The journal is part of a set I purchased from Writer's Bloc. It's a Moleskine, 8-1/2" X 11", with 96 lined pages. The cover art is by Ricardo Cabral, and has this quote on it: "I must create a system or be enslaved by another man's. I will not reason and compare; my business is to create. -- William Blake" I'm sending the other journal that came in the set to a friend today; giving journals to people is another thing I do to be pesky.
I generally don't plan what I write or put in any journal. I think that defeats the purpose, and often creates the temptation to make the journal artful or show oneself in a positive or sympathetic light. Aka all those art journalists out there who decoupage their pages with a single encouraging word, Scrabble tiles and unfocused wildflower pics on tinted gesso to which they've applied a Brillo pad or bubblewrap dipped in poster paint. It won't be that kind of journal, trust me. I'm not interested in tarting up myself or my thoughts for anyone's approval. That said, since I'm posting this one online I will probably keep it G-rated for the sake of any kids who might have a look.
I think it's always fun to start a new journal. The pages are pristine, the possibilities of what to fill them with are endless, and it gives me a place to take breaks from work and spend a little time playing with words and images, recording things about my life and enjoying the day. For me a journal is a companion, not an assignment or homework.
Since I like the cover art I may make a quilted cover for this one; I haven't decided that yet, either. What I am going to do now is go and start it. Each day I'll scan the pages I complete and post a link to the .pdf I make from them at the bottom of each post. When the journal is finished I'll also put them together in a free e-book and add it to the freebies and free reads page.
Here we go!
Can't wait to see your process. I have my 'morning pages' in a huge spiral notebook and then a smaller journal for other stuff. I have art journaled in the past, but I now tend to keep the art journaling separate from my regular journaling. But I love the moleskine. My journals change with what I found on sale at Staples and my whim of the moment.
ReplyDeleteI've always loved moleskines, too; I think the paper they make them with holds up better to fountain pen ink and all the stuff I stuff in a journal.
DeleteDoes your arthritis bother you when you write longhand? This is why I use a keypad now. My writing (and painting) hands fatigue quickly.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately yes, and my hand tires quickly, but I've learned to journal in spurts versus long sessions. I also do dishes in the morning before I journal to soak out some of the stiffness and aches.
DeleteIn case you like to check Ricardo Cabral Blog, with lots of drawings! (Text in Portuguese)