For all those reasons summer is my favorite time of year, but especially because it's my season to read. No school = more spare time for me = extra hours to read. I can go to the bookstore or the library and not rush to make my selections. I can curl up with a novel and stay curled up. I never have a summer TBR; I constantly demolish it. I'm also in more of a mood to try new-to-me authors and genres I don't read that often.

My latest and favorite reading retreat is this corner of my back porch. Every morning and afternoon the pup and I are out here hanging out, watching the birds, enjoying the breeze and soaking up the peace and quiet. Since my guy screened in the porch we can be out here whenever we like and not have to worry about bugs and critters interrupting. All I need is to come out here with a cup of tea and my latest read (today it's Chimera by Rob Thurman) and I instantly relax. It's such a great retreat that I often do my editing out here, too.
I'd love to send you all a personal reading retreat, but the shipping would be outrageous (never mind trying to find a box big enough to fit it in.) However, I can send you something to kick off the summer reading season and enjoy: a fully-stocked retreat bag. If you'd like a chance to win this, in comments to this post tell us about your favorite spot to read (or if you're not that picky, just toss your name in the hat by midnight EST on Tuesday, June 1, 2010. I'll draw one name at random from everyone who participates and send the winner my dream retreat bag stocked with:
--Unsigned hardcover copies of A Secret Affair by Mary Balogh, The Endless Forest by Sara Donati and Dead in the Family by Charlaine Harris
--Unsigned trade paperback copies of The Book of Unholy Mischief by Elle Newmark and Broken by Shiloh Walker
--Unsigned paperback copies of Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs, The Hellhound King by Lori Devoti, Desire Unchained by Larissa Ione, The Fire King by Marjorie M. Liu, Scarlet by Jordan Summers, Chimera and Trick of the Light by Rob Thurman and Hard to Hold by Stephanie Tyler
--Signed paperback copies of Shadowlight and Dreamveil by yours truly
--Melissa Etheridge's new album on CD Fearless Love
--A cool blank journal to write in
--The Nature poet magnetic poetry kit to play with
As always, this giveaway is open to everyone on the planet, even if you've won something here at PBW in the past.
I'd throw my name in but I'm too busy grinning like a loon at seeing my name in there (don't put me in, but thank you...)
ReplyDeleteI can read anywheres but i like to read in my recliner. Would love to win this. Some great books there
ReplyDeleteIn my room, when no one else is home and my house is quite. Sheer Bliss!
Throwing my name in...I love Melissa and a cool journal.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite place to read, is my couch :)
ReplyDeletei would really like to win those awesome books. Most of them are new for me Author !
uniquas at ymail dot com
My favorite spot to read is on the sofa with the dogs (we have 13) curled up around me. When they get to be a little much in the summer, I love to sit on my front porch and read. Sounds like some wonderful books in the tote. Thanks for thinking of us!
ReplyDeleteI like to curl up in the easy chair in my bedroom. I carry my little betta fish from his usual place on the desk to the book table and read him the good parts (whatever they happen to be) out loud. Big Blue would be especially thrilled to find out more about Quinn, so he's got his fins crossed in hopes that a copy of 'Broken' is headed his way!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite place to read is on the swinging bench in my backyard, curled up on the cushion under a light blanket (which is sometimes needed even through summer in the Pacific Northwest) and a pillow and a glass of lemonade or a cherry-limeade from Sonic. It's been raining too much for me to spend anytime in the yard, however, so lately I curl up in bed after the baby is asleep in his bassinet next to me. I read and listen to his breathing and everything feels right and good in my corner of the world.
ReplyDeleteI love reading out on the lake. If we get lucky we borrow a family pontoon boat and my husband fishes while I read. I also love reading the afternoon away while camping and after hiking. I can never go on vacation without a pile of new books crowding out the supplies.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fantastic giveaway! My favorite place to read is on the sofa in my reading room, quiet, window open, nice breeze...
ReplyDeleteI still need to make a little retreat for myself. Maybe I can convince the husband to screen in the patio.
ReplyDeleteThose sound like some truly delicious summer reading. I'd love to enter.
My fave spot to read is in bed...My second fave spot is on my's the perfect length and since I'm only five feet tall...I can stretch out juuust right :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the wicked cool giveaway.
I don't have a particular reading place where I'm living right now, but when I was in college I used to go down to the university archives on the third basement floor of the library and tuck myself away in a corner. It was so quiet and peaceful down there, and I liked being surrounded by so much knowledge. Plus, something about having such complete privacy in what was actually a public space appealed to me a lot.
ReplyDeleteI like to curl up on the couch while Dorian's watching Dora. He's too busy yelling, "BACKPACK!!" to worry about what mommy's doing. : )
ReplyDeleteMy favorite spot is at the park. Lots of places to sit.
