Sunday, July 06, 2008

One More Wordle

Last week I blogged about Wordle, the online text-to-word-cloud generator that I thought might be helpful for writers looking for a new way to spot words they frequently use (or over-use).

Turns out that since then, Wordle's designer, Jonathan Feinberg, has enabled Wordle to create word clouds from the URL of any blog, blog feed, or any other web page that has an Atom or RSS feed. So if you'd like to wordle your blog, you can.

Here's what came up when I put in the URL for PBW (click on image to see larger version):

The PBW Wordle

Generators, novel, work, will, and read something -- yep, that about sums it up for this place.


  1. Anonymous8:47 AM

    LOL. Read something is the one that really jumped out at me.


  2. I'm finding this addictive. I've done one for every story in my collection. I think I use the word "just" too much. . . but otherwise, it is really fun trying to create a cloud that captures the mood of the story. Thanks for sharing this. :)

  3. Anonymous12:09 PM

    ... I want to do one for my blog but when I got to the Google site, I lost it. No idea what I'm supposed to do. I was hoping there would be a nice little box that says "type URL here!" and that'd be it. I'm so bad at tech. :D

  4. Jess wrote: I want to do one for my blog but when I got to the Google site, I lost it.

    Ah, you went to Google, that's the problem. You just put in your blog URL at the Wordle site, right below the text box. I did that and here's what your blog wordle looks like.

  5. Sasha did this, luckily it was the hero and heriones names...LOL


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