A. I've suddenly and mysteriously become wonderfully wise, totally hot, and simply irresistible.
B. I wrote a funny post about self-publishing.*
Modesty (plus the fact that I'm sitting here in my ancient fuzzy bathrobe and unmatched socks) has me leaning more toward B.
For those of you who are new to PBW, I started this blog in 2004 for some writer friends, and it evolved over the years into what it is today. As far as content goes I mainly talk shop, post sub ops and find whatever free stuff I can that may be of use to working writers. I also write humor, satire and parodies now and then to share some laughs about the writing life and the biz.
Please be advised that I am not on Twitter, Facebook or get involved in anything outside PBW, nor do I have the time or the ability to become involved in social media. Please do not e-mail asking me where my accounts or feeds are or to friend or follow you.
We have a fair amount of readers who stop in here; many belong to my long-suffering but wonderfully loyal readership. The writers are huge readers, too; occupational hazard. My regular visitors and blogpals are quite knowledgeable about books and authors, and have great insight to offer about what they enjoy reading. If you're looking for a great book, definitely read the comments; my people are like a living database of terrific stories.
My blogpals and I do welcome all writers, no matter where you are with your work, how you publish, what genre you publish or how much you've sold. If you write for fun and never intend to publish anything, you're still one of us. Everyone is invited to stop in whenever you like, share your thoughts, contribute ideas, and take away what you find helpful or want to test-drive.
For everything else you new folks might need to know about me and my blog, please visit the About PBW page.
*Which was actually a spoof of one I wrote about traditional publishing.
Graphic credit: © Yellowj | Dreamstime.com
I believe you can thank a few good mentions of your Self-Publishing 911 post on J.A. Konrath's blog. :)
ReplyDeleteI know I'm guilty of what J.A. Marlow mentions. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to thrust you into the spotlight, but your 911 call script was soooooooo perfect. It's exactly what some of us who are trying to go about this professionally feel like when we hear the whining. I haven't even published my book yet, but even I can't stand the focus on sales many new writers have. Put out a quality product it will sell. Tale as old as time (thank you, Mrs. Potts).
ReplyDeleteI stumbled on you months ago about a post on making a character palette. I tried it, it helped me in different ways (like one of the pictures I found for azul led me to a neat metallic sculpted dragon with blue eyes that my anti-heroine now has on her desk).
But thank you for everything you post and I hope the attention isn't too aggravating.
*giggles* We're "your people" now? Having just read a news article about Gadaffi in Libya, my mind instantly provided me with an image of you on a rostrum addressing the world at large about your wonderfully loyal people, just like a benevolent dictator would. ;-) Sorry! I couldn't help it! But seriously...I had to laugh. :D
ReplyDeleteWow, since 2004? That's a lot of posts. I can't believe I missed the first two years, but I'm so glad I found you. Thanks for everything you do. =o)
ReplyDeleteFuzzy bathrobes and unmatched socks are what make the job great. Do not miss nylons and dress shoes!
ReplyDeleteActually, I just stopped lurking and started commenting. I've been an invisible reader of PBW for about a year or two, via my Google Reader.
ReplyDeleteI think it's "A" not "B". You're clearly underestimating the appeal of the fuzzy bathrobe.
ReplyDeleteJ.A. wrote: I believe you can thank a few good mentions of your Self-Publishing 911 post on J.A. Konrath's blog.
ReplyDeleteLord. That explains it.
Elizabeth wrote: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to thrust you into the spotlight, but your 911 call script was soooooooo perfect.
ReplyDeleteOh, so it was you. Bad girl. No cookie for you.
I stumbled on you months ago about a post on making a character palette. I tried it, it helped me in different ways (like one of the pictures I found for azul led me to a neat metallic sculpted dragon with blue eyes that my anti-heroine now has on her desk).
Okay, now you can have a cookie. Ha.
Seriously, I always appreciate the linkage, wherever it ends up getting posted. ;)
Keita wrote: We're "your people" now?
ReplyDeleteWell, adoring slaves works better for me if you want to use that instead.
Having just read a news article about Gadaffi in Libya, my mind instantly provided me with an image of you on a rostrum addressing the world at large about your wonderfully loyal people, just like a benevolent dictator would.
Lol. Just remember, I know where you live.
B.E. wrote: Wow, since 2004? That's a lot of posts.
ReplyDeleteToo many, maybe. Sometime next year I'll hit the three thousand mark for posts.
I can't believe I missed the first two years, but I'm so glad I found you.
Same here, lady.
Charlene wrote: Fuzzy bathrobes and unmatched socks are what make the job great. Do not miss nylons and dress shoes!
ReplyDeleteAmen, sister. And the makeup. (shudder) Especially do not miss the makeup.
Colleen wrote: Actually, I just stopped lurking and started commenting.
ReplyDeleteI like having lurkers here. It's why I never set up any tracking counters on the blog. Not everyone is comfortable jumping in; I think you should be able to read a site without worrying if your personal info is being captured. But we're always glad when our lurkers turn into commentors.
Darlene wrote: You're clearly underestimating the appeal of the fuzzy bathrobe.
ReplyDeleteIf only you could see the unfortunate color and tragic condition of this particular fuzzy bathrobe. It was a gift from my mama, too, so I'm stuck with it forever.
Word gets out-I'm always telling my writing group about things you've said or done. You're too much fun to stay hidden from the rest of us crazy people!
ReplyDeleteYou constantly have more people discovering your coolness. Nyah, nyah. I knew you were cool in 2000. Do I get a cookie?
ReplyDeleteI think they've just discovered the awesomeness that is PBW that we discovered a while ago! :)
ReplyDeleteFuzzy bathrobes and unmatched socks are the bomb! Everyone should get a chance to go to work dressed like that.
ReplyDeleteAnd just think, you have another pair of those same mismatched socks for another day!
I don't remember my first post, it seems like it was a lifetime ago and I'd lurked for a long time before hand, but I'm glad I did. Both.
Yours truly,
an adoring slave
I accidently found your books and looked you up after enjoying the 7 Darkyn books. I've stayed because of the interesting words you post.