ReplyDeleteMy retreat? Anywhere, as long as I'm reading. Though, I love the garden bench in the warmer weather. It's close to the bird feeders and surrounded by flowers and beauty.
ReplyDeleteI'm a recliner reader, too. Ever since I bought my very own recliner last month, there is no better place to read for me. :)
ReplyDeleteWhile it wouldn't be a summer reading package for me, it would certainly perk up my rainy, dreary winter!
I have a lovely spot behind the shed. Warm, sunny and secluded, and at the edge of the fire pit.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering if you liked Sci-Fi, and if you had any recommendations? Also I was wondering how difficult would it be for a Romance novelist to write a Sci-Fi novel?
ReplyDeleteMy couch :) The most comfortable place in the world.
ReplyDeleteI guess it's a cliche, but my favourite place to read is in bed. Though more often I have to read during my breaks at work, or whenever I can find five minutes to spare.
ReplyDeleteMy very favorite place to read is the roof garden at my old apartment in Berkeley. The garden is heady with the scent of jasmine, and I can see the Golden Gate Bridge decorating the bay from one direction, and the UC Berkeley clock tower from another.
ReplyDeleteI'm still seeking my favorite reading spot at my new place, but I don't mind too much because that roof garden is pretty hard to beat.
I am a creature of comfort and find that although I can read just about anywhere - I prefer my bed, curled around my pillows and a cup of tea on the side - heaven...
ReplyDeleteEnter me please..
I can read anywhere and often do, but my favorite place would be outside under my sun umbrella with a cold drink and my dogs playing around me.
ReplyDeleteI love to read under the porch in one of those 'hanging chair'...I absolutely no idea how it's called in English. It looks like that
ReplyDeleteIt's so comfy! And I'm half in the sun half in the great to read. This 'chair' is the only place where my back doesn't hurt while reading.
I would love to be entered for this dream retreat bag! =)
Please throw my name into the hat. I'll read wherever I can find a quiet place. There are a few authors that I have wanted to try and a few of my already faves. I have Shadowlight and just ordered Dreamveil, but would be honored to have autographed copies too. Thanks for this opportunity. c.
ReplyDeleteMy two favourite reading retreats at home are in the bath and on the hammock in a shady spot out back. I also love to park up on Plymouth Hoe in spring and autumn and read there while strong winds rock the car.
ReplyDeleteFunny how we have our fav places to read. I like the lounge room if everyone is out, otherwise I have a comfy antique armchair in my bedroom to retreat to. Outside sounds lovely but it's freezing in my country town in Australia at the moment, so close to the wood fire is better :-)
ReplyDeleteHi, Lynn! What a wonderful giveaway!!! You, Shiloh Walker, Melissa Etheridge, and lots of good books and treats all together in one package! : )
ReplyDeleteI am so ready to retreat! My very favorite place to read is curled up on my couch with lots of pillows and an old cotton quilt. With "The Book" that I have been waiting impatiently to read, coffee, chocolate, and cats, I am set. Once I settle in, the cats settle on and around me. I look like a statue in the park with all the birds perched on it! The cats seem to sense that I am ready to retreat, sitting quietly with me until I finish my read. >^..^<
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
I have a few spots. When the weather is nice, my back porch is perfect and I can keep an eye on my dogs as they chase each other around until they pass out in the grass. In the evenings, just curled up in bed with my netbook and digital copies so I don't have to have a light on and disturb my husband. Sometimes, my overstuffed loveseat is nice too.
ReplyDeleteMy back porch which has been converted into a studio for my husband's video editing work. Dark red walls, sconces with mood lighting, comfy couch. It's great-especially with him in the adjoining room puttering around. Very peaceful feeling.
ReplyDeleteI read anywhere, anytime! I would love to throw my name in the hat for such a great reading retreat!!! Thanks.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks to Shiloh for mentioning YOUR blog in HER blog. I've just added this web site to my Google Reader!
Re this blog: I enjoyed reading about your screened-in porch. How decadent! I would love to read out there! My parents had a porch that had a Dutchman's pipe vine on three sides. People couldn't see in but I could see out, plus it made it cooler in there. I miss it!
Re your question: Anywhere is better than nowhere for reading. I carry a book in my purse to read in long grocery lineups, at doctors' appointments, in the car on long trips (when I'm not driving, of course!), etc. I carry one in my bag to read between games at the gym (as I play badminton 4-5 nights a week). I read at home in bed, on the recliner, on the couch, at the dining room table while eating alone, on the front step, at the back picnic table, on a chair in the garage, etc. Basically, anywhere that I am found is a place where a book (or two) can be found.
