Since meeting briefly as kids, Jenny and Perrin have had tough lives filled with betrayal, loneliness and brutality. All that sustained them through those grim years were their memories of each other and the dreams they share. When they find each other again you'd think they'd get a break, but no, fate isn't finished messing with them yet. What brings them together also threatens to rouse an ancient, slumbering monster capable of causing worldwide catastrophe and the death of millions -- unless Jenny and Perrin can avert disaster before becoming its first two victims.
This story was intense, and has all the fascinating characters, exquisitely detailed world-building and unique, heart-stopping conflict that Marjorie is known for. The great thing about the Dirk and Steele novels is how well they work as standalones, so new readers will enjoy In the Dark of Dreams as much as loyal followers of the series.

Aralorn, a shapeshifter who works as a spy, travels home to attend her father's funeral, only to find that he's not dead but held in a deathlike state by a spell that will soon kill him. To save his life she must enlist the help of her magic-scarred companion, Wolf, who was the son of the most powerful and evil mage in their world. To avoid spoilers for Masques that's all I can say about the plot, but from there it gets very interesting and twisty.
If you have someone on your list who enjoys adventurous romantic fantasy (ala Patricia's The Hob's Bargain), then Wolfsbane is the right book for them. I am going to recommend getting both books for readers who are new to Patricia's early works, not because the Sianim books have to be read together, but because once they read one story about Aralorn and Wolf, they're going to want the other one.
As always, you don't have to take my word for it. In comments, name the title of a book you're giving as a gift this year (or if you're not playing novel Santa, just toss your name in the hat) by midnight EST on Thursday, December 16th, 2010. I'll draw five names at random from everyone who participates and send the winners unsigned copies of In the Dark of Dreams by Marjorie M. Liu and Wolfsbane by Patricia Briggs. This giveaway is open to everyone on the planet, even if you've won something here at PBW in the past.
ReplyDeleteOh, oh! Enter me in the drawing please! New books I've never read and a series by Patricia Briggs I've never heard of! YAY!
Just tossing my name in the hat, but also wanted to say that I finally got around to reading J.R. Ward who you recommended, and she's fabulous. Thanks for the tip :).
ReplyDeleteMy 13 yr old niece Amelia was finally allowed to watch the LOTR trilogy this summer, and when I told her the movies were based on actual BOOKS (she's a book-worm, like her proud auntie), she was very intrigued.
ReplyDeleteSo I have purchased - at great expense, because you cannot put a true price on the enjoyment those books have given *me* over the years - a gorgeous set of illustrated LOTR hardcovers that I will be presenting to her at Christmas. I will never have children of my own, but passing along my joy of books to the next generation thru her is a wonderful feeling.
— Bonz
I'm not giving any books this year since almost all my friends can get what they need so much easier than me (I don't live in the States).
ReplyDeleteSo I'm just tossing my name in the hat. :)
I love giving books as gifts, especially to young people. Some of the books I'm giving this year:There's a Wocket in my Pocket by Dr Seuss, Animalia by Graeme Base (one of my favorite books of all time), The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks, and Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead. (I'm giving myself the last 3 Stardoc books.)
ReplyDeleteBe Blessed,
Jennifer Wofford
I`m hearing such great things about Marjorie´s new book that I think I must read it. I already read her Hunter Kiss´s novels and love it...
ReplyDeleteThis christmas I gave a Nora Roberts novel as Secret Santa.
I am getting my mum a cookbook she has wanted for a long time and I am giving my not-yet-born niece a beautiful board book by Mem Fox called "Ten Little Fingers". I can't wait to read it to her!!!
Wow...I'm a long time Patricia Briggs fan, but I don't remember ever seeing Masques... I'm going to have to dig up a copy of that!
ReplyDelete... if I don't manage to win a copy of it here that is. ;)
Hope you have a wonderful holiday season!
For my kids, the first "Simon's Cat" book by Simon Tofield (would've gotten both but the second one's not due out till June) and the classic "Happiness is a Warm Puppy."
ReplyDeleteThe YouTube videos of Simon's Cat are so simple and so simply drawn, yet so hilarious -- and so spot-on in terms of kitty behavior -- that I know my kids will flip when they see the book on Christmas morning. Ordered it from B&N, can't wait till it gets here. :)
I am giving "The Mystery of Grace" by Charles de Lint. Out of all my random bookstore purchases this year, that one was by far my favorite.
ReplyDeletePlease toss my name into the hat.No one in my family or friends like to read like I do. It's their loss.
ReplyDeleteNecole Plummer
Too many options for books to give! I just gifted someone the first Sookie Stackhouse book, and always like giving The Book Thief.
