Poor guy. I can't tell if he's depressed, sulking, or just falling to pieces because he's doing NaNoWriMo. Or maybe he's watching an ant pile. He looks like kind of an airhead, don't you think?
What caption would you write for this photograph? Post yours in comments (or if you can't think of a caption, just throw your name in the hat) by midnight EST on Sunday, November 9, 2008. I will pick one name from everyone who participates and send the winner a surprise. To add a little mystery, I won't say what the surprise is, but my past winners can tell you that my surprises are always pretty good. This giveaway is open to everyone on the planet, even if you've won something here at PBW in the past.
After deciding to re-tell the story of Humpty Dumpty, Jack decided that being a method writer might not be such a good idea after all.
ReplyDeleteDarn it! I dropped my candy and I can't find my body to pick it up. I'll teach that horse one of these days . . . .
ReplyDeleteI can't think of anything clever, so I'm just throwing my name in the hat. :)
ReplyDelete"What I wouldn't give for some legs right now..." . Great photo.
ReplyDelete"John McCain- November 5th 2008"
ReplyDeleteI just thought I saw a resemblance.
Alistair C.
"Yet another victim to the Jack O' Lantern Impaler"
ReplyDeleteYes, mommy, I won't do it again, mommy, I promise.
ReplyDeleteRotten Luck.
ReplyDeleteHmmmm... guess that pumkin seed diet worked but it seems to have had a few unanticipated side effects...
Our little Pez dispenser, all grown up.
ReplyDelete"If I only had some fingers, I could've done it. I have characters, a plot, and stamina...but like so few romance heroes, I don't have all the perfect body parts I need."
ReplyDelete(He definintely looks like a Nano pumpkin to me.)
"As if having a lit candle stuck in my hollowed out head wasn't bad enough."
ReplyDeleteAll Iz askd for waz cheezburger...
ReplyDeleteDamn, Christmas is less than 2 months away.
ReplyDeleteBah, humbug.
ReplyDeleteOscar the Grouch.
ReplyDeleteWeak, I know. But we loves surprises!
My horse and headless rider should be along any minute now...right? Seems like they've been gone a long while!
ReplyDeleteYou think I don't see you, scurrying around your little hill... taunting me with your appendages... but I do, and I will annihilate you... as soon as gravity takes over.
ReplyDeleteNothing clever comes to mind, so throwing my name in the hat :)
ReplyDeleteThat Jeeper Creepers freak has nothing on me. Mwuahaha.
ReplyDeleteIf it weren't for those d@#m kids...
ReplyDeleteJack found out the hard way what happens when you run out of candy.
ReplyDelete::waking up::: Oh my aching head, leaning over and looking waaaay down
ReplyDeleteWhat was in that candle? Vodka, Bourbon ??
Must've been some night...
ReplyDeleteOkay, I just wanted to throw my name into the mix. It is a cute picture though.
I haz a sad
ReplyDeleteLook at me. I'm a jackolantern on a stick.
ReplyDeleteI'm melting... I'm melting...
ReplyDeleteoh, wait, I'm a pumpkin. How the heck can I melt?
The headless horseman had a little problem on his way home from Halloween.
ReplyDeleteThrowing my name into the hat!
ReplyDeleteNice pic!
Terri W.
"Now I lay me down to sleep."
ReplyDeleteThis is humiliating, even snowmen get arms and they melt.
ReplyDeleteI crossed the law and the law won.
ReplyDeleteI'm throwing my name in the hat...I can't think of a clever caption, sadly.
ReplyDeleteThey told me pole dancing was all the rage, they never said you need a body to do it!
ReplyDeleteI knew I should not have eaten that last Snickers. Now look at me.
Has anyone seen my porch?
ReplyDeleteViagra, my fat pumpkin a$$. Being *on* a post isn't the same as...
ReplyDeleteHaha. I like Alistair's caption! :) Throwing my name in the hat.
ReplyDeleteFrom my husband:
ReplyDelete"I was fine until that forced lobotomy."
"Good Grief, what kind of cow made that pile!"
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
"Jack sadly realized that he would never play goalie for the varsity team unless his mobility somehow improved, which just wasn't bloody likely."
From me:
ReplyDelete"You think this is bad? You should've met my brother, Phineas Gage."
[Check Wikipedia if necessary, not linking so spam doesn't eat my comment]
Cinderella should have read the fine print before agreeing to her fairy godmother's deal. She just thought her coach was going to turn back into a pumpkin at midnight. Ooops.
"Aw, man, who ate all the Three Musketeers?"
ReplyDeleteIs it too late to get a little work done?
ReplyDeleteDoes this post make me look fat?
ReplyDeleteWhat would Macgyver do if he were in my situation?
ReplyDeleteJack figured this topped the list of places he had woken up hungover, if only he could figure out how to get down.
ReplyDeleteThats the best I got. Though I did get a good laugh out of the picture. I can just imagine him grumbling and glaring down at the ground.
Peter always cried when the kids called him dumb as a post.
ReplyDeleteJack-O-Lanterns Gone Wild: The Morning After
ReplyDeleteMy kingdom for a pair of legs!
ReplyDelete"Aww...Is Halloween over ALREADY?!"
ReplyDeleteFallen sign on the ground reads:
ReplyDeleteTrespassing? Results will vary.
~ Jack Bauer
Halloween is over, What should I do now?
ReplyDeleteNow that Halloween is over all Jack has to look forward to is pumpkin pie.
ReplyDeleteHEY, alistair and ummmm Cassie stole mine. Okay, so that's what the pumpkin guy is thinking: "Dude, I was late to the party and all the good lines were taken."
ReplyDeleteStop gnawing on my pole, I'm not ready to be a Smashin' Pumpkin yet!
ReplyDelete"That's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!"
ReplyDeletewait til they take a look at me dark knight
Dang, I lost my dentures when I spit out that sour ball!
ReplyDeleteI swear I will never enter another pumpkin seed eating contest for as long as I live.
ReplyDelete"Ugh. I have...an itch...on my nose. Maybe if I just...wrinkle some more...nope. Still there."
ReplyDeleteI like Alistair's, too - and I was going to say - Lyn, it's not very nice of you to post pictures of me without my permission. (I'm sick. That's what I feel like.)
ReplyDeleteBut my caption is:
blog postin' - ur doin it wrong
O woe is me.
ReplyDeleteSigh….the morning has come, my one night is over, I don’t think I will last one whole year, what a bummer… sigh… j.York
ReplyDeleteah arrr if the headless horseman could see me now! Wait! I'm falling!
ReplyDeleteI ate that?
ReplyDelete"Not enough fiber"