Re your dream retreat bag: You are EXTREMELY generous! Wow. If I were to win it, there is no doubt in my mind that my girlfriends would be here in a heartbeat, as we share our books (after we've read them first, of course). I must admit that I am a sucker for a "cool blank journal to write in". Duh! I'm curious about "The Nature poetry kit", though, as I write poems all the time. I started writing limericks in high school (back in the seventies); they were funny and people laughed. Then I didn't write for ages. Five years ago, a good friend turned 45, so I wrote her a serious poem and an outrageous poem. Since then, everyone wants a poem! I wrote a Christmas poem instead of a newsletter a few years ago, said it was too hard so wouldn't do it again, and then over 20 people contacted me to request that I continue, so of course I have. And since that "first" poem 5 years ago, I now write poems for special anniversaries and birthdays for all my friends/relatives too. They want the special ones every year, but I refuse and only do for every fifth year. I know lots of people and there just isn't enough time in the day (nor original words) to write a poem for everybody every year! Bottom line? Thanks for offering a cool giveaway; I'm sure whoever wins it will just love it! You can't go wrong with books -- and so many of them too!
I like to read in my soft-side water bed with my 700 thread count sheets. It's unbelievably comfy and I can turn off the lamp and go to sleep when I'm too tired to continue the book.
ReplyDeleteSince I'm in Australia, we are now heading into winter, this past week we've had lots of rain, so I've been in my fave spot - bed. With oodles of pillows, snuggly doona, endless cups of tea & the occasional demanding cat.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to have the opportunity to win your dream retreat bag, it's stocked with some fantastic authors. Please enter me, thanks :)
My favorite reading spot is a hammock on the side porch. It's not screened in, but the forsythia has grown high enough to shield it from the street. While I read the dog lays in the sun and enjoys the sights and smells. Right now I'm reading Shadowlight. I've just discovered your books, and am loving them.
ReplyDeletei read in bed a lot so i can curl up but i've always wanted a little reading retreat of my own. one day...
ReplyDeleteFor the last 7 months, I only read in my bed, cuddled up next to my napping baby. Great giveaway!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite spot to read is under a big, shady tree (which has no insects of any kind).
ReplyDeleteaikychien at yahoo dot com
I love to read books on a wooden bench at morning.
eggyc at hotmail dot com
I'd love to enter! Usually, I read books on my bed.
ReplyDeleteKoey @ The Bookaholics
the.bookaholics at hotmail dot com
This time of year, the back deck is perfect. It gets sun in the morning and shade in the afternoon, and it's the best spot to see the doe bring out their fawn to meet the world.
ReplyDeleteHow generous! My favorite spot to read is anywhere comfortable! The spot doesn't really matter as long as it includes a comfy chair and decent light.
ReplyDeleteI read all the time in all kinds of places, including while walking. However, last Saturday when we finally had a sunny warm almost hot day (in Edinburgh these are few and far between), I walked a few minutes up to the edge of the Bruntsfield Links sat on a bench and read. It was nice to look up and see all the people enjoying the day, and see Arthur's seat across the way. This is now my favorite place to read(weather permitting).
ReplyDeleteI love to read on this giant comfy chair my grandfather gave us in front of the fireplace.
I mainly read in bed, but I also like to read on my back patio. We have a really nice furniture set with a huge umbrella. I love to read while the kids play in the hot sun. Last year hubby put fans around the porch so that I don't get to hot.
ReplyDeleteAwesome contest!!
i'm usually sittin' on one end of the sofa propped up against the arm with a pillow and legs up with my book in hand.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite place to read is in my big comfy pink recliner. That's right, it's pink. I'm not ashamed.
ReplyDeleteRyan wrote: I was wondering if you liked Sci-Fi, and if you had any recommendations?
ReplyDeleteI don't read SF too often (think once in a blue moon) but I just finished Chimera by Rob Thurman and really enjoyed it.
Also I was wondering how difficult would it be for a Romance novelist to write a Sci-Fi novel?
I can't speak for all the romance novelists out there, but I've written and published 45 romances, historicals, inspirationals, and dark fantasy novels, and fourteen of those were science fiction, so it can be done.
The majority of romance novelists publish what's now being called science fiction romance (SFR), which is basically a standard romance that takes place in some futuristic setting and/or with alien characters, and is marketed to romance readers. This sub-genre tends to sell better than straight SF, so it's a good alternative.
I like to sit on the back porch in a comfy chair and read while the kids are running around the yard :)
ReplyDeleteIn my room with the door locked and silence thick. For at least an hour or two.
ReplyDeleteI prefer reading my books in my comfy armchair with hubby watching TV in the other one :D
ReplyDeleteMind you reading my ebooks at the local cafe and listening ot the background chitchat comes a close second.
I have a big comfy chair near the heater and a mug of hot ginger tea. Not that it's cold in summer. It's just that for me, it's almost winter (a good reading season too). In summer, it's the same chair, but I keep the room cool instead of warm. (I love my big armchair.)
