Alexandra and Michael from the Darkyn series make a cameo appearance in the book.
Everyone so far has been surprised by the ending. Seriously surprised. Well, not my editor or my agent, but they read the synopsis before the manuscript so they cheated.
How well this book does will have a direct effect on what novels I will be writing and publishing in 2011. If you like my dark fantasy, buying this one or requesting it at your library is an effective way to vote for more.
I finally
It's shipping two weeks early, so you probably won't have to wait until June 1st to get a copy (and you don't have to wait; I've already hit the top twenty of the NYT mass market BSL twice so they aren't yelling at me about that anymore. But if you want to wait so that my release week numbers look stunning and my agent has to stop whatever she's doing and e-mail me when the Times list comes out, I won't argue.)
Recombinant DNA: it's a beautiful thing that inspired me but that I do not use as an info dump sledgehammer with which to club you throughout the story. Promise.
Rowan from Shadowlight is the protagonist; you'll also see more of Drew and meet Paracelsus and Taire. Originally I had not planned to make Rowan a protagonist until book three or four, but requests for more of her story came in such a flood after Shadowlight released that I decided to shift her novel to the number two spot in the series plan.
Sales from the purchase of the novel will provide much-appreciated income for my publisher, my agent and yours truly. I don't know what they do with their take, but among other things my share finances 100% of the things I do here at Paperback Writer (which is also why there are no ads in your face when you come here.)
The print novel is lightweight, highly portable, does not require batteries, a power cord, on-off switches or scroll buttons to operate. Simply open the cover and, like magic, the story begins. Alas, I can't say the same about the e-book, but since that now appears to be trapped in price-squabbling limbo, you might want to get the paperback.
There is an orange tattooed man wearing a wrinkled wife beater featured on the cover, but I personally guarantee that in the story he's not orange, wrinkly or a wife beater (disclaimer: he is tattooed, but his sleeves cover up the ink most of the time.)
Buy Dreamveil from my favorite online bookseller, Barnes & Noble.com
Buy Dreamveil from Books-a-Million.com
Buy Dreamveil from Borders.com
Buy Dreamveil from Amazon.com
I was going to wait to post the review until June 1st. Should I see if we can post it now since it's shipping early?
ReplyDeleteI'm going to try to fit it in this month's budget.
ReplyDeleteWe'll find out after Tuesday's ballot whether or not we even still have a local library. I'm terrified the library district creation is not going to pass - it would mean a huge chunk missing in my family's lifestyle.
Have been waiting forever for Dreamveil! #1 reason to buy: guaranteed to take my mind off anything and everything else from opening sentence to the end. (Kids are learning to cook, they can feed themselves while I read.)
ReplyDeleteJackie wrote: Should I see if we can post it now since it's shipping early?
ReplyDeleteIt actually helps an author more when reviews are posted on the official release day or during the early part of that week. Your web site's readers who want to check out the book will then purchase it during the week when the author's numbers are most closely scrutinized by the book buyers, bestseller list makers, editors, agents, etc.
Shawna wrote: We'll find out after Tuesday's ballot whether or not we even still have a local library. I'm terrified the library district creation is not going to pass - it would mean a huge chunk missing in my family's lifestyle.
ReplyDeleteI'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I know not having a library in my town would be unbearable.
Charlene wrote: . . . guaranteed to take my mind off anything and everything else from opening sentence to the end.
ReplyDeleteThank you, ma'am. I've been advised that cooking activities of any kind should be refrained from when you hit Chapter 15. :)
ReplyDeleteThis has been on my to-buy list since you announced it. I'll definitely be buying it the week it officially comes out, though. I hate pre-ordering. :shrug: Here's hoping for amazing release week numbers. =o)
ReplyDeleteThe book is awesome. I've reread it a few times. I'm going to end up buying several copies for my friends.
ReplyDeleteI've had Dreamveil on pre-order from BAM for about a month and am looking forward as always. I don't know if this means I will get it early but it would be nice. Good luck on this release.
Already on my TBB list! Can't wait to read Dreamveil.
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone for the pledges to buy and/or request -- every book helps. :)
ReplyDeleteI am DESPERATE ... so I placed orders with Amazon and B&N yesterday. B&N is shipping the book (expected ship date May 19 as per their confirmation email). Since I am a member, that means I should have the book by Friday. Not soon enough... but better than June though ;)
I put my poor neglected kindle on the shelf and went over to B&N.com. It was a good excuse to also buy Magic Bleeds (Ilona Andrews) which is also shipping early and not getting any love on the kindle.
ReplyDeleteI have to say member 1--2 day shipping is pretty cool. Two books and some season finales (I started watching TV when my kindle stopped delivering, sigh) mean a verrrrrry nice relaxing weekend.
The only thing that makes me grumpy is that amazon and penguin will have the last laugh, since I will definitely be buying a second copy for the kindle when they get their acts together.
VERY excited about Rowan's story, but your post is making me worry that there are no more on the horizon (yet)?
Is your publisher still sending ARC's? I requested one weeks ago and no response.
ReplyDeleteVorpaks wrote: VERY excited about Rowan's story, but your post is making me worry that there are no more on the horizon (yet)?
ReplyDeleteNo worries, there are two more Kyndred novels out there. Frostfire, which is in production now, is scheduled for release in November this year. Nightshine, which I'm writing now, will be out in late spring or early summer 2011.
Robin wrote: Is your publisher still sending ARC's? I requested one weeks ago and no response.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you didn't get a response from them, and I never know what, if anything, they send out. I don't have anymore ARCs myself, but if you'll e-mail me at LynnViehl@aol.com with your ship-to I'd be happy to send you one of my author copies.
Geez, only reason I need is because you wrote it. Even though I already read it, I've gotta get another one. I think my ARC will fall apart.
But here's one more reason-this book proves Lynn Viehl is the QUEEN OF WEIRD AND AWESOME
I was so happy that you started this series and that we hadn't seen the last of Michael & Alex. I hope one day you'll come out with more Darkyn books. Any time there is a discussion in one of my Shelfari.com book groups about "favorite quotes" I usually mention that part in "If Angels Burn" about blood just tasting like blood instead of ambrosia, and how the Anne Rice stuff was bullshit. One reader thought it was so funny she said that she went on Amazon and bought the book because of that bit.