Before I get into my NaNoWriMo post, the winner of the Sanctuary Reads giveaway is:
CrystalGB, whose sanctuary read is Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas
Crystal, when you have a chance please send your BookWish request along with your full name and ship-to info to LynnViehl@aol.com so I can start waving the magic wand here. My thanks to everyone for joining in and sharing so many of your sanctuary reads.
If you don't know why I'm glad this week of NaNoWriMo is over, just backtrack a few posts. I think there are weeks like this during the writing of any novel, and the key to getting over them is not to drag them along like the unnecessary baggage they are. We've been there, we've done that, now let's burn the T-shirt and move on.
There are ten days left in November to work on my NaNo novel, and while there's a national holiday right smack in the middle of them, I know I can make the time I need to write. I will be getting up an hour earlier every day, and switching my editing and writing times around (I can edit while I'm cooking a turkey, but I can't write, not unless everyone wants an extremely well done bird.) I've also rescheduled a few things that can wait for me to do them until after December 1st. In addition to all this work, I've planned to do some extra fun things to keep my spirits up, because during crunch time play is as important as the work.
The ups and downs will continue on as they always do. Just today I've received some rather bad news, some very good news, and some more work to add to the December schedule. We call this gig a juggling act because the writing life doesn't just toss you silk scarves; occasionally it throws in some chainsaws. You can't handle either if you're afraid of trying.
This last stretch of NaNoWriMo will put you to the test, and I know some of you are tired, worried and/or feeling the pressure. You may not be happy with what you've accomplished so far, and in that respect I am right there with you. But I also know I have a week and a half on my side, and I'm not going to throw that away, not when I can use it to write exactly what I want. To give that up is like being offered a free ten-day vacation and saying, "I can't go because I'm afraid I won't have a good time." No way I'm doing that.
Now it's your turn: how are things going with your NaNo novel? What are you doing to keep yourself motivated? Any early finishers out there? Let us know in comments.
This is my first NaNoWriMo, and when I started writing it was with a feeling that this would be an excellent way to challenge myself, and get some insight into what the real writers go through. It took me a while to find my story, and then I just jumped into it without a plan, and that's worked fairly well so far. I find that I have a bunch of middle, an idea of the ending, and no real beginning, but every day I write something is a total surprise for me. Here I am, with 35,478 words! Today I hit a very slow spot, which may be because I'm coming down with something, and found myself writing more after midnight. I often do most of my writing after midnight. I keep myself going by ignoring all the advice about not going back and reading what's already been written. I seldom edit, except to add more description, but I find that when I read a section or three over it gets me back into the rhythm of the story and suddenly I'm writing again. I like my characters and I enjoy following them around and seeing where the story goes, and that keeps me motivated, too. Next time, though, I'll go with something resembling an outline. I think that a small amount of structure will help me find my direction when things seem to just stop.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I've done the 50k and moved on to 160k; two books done and the one I really want to write is suffering from siblingitis.
ReplyDeleteI have five of them and two have come around more often this month than in the last six... for overnight stays.
I love my family, but sometimes... they make me cranky.
I'm about 7K behind, but I'm not worried. The story's moving along, the characters are coming together, and my latest curve ball should give the MC some hell she wasn't expecting. Besides, I can always write like a crazy woman over Thanksgiving weekend. Thank goodness my husband is in charge of dinner that day. =o)
ReplyDeleteI know I'm not going to make 50k in my NaNo Novel this year. Several of my friends had random leg injuries that I had to help with, one of my best friends needed help moving, and my graduate thesis was due this month since I have to present it on December 2 or 3. I'm keeping myself motivated to work as much as I can, though, because a friend of mine and I bet each other a fancy dinner to see who could get the farthest. Thankfully, we both knew we'd be busy, otherwise it wouldn't have even been a race. As it is, we're close enough to keep us both racing toward the end. I'm just happy that I managed to break 12k already.
ReplyDeleteQuite honestly, I am not doing very well with my NaNo novel. College is getting in the way of it, unfortunately, plus it doesn't help that my Main Character keeps arguing with me in my head. T_T
ReplyDeleteBut I hope to take some time during Thanksgiving break to catch up some. :)
Congrats to CrystalGB for getting the giveaway! :D
This line is just precious:
ReplyDelete>> We call this gig a juggling act because the writing life doesn't just toss you silk scarves; occasionally it throws in some chainsaws.
I am still recovering from that darn flu :p, but 3900 words behind (not counting todays words) and closing. I've reached the fuzzy point in my outline where what I put in place just doesn't work the way I'd envisioned, but my characters are stepping up to the plate as much as I can get my muzzy brain in gear so there's still hope.
Oh, and coincidentally, I have houseguests, but they don't want to hang out with me cause I'm sick, a sad thing and an odd benefit.
This is the hardest NaNo I've ever done. I started late due to convention recovery; I'm juggling two projects (I'd be done if I could include both word counts); and submitting a completed novel has put me on an awful emotional roller coaster. When I get good news, my word count flies; when I had bittersweet news (excellent writing, just not quite him, please send next book if not represented by then), I'm sort of...phfffl. And bad news tries shooting my EeePc with a shotgun. Oh, and hubby is a stressed zombie with PhD qualifying exams around the corner.
ReplyDeleteI've learned a lot this NaNo. I just feel like I've been yo-yoed around.
Ahaha, I have a somewhat sidetracked NaNo, but I will at least finish something by the end of the month. Not 50K, but I'll take it.
ReplyDeleteI've done NaNo for several years now (even ran my local for four years) & regardless of hardships, holidays, & hoopla, I always finished. I thought this year would be the same except I didn't factor in one small problem: school. I'm taking two grad school courses for my MLS & it's more work than my actual job. I have a term paper due soon that I'm spending more time on than my novel. At first I was mad that I wouldn't likely hit 50K, but I told myself to be happy w/ what I get. At least I haven't quit.
ReplyDeleteI've used up all my cushion and fallen behind, but not disastrously so.
ReplyDeleteHow are things going with my NaNo?
They're not.
They're just not.
I cannot hope to come close only writing 300-500 words a day, but at least I'm writing something.
I'm at almost 34,000 and dragging-- but I NEED to do this for me. I've only written short stories before this, and this is my way of proving to myself that I CAN do this. That said, we are going out of town from Thursday morning until Sunday. I'm taking my laptop though, so I might be able to get more writing done than I think.
ReplyDeleteI'm really happy with parts of my story--other parts I think need a lot of work. I'm trying to think of it like an unfinished canvas that I need to fill in the remaining details after Nov. 30th:)