ReplyDeleteGreat giveaway--I'd love to win. Like you, I have nooks all over my house. Currently, my fave reading spot is on my new loveseat on my newly-screened porch, with my favorite mutt on the ottoman beside me.
Yay for reading!
Thanks for this delightful and lovely giveaway. So generous. I enjoy reading in the backyard which is tranquil, sunny, warm and peaceful. I am now reading Band of Angels by Julia Gregson.
ReplyDeleteMy current favorite spot is a super comfy couch in my front room, but my friend is moving in come June, and we are turning a back corner of the house, that we didn't know what else to do with, into a tiny library. We're really excited about it.
ReplyDeleteIn my office. But now that its summer anywhere outside.
ReplyDeleteGreat contest!
I can read almost anywhere. Usually on the couch or in my bed at home, sometimes the cat will curl up beside me or on me. I do a lot of listening to books at work. :) I also read in my car while waiting for someone, at doctor's offices, at the hairstylist, in a lounger outside, and recently in a hotel bar lounge. That one was fun, people would stop by to check out what I was reading. :)
ReplyDeleteI love to read either on the couch or at my desk where the chair leans back and I can put my feet up.
ReplyDeleteIn bed! Or on the couch. Or, in the summer, sitting on a camp chair in the yard while the kids do their own thing.
ReplyDeleteWell, it's coming up to winter here, so the best place to read is the bed. You can't get much more comfy than that and blankets are always a plus! Alternatively, when I'm reading electronic stuff, I sit on "my" chair in the lounge, wrapped in a blankie with the laptop. I started reading David Gemmell's "White Wolf" on thursday.
ReplyDeleteOh dear. Looks like my original comment did not post. Sry if this is a repeat!
ReplyDeletePlease enter me for this wonderful event!
Have a great day every one!
Kate N (aka YzhaBella)
My favorite place to read is while laying on a raft floating in the swimming pool but I always read in bed before falling asleep at night! Great giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI love to read on my daybed. I have pillows piled up and a view of the yard, so I can watch kids play and see the assorted birds nests that always inveitably nest on the window crevice.
ReplyDeleteLynn, I love your newest reading nook. *jealous*
ReplyDeleteI used to read on the back deck. I can't read in the tub because for some reason, I turn into a total klutz and keep dropping the books. I can't read on the back deck anymore though. We back up to a nature preserve and this past couple summers, the proliferation of skemeeters and bees has gotten to be just too much. I'm constantly bombarded by one or the other and forget about getting it screened in. That would require input from the DH. *sigh*
So now, I curl up on the couch and hope my family sees the book in my hands and figures out I'm reading so they don't keep interrupting me. 'Hope' being the operative word there.
Anyway, you don't have to put me in. Just wanted to tell you how happy Cole looks waiting for momma.
ReplyDeleteI read in two different places the majority of the time. In bed, with a reading night light, the house is quiet, the cats curled up all around me (I have 7 cats now!) and the sound of the fish tank/water flowing in the background.
Or in the back yard. I let my baby (horse), Murphy in with me and watch him graze in between reading. Very peaceful, very relaxing.
The coziest spot in my house to read is my couch. If I read in my bed, especially at night, I tend to fall asleep.
ReplyDeleteOh wow...what a great giveaway! :) My favorite spot to read is in bed. Thanks for tossing my name into the hat!
ReplyDeleteAt the back of my property, I put a small bridge over a wet spot(only when it rains;otherwise it must be mowed). I put a rescued bright yellow wooden chair there under some old oaks that when I look up it reminds me of Nancy Drew's THE WITCH TREE SYMBOL. It's too far for the house phone and just far enough to get comfortable.
ReplyDeleteThe only reason to return to civilization is to use the facilities.
I like to read on the couch in the living room, beside the window with the sun pouring in.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to win your retreat bag. Thanks for the opportunity.
I like to curl up on the smaller couch to read and hang out in the carport outside watching the neighborhood.
ReplyDeleteI like riding out after the sun sets, get some grub, and then park under a streetlamp in the woods a few blocks from my house. No distractions and the light goes right through the moon roof so it's not hard to read. I do this every weekend. There's this one song I used to listen to on the way there a few years back (when I was out of the job so I was there every night) that every time I hear it come on the radio I instantly smell french fries and think of Harry Dresden blasting off some magic at some baddies. Hehe.
ReplyDeleteDon't put me in, but thanks for including one of my books. :-)
ReplyDeleteI have to admit that my favorite place to read is in bed with my precious hubby doing the same right next to me. It's even better when the rain patters on the roof.
ReplyDeleteWhat a swell list! My new favorite spot to read is a cushy, corduroy-covered, saucer-shaped chair I got at for our newly cleaned off front porch, formerly recycling graveyard. I am tilted up enough to prop the book on my stomach and still be able to read it and see nothing but leaves and birds out the windows. Ahhhh!
