Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Must Love Books

Most of my real life friends are not huge readers. Those who did not read books at all before meeting me have been gently prodded by Yours Truly into reading at least one book a month (I make no apologies for dropping unsubtle hints and shoving books at them until they caved in; I consider it a sacred duty.)

I think the main problem is that I live in a rural area where there are no bookstores and only a couple of tiny libraries. Limited access to books = few readers. I keep a stock of extra copies of my favorite books so I can lend them out, but there are only so many unsuspecting visitors I can corner at any given time. This naturally drives me crazy.

I know I'm a pain in the ass about getting people to read, but my motives are not self-serving. I love books, and all I've ever wanted to do is share that love. From my perspective people who refuse to read are depriving themselves of one of the finest pleasures in life. I don't expect everyone to knock out five or ten books a week, or spend half their income at the bookstore, but surely there's time in any schedule to read one book a month.

Anyway, since I gave up LB&LI last year I've been giving some thought to starting a new weekly feature here at PBW this summer. I thought it would be fun to touch base once a week and talk about what we're reading, what books we're handing out to friends, upcoming titles we're impatient for, who has a new book being released and so forth -- your basic reader/writer/book fest. As an incentive I could do a weekly giveaway of some sort (a BookWish, signed copies of my stuff, the occasional big honking bag of new titles, etc.), but the main purpose is to shamelessly take advantage of my blog's popularity to get more people reading and talking about the books they love.

What do you guys think? Good idea, bad idea, other? Let me know in comments.


  1. I think it's a good idea! I love hearing about what things people are reading and whether or not they liked it. And it is a sacred duty to make sure people are reading. :)

  2. Great idea! Even though I have a huge tbr stack, I have found some great new authors based on the recomendations of fellow readers.

    I am avid reader and think everyone should read for pleasure. DH only reads if he is forced and never for pleasure. Out of four kids two read and two don't and I read outloud to them from the time they were little.

  3. What a fun idea Lynn. Go for it.

  4. Love it! I'm in... so long as nobody tries to restrict me to one book a month, lol.

  5. Anonymous3:21 AM

    I think it's a fabulous idea! It's always nice to get more people reading. And there's nothing more fun than talking about good books, or even bitching about bad books.

    I can get the ball rolling with the book I'm reading now. I'm currently reading Fanny Burney's Cecilia. I'm finding it rather unpleasant because I just read Mill on the Floss, and Fanny Burney is no George Eliot. But the story's still pretty interesting. Even if Cecilia's a bit of a mary stu.

  6. Hi Lynn! Nice topic.

    “So what am I reading?”

    I'm ashamed to admit I'm reading “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.” Coincidently it started after I saw the “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince” film. I liked the movie but everyone kept saying the books are much better than the films. Not having read any of the books I set to the task of reading them in series order. I have to admit they are right. It has grown into a great series so far. It starts innocent and gets darker and more complex with each book.

    “What books we're handing out to friends?”

    My friends don’t read. Sadly they’re addicted to television, film and Internet. I try to tell them how amazing reading is. The scenes they could create in their mind from what they read are better than any film.

    I told a friend I was just like her. The first book I picked was the novelization of The Abyss by Orson Scott Card. I figured if I was visually stuck on a scene in the book I would likely be able to recall the scene from the movie. But then something happened. At the end of the novel there was new material not in the film. A wall of water threatens the world; it was these Aliens wake up call to humanity to put away childish differences. “Of course it’s only a suggestion.” The crew jokingly read. I always wondered why this brilliant wall of water scene wasn’t in the theatrical release. Then it dawned on me I had used my imagination to transform the words I read into scenes in my mind. I was hooked to reading! Several years later The Sci-Fi Channel showed The Abyss special edition with that extended, never-before-seen, deleted water wall scenes. It was amazing to watch. :)

    "Upcoming titles we're impatient for?"

    I think the book I'm looking forward to the most is “Zero History” by William Gibson. He is the author of the cult classic Neuromancer; a book that invented the word "cyberspace.”

    "I don't expect everyone to knock out five or ten books a week."

    You do this? Wow!

  7. Elizabeth4:31 AM

    That sounds a brilliant idea...you can coun me in. x

  8. Sharing love for books cannot be a bad thing - I love the thought of a place people can come to say "Look what I'm reading!" when something comes along that's especially worth celebrating.

  9. I like it! And I always need book recs.

  10. Monique M6:00 AM

    i think this a great idea!!!!!!! heck i think you just found your match.... i have a great love for the written word and i have pushed many books onto friends, families, and i have even went so far as to telling complete strangers that they should pick up a book.... as for the weekly chat i think thats a great idea as well.....

  11. Anonymous6:29 AM

    what's not to like?

    This spring I did a "Happiness Test", where I wrote down what made me happy. I realized that I wasn't reading very much and that reading was waaay up there on my things that make me happy list.

    I've made a concerted effort and I've been able to read five books in the past month. And my writing has gotten better, too.

    Keep pushing books. :D

  12. i like that idea. it'll be fun to see what books people are reading and maybe find new authors to read

  13. I love talking about books at any time! Hooray, book talk!

    The readers of your blog all love books (I assume) so I doubt it will get new or reluctant readers on board, though. In other words, preaching to the choir.

