soul
    David Wishart, Sejanus

  151. Right at the moment, I'm reading Protector of Flight by Robin D. Owens... yesterday it was Staying Dead by Laura Anne Gilman... and there were two older romance novels late last night that I'm too lazy to go hunt up.

  152. I suppose this will put me in the category of "We know what you are, we're just negotiating the price."

    So I'll enter, and I'll even provide my reading list.

    Just finished: "Volk's Game", a Russian thriller by Brent Ghelfi. Brutal, depressing and moments of heart.

    Just started: "Mr. Monk and the Two Assistants" by Lee Goldberg. After "Volk," I need something lighter.

    Scanning: "Rule the Web" by Mark Frauenfelder. Collection of useful applications for nearly every aspect of Web life.

    Collections of Prince Valiant and Steve Canyon comics, from Fantagraphics and Kitchen Sink. Bought these back in the '80s. Now, they're entertaining my kids, who've raided my comic book collection (once I put away the R.Crumb, the undergrounds and the *ahem* more adult material).

  153. Anonymous3:37 PM

    I currently in the process of reading The Blood books by Tanya Huff, Soul Song by Marjorie M. Liu, and Lean Mean Thirteen by Janet Evanovich.

  154. Anonymous4:40 PM

    The Oath by Frank Peretti! It's just so awesome! Oh, and Monster, I'm reading that too!


  155. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz. I love the humor in it, he's so funny.

  156. Before He Shot Her, by Elizabeth George.

  157. Now reading All About Evie, Beth Ciotta. Love it! Hot and fun.

  158. Currently reading Fallen Angels by Tracy Chevalier, among others...(Visual basic for Excel and various other computer books for work).


  159. Whata great idea! I'm reading City of Bones right now....

  160. Anonymous6:14 PM


    "How They Started" by "David Lester".



  161. Currently, I am reading "Plainsong" by Kent Haruf.

  162. Anonymous6:22 PM

    I'm currently reading Bimbos of the Death Sun by Sharyn McCrumb (a friend of mine said I'd LOVE the misadventures of a scifi/fantasy con...I have!) and skimming Best Loved Fairytales of the World.

  163. I'm reading George RR Martin's "A feast for crows" right now... "Ender's Shadow" By Orson Scott Card is my current train-book. And I'm also slowly working through Jonathan Ames' "What's Not to Love?: The Adventures of a Mildly Perverted Young Writer" which is very welcome when I need a sense of the real universe for a change.

    M. Gregoire

  164. I'm currently between books (just finished Joe Boyd's bio "White Bicycles") and am soaking up the Rolling Stone 40th Anniversary issue and an article in Print magazine about the redesign of the children's newsletter "Weekly Reader".

    May that, and random luck, be enough to win me some more stuff to read!

  165. Anonymous7:57 PM

    I'm currently reading Dracula by Bram Stoker and I've just finished reading the first novel in the Raintree set.
    ~Briana N.

  166. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Double Helix by Nancy Werlin.

  167. Mother of Storms by John Barnes. Next up, Heavy Weather by Bruce Sterling. - Terri Ruwe

  168. Nothing :( In need of something.

  169. Anonymous9:15 PM

    I just finished reading Chelsea Cain's Heartsick (Advanced Reader's Edition). Great cover.

  170. I'm reading Harry Potter #5. Must re-read everything before the 7th book releases.

  171. Anonymous9:34 PM

    I'm currently reading Moving Target by Elizabeth Lowell.

    elaine c.

  172. I'm currently reading Pyramid Scheme by Dave Freer and rereading Draw One in the Dark by Sarah A. Hoyt

  173. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Today I am reading Born in Death by JD Robb.
    I'm sure that I'll be finished by midnight so A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare 1599 by James Shapiro is next.

    Also trying to read in order,Agatha Christie's most famous detectives Poirot and Miss Marple, alternating between the two.

  174. Just finished "Stray" by Rachel Vincent. A extremely good paranormal (werewolf) debut novel.
    Now reading "6th Target" by James Patterson.

  175. I'm deciding which books to take on vacation.

    So many good books and so little time.

  176. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Currently reading Iron Sunrise by Charles Stross.

  177. I'm reading:

    -The Painted Veil W.Somerset Maughn
    -Bleach vol 6 Tite Kubo
    -Crazies to the Left of Me, Wimps to the Right Bernard Goldberg
    -The Fathers of the Church Mike Aquilina
    -Dark Demon Christine Feehan
    -Manifold Space Stephen Baxter


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