ReplyDeleteI'm RARELY without a book in my hands so I guess I read pretty much anywhere!...I've got the baby in the high chair, a bottle in one hand and a book in the other!!! HAHA!
My kids gave me a wonderful hammock for Mother's Day, and it has become my ultimate favorite place to read.
I always have a book or my Kindle with me and I can read anywhere---except a moving car.
ReplyDeleteI usually curl up in a corner of my couch to read.
I read just about anywhere but I'm partial to laying on the floor with a big throw pillow or in that little groove on the couch in the sunroom when the kids are out by the know, where there is still air conditioning but you can see outside.
ReplyDeleteBoth my husband and I spend our evenings sitting here in our recliners, each lost in the worlds of whatever books we're each reading. Very often we can trade those books, read them, and have discussions when we've finished them. I find that pretty special.
ReplyDeleteI have to say the most comfortable spot for me is of course the bed.
ReplyDeleteWhich constitutes having one the cats come in and park on my tummy, or my arm if I'm on my side, with the others somewhere near in touching distance.
Been catching up on some of my reading in the last few days, at least six books this weekend. I got so far behind last year that now trying to catch up is taking sometime, I usually read about 4three to six books a week.
mary dot mckinney at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteMy favorite place to read is my comfy cushioned leather chair with a table next to it for my coffee.
I'd love to throw my name in this. I usually love curling up with a good book on a pile of throw/lounge pillows in my room, or I read in bed just before I go to sleep. I might be old fashioned but with a cup of warm milk, and I keep my bedside table lamp as a good reading light.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite spot is the living couch in front of the TV.
ReplyDeleteI will happily read anywhere, but my favorite at-home spot is stretched out on my new lounge chair, with my dogs laying in the grass on either side of me.
ReplyDeleteI love to read on my couch with the music on and the visualizer throwing some truly trippy patterns up on the TV.
ReplyDeleteConsidering I have both kids home for the summer, my favorite reading place is the bath. I make it as hot as I can stand it, close the door and sink in. It's usually the only 20 minutes I get to myself until they go to bed *grins*
ReplyDeleteWow that is one dream package!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite spot to read it lounging in my hammock in the back yard, especially when it's raining. (The hammock is just small enough to fit under the porch overhang if I drag it.) It's quiet and excessively green and the weather in Florida is perfect during most of the year. My second favorite spot is on the couch so I can cuddle with my cats.
ReplyDeleteSadly, I don't really have a nice place to read :( I live with my fiance and his parents. I usually wind up sitting at my computer desk. Not very comfortable for the long haul. But one day, the fiance and I will have a lovely house and a library with a nice cozy reading nook :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite place to read is Philadelphia's Rittenhouse Square, on a park bench, in the shade on a sunny, not too hot day. But I don't work a block away so I'm never there anymore.
ReplyDeleteMy bedroom has become a reading sanctuary for me ... lots of comfy pillows to prop myself (and sometimes a hardcover) up with. I also moved the bed so the window is over my headboard/bookshelf, giving lots of natural light (my mother always said too much reading in the dark would hurt my eyes), although a reading lamp is handy as well. And if I read myself to sleep, my comfy duvet is right there to roll myself into!
ReplyDelete— Bonz
I have two spots. My back porch when the weather cooperates so I can see my dog barking at bugs, and my bed wear I can curl up in my incredibly soft comforter and lay down which relieves my joint pain. :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite place is in bed. There aren't a lot of comfy places to read in our small apartment and in bed is the best place, though I like the tub from time to time too :)
ReplyDeleteI like to sit on the couch with feet propped up on the ottoman along with the following: a pillow to support the back of my noggin; to my left, a cup of coffee & pastry within reaching distance; and to my right, my warm but not so fluffy cat dozing against my leg. My favorite reading setting - unfortunately, it doesn't happen too often, but it's great when i get it!
ReplyDeleteWOW! What a great contest!
ReplyDeleteOn the roof of my house where it is most quiet is the best place to read at my house on any given day.
ReplyDeleteWe've just moved into a house with a bath again, oh the bliss, hours of uninterrupted reading time :) Preferably with a couple of cups of coffee, or a nice glass of wine.
ReplyDeleteWould love to read in the bathtub but there is no way to do it comfortably. Not without some serious water overflowage.
ReplyDeleteI love to read in the spare bedroom. I have it set up as a semi-library, with my cats' toys and climbing posts set by the window. In the corner i have my recliner, and a small table with a lamp. At night, after work, I'll go in there and just unwind with my favorite book.
ReplyDeletePlease put my name in for your dream retreat bag.
ReplyDeleteNecole Plummer
Now THAT'S a great pile of loot! I could spend ages reading them. At the moment its winter here in Australia so I can guarantee that most of my reading will be done inside, out of the cold. My usual place for reading is in bed though anyway. (Whats a better place, really?) Other than that, when its sunny, I could be anywhere. Outside on my verandah, in the car (if someone else is driving of course :P), at work on a lunch break... Its endless. Any time I can spare to read, I WILL be reading.