ReplyDeleteI'm not giving as many books this year - mainly because I got my daughter a Nook - but she is getting The Grimrose Path by Rob Thurman and Crown of Crystal Flame by CL Wilson. After the holidays, we'll be loading up that Nook, though. =o)
ReplyDeleteMy father has "hinted" that he would like a copy of Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land. He has a copy already but it's the old one that was edited down by publisher, so I will get him the complete text rhis year.
ReplyDeletePlease enter me, thank you! I'm not giving actual books this year, but I am giving a few local bookstore gift cards to family. Happy Holidays!
ReplyDeleteI'm sending Birdwing by Rafe Martin to my nephew. The story is about Ardwin, one of the 6 brothers who were all turned into swans by an evil witch. Ardwin is the brother whose arm remained a wing-and a problem.
ReplyDeleteMy nephew has a disability and I'm hoping he will really identify with another character who struggles against his body, his family, and for acceptance.
Ha! I've already got 'em. And yes, you really want to read Masques first, then Wolfsbane. Love those two books so much and am desperately hoping she'll write another about them now!
ReplyDeleteI'm giving lots of Berenstein Bears and Magic Treehouse books. My kids are easy victims, er, recipients. *g*
I am giving my BIL "Jarrettsville," a historical mystery based on a true story. He lives in Jarrettsville.
ReplyDeleteMy son's lady is a bookworm like myself. She bought the first 3 books in Rachel Caine's Morganville Vampire Series on a special offer at her local bookstore. So for Christmas she will be getting the next 6 books. The latest of which is Ghost Town. By the time the next one is released in May she should have got caught up with the rest.
ReplyDeleteMarjorie M Liu and Patricia Briggs are on my list of favourites so I would love to win these books but Good Luck to everyone.
Wishing you and yours and all your avid(or is it rabid as we are all so eager)fans the best of everything for the festive season and the year ahead.
I gave the first two Rachel Caine Morganville vampires books to the HS girl I mentor. On the first one, I was quoted (from Word Nerd) as was absolutely thrilled to see that!
ReplyDeleteI have the books and I am reading Masques now so I don't need to be in the raffle. Will finish it tonight and start on Wolfsbane. I highly recommend the book.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure I'll be getting my sister some board books since she's about to have her first baby, but I haven't decided on which ones.
ReplyDeleteThis year I'm only giving one book, "Gauntlgrym" by R.A. Salvatore. This one's for my dad, and I got it signed when we made port in San Diego back in October.
ReplyDeleteI'm giving my BFF Stephen King's Full Dark, No Stars. She would leave her husband for Stephen King...which I find vaguely creepy. I would only leave mine for Johnny Depp. Each to her own, I guess.
ReplyDeleteI am giving my neice Rachel Vincent's YA series.
ReplyDeleteI'm giving my husband the book about Dewey,The Library Cat. He spoils our two cats and even apologizes to them when he's not allowed to give them any more treats.
ReplyDeleteEureka: Subsitution Method or maybe the whole series (which is only 2 books right now) goes to my best friend.
ReplyDeletePlease toss my name in the hat. =D I am giving one of my friends the book "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson.
ReplyDeleteThese books look REALLY good reads for the holidays! Great giveaway, Lynn, thank you!
Every Christmas I take my mother to the bookstore and let her pick out some new favorites. She lets me pick out mine. We look forward to this every year - and then can spend the holiday season enjoying the cats playing with Christmas tree ornaments and reading our new favorite books!
ReplyDelete:) Abby
Tossing my name in the hat.
ReplyDeleteI'm getting my boyfriend a Jules Verne short story collection & Tom Sawyer. I'm getting my aunt Star Island by Carl Hiaasen & my grandmother a book on the history of the Yankees & The Yankee Years by Joe Torre and Tom Verducci. I'm still working on the rest of my book gift list (going to be down to the last minute).
ReplyDeleteHappy holidays everyone!
I don't have many people in my life that read, excepting my 85 year old Grammie who would rather get a Snuggie than another book, so I won't be giving any books this year. There is nothing better than unwrapping a book though, so I've begged my husband to go to the book store and gift me an actual book -it's so much more than getting the usual gift card. I did pick up the Mercy series on your recommendation and have now compulsively purchased and read her entire Mercy series to date. I'm working on committing to the Wolfsbane series, I'm sure I will like it too, but I tend to be careful with my monthly book buys.
ReplyDeleteOoooh! Fun contest. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI'm giving "Wings" to my 12 year old niece.