    Still a whole lot of fun, though.

  14. Great idea Lynn. I read a couple of books a week, and they give me enormous pleasure. Reading is indeed one of life's comforting pastimes. I can't imagine a world without books.

  15. This sounds like a fabulous idea! I'll be there!

  16. Yes...go for it!. I like to see what someone else is reading.

    Even if I can't or am not interested in a new title releasing soon...I like to know about it. I do get frustrated though...I mean how many books can I read/own/? !!! :) But I can try.

    Also, this gives me a chance to let others know where I am on my TBR pile. I am on Shelari so that helps my book 'fix'.

    I live in an area where books are not well...read...small library...best used book store almost 20 miles away....etc. So I feel you!
    thanks! Debra

  17. I think it's a great idea. I'm always up for pimping the books I love and for getting recommendations from other readers.

    BTW, started Dreamveil last night and I'm loving it. =o)

  18. Sounds fabulous. This is how I learn about new authors. Just got Dreamveil taking it on vacation with me...

  19. I like this idea!

    Right now I'm reading about four to five a week - this week will be a relative drought because of other things, but real life happens!

    I'm currently reading Highway to Hell by Rosemary.

    I'm uber excited about My Way to Hell by Dakota Cassidy.

    And my friends and I are pushing the Accidental Friends series, the Broken Heart series, the Maggie Quinn series, and the Sabina books on everyone we know. They're all local authors to our area and we've had the opportunity to meet and hang out with them in the recent weeks.

  20. I think this is a great idea. I'm always looking for more books to read.

  21. I simultaneously love and loathe it - but only because my TBR list is so long already, and if you do this, I will never, ever have any chance of recovering it to a reasonable number with all the things I'll be adding. :)

  22. I'm with Jess. My TBR bookshelf (yes, an entire shelf) mocks me on a daily basis, but I have no willpower. I keep forcing books on my friends, but then they addicted to the series and buy them themselves, thus returning the books to my over-whelmed shelves. I get the horrible feeling I'd end up buying more books by reading the discussion here. : )

  23. I'm always game to find out what other people are reading. I typically read an NF book the same time I read a novel. I'm reading The Silent Man by Alex Berenson, which is a pretty good espionage novel; and The Lost City of Z: A Tale of Deadly Obsession in the Amazon by David Grann, which totally, totally rocks.

  24. It's an awesome idea. I especially love the big honking bago' new titles. Despite the fact that the to be read mountain has once again taken over my living room, and the cat has taken to hiding under the furniture. :)

  25. I absolutely think that would be great! I love talking about books and seeing what other folks are reading. I've stumbled across so many great reads that way.

  26. Love it! Yes, by all means please do. I love talking about books and convert as many friends and family members as I can. I'm married to an occasional reader, but after ten years my influence (and a Sony e-Reader) is paying off.

  27. Talking about books? hey, people love that idea. and people always love giveaways. ;o)

  28. Sounds like a great plan. I love hearing about new (to me) authors and books.

    I recently finished The Lies of Locke Lamora and was just floored by it. Especially the second half.

    I'm working my way through The Dresden Files books. They first few have all been a great quick read.

  29. I vote yes. I always like to have books recommended.

  30. That would be great!

  31. book give-a-ways are always a great idea! Today I'm reading Ava Gray, Skin Tight.

  32. I think it's a great idea! I'm always looking for more books to read. My TBR pile can always stand some more books. ;)

  33. That would be a great feature! I'm always looking for new places to talk about books.

  34. I LOVE the idea and would definitely participate.

    The only thing I love almost as much as reading is talking about books.

  35. I think this is a wonderful idea. I work in a library, and patrons constantly say, "Oh, I don't have time to read. Where are the DVDs?" This drives me fraking nuts.

    I love talking to people about what books they read, what they like/dislike, and if they're up for trying something new. Considering the diverse following PBW has, I'm looking forward to discovering something new and unexpected.

  36. btw I think this is a good idea for on the my other post.

  37. Just finished adams and clamp's latest book in the their Sazi series and it was fabulous as usual. I love this series and am hoping there more since this one finished up the I think 7 book arc.

  38. I'd love to. I've been keeping track of the books I've read this year and it's an interesting mix. I'd love to see what other people are reading.

  39. Put me down for a big 'yay' :o) I'm always curious to learn what others are reading. Gives me new ideas.

  40. Awesome idea! I think I've realized just how much money I've invested in books when I was reorganizing the other day. An entire floor (10' x 9') covered in PILES of books sorted by genre, authors & their series. Ridiculous (but I love it all the same).

  41. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Most of the people around me don't read what I read. One in particular reads regencies.

  42. This is a really great idea. :) I'm all for it. I love when bloggers provide ways for their readers to get to know them and provide their own input.

    I'm currently reading The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot. Most of my friends read fantasy, while I enjoy reading all genres. One of my best friends also enjoys reading classics like I do...in fact, I think she's a more avid reader than I am!



  43. I think talking books is a wonderful idea and I can think of nothing better than discussing books with people who love reading!


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