My favorite place to read is my rocking chair in my home office. Its in the corner, by the window, so just enough light and breeze comes in.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite place to read is the couch in our living room. I prefer to lay sideways with the back of the couch on my left, but since there's no lamp on that side I'm often forced to switch sides when the sun goes down. I'm not that picky and I don't need quiet. The tv is often on when I read, and I can even read in the insanely loud breakroom at work.
ReplyDeleteProfessor Plum, in the library with a candlestick?
ReplyDeleteActually, it's the day before winter here, so it's snuggled into the corner of the couch, in front of the fire, listening to the rain with a freshly brewed latte.
I love to hop in my bed, snuggle under the covers, and curl up with a good book.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite place to read is in my office, surrounded by my books. The office has the best light in the house and my office chair tilts back, so I put me feet up and it's nice and cozy.
ReplyDeleteAhh, reading this blog post of yours makes me also feel even more excited of the lazy, warm and summery days to come.
ReplyDeleteI love reading outside as well. :) It's very calm, plus there's something very peaceful about reading while surrounded by nature.
Lovely giveaway package, and just in time for lazy summer reading! I'd like to be tossed into the hat please. :P Specifically, I love to read, bellyside down, in my backyard right on the grass. Soooo comfy.
I love to lay in my hammock in the back year with a glass of sweet tea nearby reading my book. I also love to read in the bathtub, but lately I've bee mostly buying ebooks and no way is my ereader going near the bath... but if I win this I will have some books to read in the bath! :D
ReplyDeletethegoddesslissa AT
Some of my best reading time is done at work, in the break room on the uncomfortable table we eat at. I can lose myself for fifteen minutes and forget about the stress of a job I'm vastly overqualified for. My other favorite spot--my bed.
ReplyDeleteIt would be so great to win. You have no idea.
Reading just before I go to sleep in bed seems to be my favorite spot. Although two restaurants (that I can't remember the name of) get a tie for 2nd place.
ReplyDeleteAudio books are amazing too, if those count. Listening to Jim Dale reading Harry Potter to me on the way to take algebra at the community college that looks like a prison made my summer.
I'm not able to indulge often enough, but my very fave place to read in the summer is outside, under trees in the mountains. since I don't get there that often, the est substitute is curled up in my bed with music playing.
ReplyDeleteI'm one of the bed readers, I pile up my pillows and roll as my arms fall asleep. I, of course, can't sleep until I'm finished. It allows for me to squeal into my pillow or pound my fist into the mattress without hurting myself. ^_^
ReplyDeleteAlso, I read Dreamveil last night, when I reached page 45, my 2 year old decided to crawl into my bed and pulled the book from my hands and started spelling out your name and the title. She only know capitals though. So I stopped reading your much anticipated book to help spell out your name 10 times. :D I wanted to weep a little.
falconnajias [at] gmail[dot] com
I've got this huge lemon tree in my backyard. It's been there longer than I've been alive, and there's this little crook in one of the branches right near the top but just under hte cover of the leaves that, when I was a kid, fit me perfectly. I don't fit into it now, but I still find myself sitting at the base of the tree with my dog, fighting for space with the flowers and reading.
ReplyDeleteThe back porch is my favorite, but anywhere I won't be interrupted is just fine.
ReplyDeleteHi Lynn -- Great giveaway! The only place I’ve time to read, here of late, is at physical therapy while they twist my ankle and hips this way and that. Reminds me a bit of the inquisition chambers, only cleaner. :-) Nina
ReplyDeleteI'd love to be entered in! Lots of books that I'm sure are in my TBR pile! Great giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to be entered. My favorite place is in my bedroom after dinner when I can chill out and relax with a great book! Liz
ReplyDeleteMy favorite place to read is on my bed where it's nice and quiet, with my lovely cat Cova!
ReplyDeleteCount me in!!
I love to read either curled up on my sofa or in my bed. If on a dream vacation, one a beach under an umbrella.
ReplyDeleteThis is an awesome contest!! My favorite place to read is on a tree-swing in my front yard. It's relaxing to hear the birds chirp and have a cool summer breeze while reading tales from my favorite authors. :)
ReplyDeleteI like best to read in the computor chair.. a dog nearby, and cats draping themselves all over the other pieces of furniture in the room. I like to read in good company :)
ReplyDeleteIt would be great to win this contest.. for anyone, I'm sure! There are lots of authors here I have just discovered, and quite a few that I hadn't, yet.
Now I have your blogsite, and a list of books by you I hadn't even dreamed you had written. Cool!
Holy happy readaholic, Batman. That is one amazing TBR stash. Found my way here via twitter and am I ever glad I did!