So far my xmas book buying has consisted of a Venice Italy travel book for a friend who's planning a trip there.
ReplyDeletePlease put my name in the hat for the books. I really enjoy your blog and the same authors you read. Mary
ReplyDeleteI give BORDERS GIFT CARDS as well as gift certificates to the Clinton Book Store, a small independent book store in my area, because I beleive in supporting the local places who are a marvel of local interest books and reading groups. And the owner is always there and has time for her customers.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your suggestions, always.
Books to all the nieces and nephews this year ... Goodnight Gorilla, Harold and the Purple Crayon, a Fancy Nancy, some Rainbow Fairies, Ivy and Bean, and the Hunger Games series. Some non-fiction for the husband, titles of which I've already forgotten.
ReplyDeleteDaemon, The Sun of Suns, and Ender's Game audiobooks for my dad. Unfortunately the rest of my family doesn't read books.
Will have to save your recommendations for ad-hoc gifts to my BFF later as we don't exchange holiday/bday gifts. Or ... I think I'll suggest the titles your recommending to the husband for a New Years or maybe Valentines gift.
Pretty much everyone is getting books this year. Since there are too many titles to name, I'll just name one that I'm super-excited to give--the audiobook version of WAY OF KINGS by Brandon Sanderson.
ReplyDeletePlease don't enter me - I have read all three books and they are AWESOME!!! Perrin and Wolf are both heroes that break your heart a little.
ReplyDeleteBooks I'm giving this year are all mystery and suspense. My guy wants Randy Wayne White's entire backlist and I'm getting those big Jumble puzzle books (if I can find them) for my mom.
I'm giving "El Colectivo" ("The Bus") by Eugenia Almeida to both my mother and myself.
ReplyDeleteOf course, this is also my excuse to toss my name into the hat.
I love giving books and usually give books to everybody who reads at all.
ReplyDeleteThis year, I'm giving away Nightlife by Rob Thurman (I think you were the first person to mention that wonderful series), Conspiracy in Death by J.D. Robb, Sworn to Silence by Linda Castillo, a two-in-one edition of Linda Howard's Killing Time and Dying to Please and The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan.
Just tossing my name in the hat. I give bookstore gift cards to my friends now. We all have such different tastes now it's less headachy to do the g.c. thing. :)
ReplyDeleteMy oldest is a reader, but I am giving him a gift card to a book store because I can't keep up with what he has and has not read.
ReplyDeleteI have bought my grandchildren some books.
Giving away A Piece of My Heart by Peter Robinson.
ReplyDeleteI'm giving my sister the latest Rob Thurman book. She loves that author and is excited about following the one series. Already wrapped it so dont recall the title.LOL
ReplyDeleteI'm giving my sister a copy of "The Naughty List" anthology!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing and hosting this event!
mleger0546 AT rogers DOT com
umm... errr... does it count if I'm giving it to myself?
ReplyDeleteSide Jobs by Jim Butcher Otherwise just put my name in the hat. I'm always up for new books!!!
I have two earlier Dirk and Steele novels that I will be passing onto my niece. Recommended by you and I finally found some
ReplyDeleteHeather from Oz
...the kids are getting the latest Diary of a Wimpy Kid book, but no other books as gifts this year.
ReplyDeleteWimpy pretty much sums up my purchasing power this year, now that I think about it.
It's not a novel, but I've made one of my friends a book journal as her Christmas present with pages for recommendations and a TBR list.
ReplyDeleteI've even written in my top 30 recommendations as a group of us decided to share a list of our favourite books to try & widen our horizons a bit.
I gave Pegasus by Robin McKinley as a gift to a friend.
ReplyDeleteMy son bought the Mortal Instruments series for me for Christmas. Since he's too young to buy things on his own, I lent him the money. : ) He treats his momma good!
ReplyDeleteI gave moleskine journals to both my daughters.
ReplyDeleteColonel Roosevelt by Edmund Morris. Cause TR was ahead of his time in many ways.
ReplyDeleteAlso Strong Men, Armed because my ds is on a ww2 glom.
I'm giving "Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale" by Mo Willems to my 15-month-old son (along with a Knuffle Bunny doll of course - so cute, so soft; praying our cocker spaniel doesn't steal it like he did when I was wrapping it...sigh...). I'm also giving my husband a copy of "U-boat Tactics in World War II" by Gordon Williamson. All the grandparents and great-grandparents are getting photobooks of my son, which isn't a book per se though I have a feeling the homemade gift will be a huge success with everyone lol.
ReplyDeleteHope someone gives you fantastic books this year for the holiday!
Shannon W.