Ten Things You Can Have for Free
Freeware caution: always scan free downloads of anything for bugs and other threats before dumping the programs into your hard drive.
3D, Basically: Alibre Design Xpress 3D Solid Modeler is "a rich and capable 3D solid modeler for creating mechanical parts, assemblies and 2D drawings - and is free. Alibre Design Xpress equips the person needing basic 3D design capabilities" (OS: Win 98/ME/NT/2000/XP)
Rush the Blog: BlogRush is a free widget that will automatically promote your related blog posts across the internet.
The Art of Time: Clock-Desktop.com has a bunch of colorful/unusual screen saver and widget clocks, all yours for the downloading.
Much Cheaper Than Adobe: doPDF "is a free PDF converter for both personal and commercial use. Using doPDF you can create PDF files by selecting the Print command from virtually any application. With one click you can convert your Microsoft Excel, Word or PowerPoint documents or your emails and favorite web sites to PDF files" (OS: Win 2000/XP/2003)
No-Brainer Templating: Create and customize your own web templates online and then download the codes over at doTemplate beta (link filched from Gerard over at The Generator Blog.)
Really Yell at Your Crit Partner: JDVoiceMail allows you to "send voice email messages to anyone with an e-mail address. JDVoiceMail generates compressed .wav or.mp3 files reducing the size from 16 to 10 times. The recipient doesn't need any special software to listen your messages, by just double-clicking the file, he can listen it using the default audio player." (OS: Win 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista)
Just Don't Print it Out and Drop it on Your Foot: Get your free, 750-page copy of The Newbie's Guide to Publishing, an e-book by author Joe Konrath.
Found it, Finally: Took me a while, but I found out what happened to Papel, a freeware program designer Michael O'Donnell created for writers working on novels back in '06. To quote the hosting site: "The project was unfortunately abandoned and his [Michael's] site taken down; and since there is no source code, it cannot be improved." I know a couple of you were looking for it, and if you click on the link, it will take you to a download for the original version. (OS: Win 9x/ME/NT/2K/XP/2K3)
Can We Talk? Yaplet will host a chatroom for your web page or blog for free; all you do is create it and put the link on your page.
Juggle Your Text: ZZEE Text Utility "performs various operations on a text buffer: search and replace, regular expression search and replace, reformat text width, remove email reply quotes, add email reply quotes, remove empty lines, remove duplicate lines, sort lines, randomize lines, replace tabs by spaces, etc. Result is automatically copied to the clipboard. ZZEE Text Utility uses UNICODE and supports various languages" (OS:Win 2000/XP/Vista)
Sunday, July 20, 2008
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Thanks for thinking of us as ever, PBW! But what we really want to know, is, do you have somewhere to put your pony?
ReplyDeleteI read The Newbie's Guide to Publishing. Konrath has some interesting things to say, but his philosophy about self-promotion is almost the exact opposite of yours. It's good to get different ideas and perspectives.
ReplyDeleteBuffysquirrel wrote: But what we really want to know, is, do you have somewhere to put your pony?
ReplyDeleteDidn't think about that. The giraffes and the elephant probably wouldn't want to share their pasture. The spare bedroom, maybe? ;)
Margaret wrote: ...his philosophy about self-promotion is almost the exact opposite of yours. It's good to get different ideas and perspectives.
ReplyDeleteExactly. I think it's smart to look at a variety of approaches to self-promo, test drive what appeals, and see what works for you.
some day you're going to run out of great links, but it wasn't this week. . . .
ReplyDeleteI love these; I often find things I didn't know I needed, and I return to the PBW lists whenever a friend says, "I need a (thing) that does (a thing)..."
I thought I'd point you to another useful (and free) resource: http://www.resourceshelf.com
They also have a newsletter -- the recent version of which promted my comment.
## from the ResourceShelf.com newsletter ##:
Off the Shelf: Great Collections in ResourceShelf
Legal Resources
June featured a ‘legal theme’ to many Free Pint Limited publications, particularly June’s VIP Magazine, which included a comparative review of LexisNexis Butterworths and Westlaw UK, plus a review of CCH from Wolters Kluwer. Searching ResourceShelf with the term ‘law’ or ‘legal’ pulls up a range of useful resources.
Social Media
Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Flickr… whatever your social medium of choice, you’ll find something of interest in our Social Media category. For a hands-on guide to choosing and implementing social media tools within your organization, check out the new FUMSI ‘Share’ Report: Social Media Tools Report and Tool Kit. http://www.resourceshelf.com/category/web-20/social-media/
People Search
Finding people who meet particular criteria – or hooking up with a long-lost buddy – seems to be a perpetual question for users of the Web. Our collection of resources on ‘People Search’ can help. http://www.resourceshelf.com/category/source-file/resources/search-tools/people-search/
Specialized language abounds in every field. Sometimes knowing the right terms to search makes all the difference in a bountiful fishing expedition and a washout. Our collection of glossaries can help you zero in on the lingo you need. http://www.resourceshelf.com/category/source-file/resources/glossaries/
## end snip ##
DocuTicker is associated with ResourceShelf (not sure how), which also has lots of reference material.
Thanks for sharing your work and your wisdom!