ReplyDeleteI love your fave reading spot and companion. My fave spot is on the deck of the aging family cabin, overlooking the lake, watching the chipmunks skuttle, with a pot of tea on the side and if I know my juniors will keep themselves occupied or asleep for half an hour. Bliss.
mayamissani AT yahoo DOT ca
My most common favorite place to read is curled up on my bed with my cat. But my very favorite place to read is on the beach during the one week a year my family goes on vacation. In the past I have been known to polish off as many as five decent sized novels during that one week.
ReplyDeleteOoohh, what goodies! I love to read in bed, either at the end of the day, or as a stolen hour of peace. I drive a route for work, so sometimes it's just nice to park under a tree with a cup of coffee and read in the comfort of my little car.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite place to read? On the front porch in the evening, or on the couch when nobody is home but me. :)
ReplyDeleteMy fave spot to read is on my sofa in the living room. Great giveaway.
ReplyDeleteMost of the year it's in my bed at night under the down comforter in between taking the sleeping pill and when I fall asleep (can take minutes or all night). But during the summer it's on my screen porch on the double glider in the afternoon... The only distraction is turning on the light when it gets too dark to see.
ReplyDeleteLynn, I'm not picky--I just want a quiet place, sans kids :) The ideal spot? A cozy chair or a sunny window seat in the personal home library of my dreams ;)
ReplyDeleteGreat prizes! My favorite place to read is in my recliner, with my cat sleeping in my lap.
ReplyDeleteGreat prizes! My favorite place to read is in bed. I like to lay back with a good book and a cup of tea and relax.
ReplyDeleteRob Thurman tweeted about this massive giveaway, so I'll have to toss my name into the hat. The prizes are too good to pass up.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite place to read is my bed, surrounded by pillows, with my cat purring at my feet.
What great prizes.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite place to read is on the couch. That way I can sit up, lounge or fully lay down as the mood suits.
I read on my sun porch, which is especially nice in the winter because it has heat and I can sit out there with my plants and watch the snow.
ReplyDeleteUm, I guess I like to read where ever I am able. The calmest place nearby is the garage in my car, so sometimes I'll sit in there with the seat pushed back all the way and just read. It's not a very big car, but clean and usually noise-free.
ReplyDeleteAmazing and very generous giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI can read just about anywhere but my favorite place would be on the couch in my living room because it has the best natural light in the house.
Wow, I am drooling at looking at all those books. I haven't had much time to read considering most of it is spent writing, sleeping or watching the infant. And I haven't really had any extra cash to spend on books anyway...but I would gladly give up my few precious hours of sleep I have to read those books!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite place to read: I love reading in my bed, a coffee shop, a bookstore, outside in a park.
My favorite place to read is my gazebo in my backyard during the nice weather to enjoy the fresh air.
ReplyDeleteDuring the bad weather my favorite place to read is my bed where I can get comfy and warm.
Wow what great prizes and thanks for the awesome giveaway!
The places i read most are the couch, bed and soaking in the bath.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite places to read is by the beach or under some old growth trees (but either of those locations take effort to get to)
At work if i don't have erends to run during lunch hour I have the sun room - it used to be the foyer of an office building but all the staff were moved out of there and consolidated into another building so that it is now the archive building which leaves the foyer with a large window, glass door and pannel, a table and old padded chairs (one for the bum and one for the feet) - bliss (except I have to go back to work too soon)
My favorite place to read: curled up in the big comfy chair next to the picture window in the living room.
ReplyDeleteWow, amazing giveaway and thank you so much for making this international!!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite place to read is on the sofa near the window: it is comfortable and cozy and there is enough light and sunshine. :-)
Please enter me.
stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com
I'm sad, because I don't have a favorite reading spot. I often read on my couch in the office, but it's not quite what I want. Someday I'd like the closed porch option. I love being outside, but there are a lot of wasps flying around our condo association.
ReplyDeleteAnywhere in the house that I can curl up with a blanket and something to drink is my favorite reading spot.
ReplyDeleteI love to read on the deck, on the couch, in bed,... where ever I can get comfortable!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the wonderful giveaway!
~Briana N.
WOW! This is amazingly generous, and I would love to win it. My favoritee place to read right now is on the back deck, when it is warn, sunny, and dry. Otherwise, I curl up on my couch. I really prefer the back porch, despite the mosquitoes.
I can -- and do -- read anywhere, but my favorite spots are either in bed, with the dog curled up next to me or out on our deck when the weather cooperates.
ReplyDeleteSounds like an awesome selection of goodies. :)
Anywhere. I can read anywhere.
ReplyDeletePorch chair is current favorite spot.
I LOVE summer.
