Every Wednesday from now until November 1st I'll be posting some ideas, resources and other info that may be of help to those of you planning to join in NaNoWriMo 2010.
As I did last year, I've uploaded all of the participant badges for NaNoWriMo on my Photobucket account; anyone is welcome to use the image links:

Made my own badges, too, which if you're a NaNoNag or Camp Follower you're also welcome to use:

For those interested in word count widgets for NaNoWriMo but don't want to wait until they post the official links on November 1st:
Last year I used this one to post my counts on PBW: Another Little Progress Meter
LanguageIsAVirus's still has their NaNoWriMo Word Meter available
Need a word count widget plugin for Wordpress? Here you go.
You have to register first (free) to get StoryToolz's Progress Meter, but it looks like you can customize it, too
Svenja has a nice little word count meter with several color options for the progress bar
If you don't trust your word processor's count, cut and paste your text into this online Word Count Tool
Writertopia offers two writing meters; one is simple and the other features a cute cartoon

The NaNoWriMo site has some special offers here, including a NaNoWriMo version of Storyist for Mac (scroll down to where it says special offer) that you can use for free for the entire month of November. It's not available yet, but Scrivener is also promising a NaNoWriMo 2010 Special Trial version for Mac and Windows.
FreelyEducate.com has a post here that details some of the special offers and freebies being offered to you writers out there who are 17 years old or younger and plan on participating in NaNoWriMo's Young Writers Program.
If you have any fun/interesting/helpful links to share, please post them in comments. And get ready, guys, because National Novel Writing Month starts in exactly ten days.
Awesome post. I bookmarked it. Can't wait for November!
ReplyDeleteThanks for this! I am definitely going to take advantage of some of these freebies and spruce up my site a bit for NaNoWriMo!
Friends! If you haven't read The Way of the Cheetah, go read it right now! It's the best thing.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, you're a treasure trove. May I just call you Wonder Woman from now on?
ReplyDeleteI'm going to make a shameless plug for the NaNo wordcount tracker my programmer husband put together:
He's had some pretty positive feedback on it, so it's not just me being biased. :D
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This year will be my first year participating in Nanowrimo and I'm so nervous. You are going to make this so much more fun and conducive for me.
ReplyDeleteDear Paperback Writer,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the free PDF Way of the Cheetah. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and I shall no doubt keep referring to it as I continue to write and hopefully get published one day.
You are an encouragement and inspiration to as yet unpublished writers. Thank you for the time and effort you freely give to help others.
You always have the niftiest links and freebies.
ReplyDeleteYou know, that High School young writer's notebook is a pretty good one even if you went to High School during the Jurassic period. ;o)
ReplyDeleteI have a Write or Die meter on my site. I haven't used it in awhile, but I was thinking of using it for NaNo because I'll be using Write or Die to keep me going when I get stuck. And he now has a desktop program that is...deadly...
Rabia, is your DH's meter only online? Or can you put it on your blog? I'd like to see what it looks like.
OH! The Writertopia meter is really cute, but I never could get the cartoon to work. *sigh*
Agh! Thank you for reminding me about the young writer's program!!!
ReplyDeleteOooh, I've heard a lot of great stuff about Way of the Cheetah. I will have to go read that asap! Thanks! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the (FreelyEducate.com) shout-out, and THANKS for the badges, your book, and the other links, too. I'm going for it this year, too, alongside our teenagers. I'll be back to check on your progress, but first...I need to send your pdf book to my Kindle! ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking to my ProgPress plugin! I hope some people find it useful.
ReplyDelete"Way of the Cheetah" is one of the few writing books I've gone back and re-read multiple times.
I have a down day today and I'm using it for NaNoWriMo prep. I'll be reading your book as part of it!