I can read just about anywhere... But my favorite place is on the chaise lounge section of my couch, while the hubby plays his video games. It gives us both a chance to have our vices, together! :)
ReplyDeleteI will read anywhere but my favorite place to read is in the tub. Its the only place where I can go and not be bothered by who did what to whom and do you know where something or other is.... ( 2 kids and 1 husband)
My bed or a big blue recliner.
ReplyDeleteI'm a nomadic reader. I don't have a favorite place, so I'm happy to read anywhere.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite place: in the bathtub. Nice hot bath, cup of tea or good quality hot cocoa (Ghirardelli's is my favorite), a couple of scented candles burning, and a cat or five asleep on the bathmats and in the sink. Bliss.
ReplyDeleteBrigidsBlest at yahoo dot com
I love to read curled up in my big circle-chair with a nice cup of tea and my cat on my lap. In the rare week or two of sun in August, I also like to read outside on the porch (I live in Seattle)
ReplyDeleteI will read anywhere I can find the time, as passenger in a car, in line at a store, bathtub, deck, front porch, couch, bed - too many places to name! I JUST LOVE TO READ!
ReplyDeleteSharon F.
I can read anywhere, however as crazy as it sounds, in my car is my favorite place. I typically retreat from the office at lunch with a good book. Makes it all the better on a day when the sun is shining. :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on the deck to read. Something about the birds and the sound of my fountain help me sail away into what ever book I'm reading.
Any place is good for long as I have a stash of great reads!
ReplyDeleteFav spot is outside at the edge of the ginormous backyard of my current rental. There is a backless swinging bench under some trees surrounded by purple flowers so I do get some bee action but as long as I keep my feet up they don't bother me while I read. I usually bring a few pillows out to lean against and then let the breeze rock the bench and I can spend hours out there reading.
ReplyDeleteIn the back room of my house.. pretty close to a den I guess..It's all old knotty pine paneling. I just love the look. I have my computer set up there, so I can sit, put my feet up on the desk and not have to go far to get the phone or anything.. I can get back to reading quicker. :)
ReplyDeleteThank You for giving us all a chance at a retreat, and Thank You very very much for the Kyn world, can't wait to see what comes next.
ioki_jo at hotmail dot com
Way to start the summer, Lynn, big huge major congrats on Dreamveil and thank you for a fantastic giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't mind reading that bundle of joy in the Brazilian hammock we have in our garden.
Never mind where I read in the winter. Can't think about winter right now, it's summer!
A particular squishy sofa in my parents' house that has sunlight for most of the day. I've been away for a long time so I'm very much looking forward to returning and claiming it. Enjoy your reading :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a great contest! Thank you! I have this huge brown chair that I love to curl up in. It's close to where my dog sleeps, and there's plenty of room for my cat to join me. I love it!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite place to read is lying on my bed. My second favorite place to read is wherever I currently am.
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice thing to do! My fave place to read is my front porch, on a cool (not humid) day : )
ReplyDeleteMy favorite place to read is definitely out in the sun on the beach, with the water conveniently placed to cool me off periodically :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite place to read is in our oversized chair in the living room. No one bothers me....
Wishing everyone a great summer and dropping my name in the hat. What could be more fun than summer reading?
ReplyDelete:) Abigail
I'll read anywhere, any time. I'm not picky, so I'm putting my name in the hat. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteWhat a generous offer. I love reading and I love summer, though autumn is my favorite time of year. I have several favorite reading spots in my home - the futon in my loft, the lawn chair beneath the lilac bushes in my back yard.
ReplyDeleteThrowing my hat in!
ReplyDeleteI love to soak in the tub with my kindle. *wince* Someday I am going to suddenly realize this is a very bad idea.
I tend to get up and pace when I am thinking about a book, so I usually end up back and forth between the recliner, the bed, and the kichen (snacks).
I also love to leave the kids with the husband and go read at the book store. The only drawback is that if I get up to pace I loose my comfy chair to some other opportunistic reader.
I can read anywhere, but I like to curl up on the couch in front of the fireplace. ^_^ I also like to sunbathe and read. YEsssssss
ReplyDeleteI like this one, specific corner of my university's library. It's quiet and right next to a window that overlooks an apple orchard. The best place in the world, if you ask me!
I can read almost anywhere so I'm throwing my name in the hat.
ReplyDeleteAnd I hope I can get through a large portion of my tbr stack this summer.
My favorite place is on our back deck, which faces southwest but is shaded by two large maple trees. When the breeze is just right, I can smell the honeysuckle we planted last fall. I've got a comfy chair AND a chaise lounge out there.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm so jealous that you had Rob Thurman's new book two days before it's supposed to be out. I'm headed to the bookstore tonight to buy that and Dreamveil.
I can and will read anywhere, but my favorite place is curled up in my recliner in the living room. We also just expanded our teeny little deck so I'm looking forward to reading out there this summer.
ReplyDeleteGreat summer reading package!