Ten Things About Submission Opportunities
Bundoran Press
has an open call for their upcoming
Second Contacts anthology: "Science Fiction is our conversation with the future. But what if we're talking with alien voices? Second Contacts seeks stories which explore what happens fifty years after first contact, for us, for them, for our shared future. The possibilities are endless — conquest, collaboration, assimilation, or, even abandonment. On Earth, in space, or on alien planets, what will happen to individuals and societies after two generations or more of staring into alien eyes?" Length: "Our preferred length is 3500 to 6500 words. We will accept stories of any length to 10,000 words." Payment: "$0.02 a word to a maximum payment of $130.00 (all figures Canadian dollars)" Query on reprints, electronic submission only, see guidelines for more details. Submission period: September 15th, 2014 to January 15th, 2015.
ChiZine Publications is now open for submissions: "We will be accepting submissions for CZP, and for our imprints ChiTeen (YA/new adult), ChiGraphic (graphic novels), and ChiDunnit (mysteries/thrillers). We're still looking for dark, literary, genre fiction that tests boundaries." Length: up to 100K; Payment: according to Ralan, "advance & royalty (varies)" No reprints, electronic submissions only, see guidelines for more details. Deadline: August 31, 2014.
Golden Fleece Press is now open for submissions: "At the present time we are mostly seeking short submissions for Wee Tales and Refractions, and these must be age appropriate for the journal. If you have something more geared toward an adult market please still submit to be in early consideration for a future project. General and Refractions short submissions should be between 1000 and 5000 words, Wee Tales submissions should be between 600 and 2000 words. We are always seeking new novel, novella, non-fiction, or serial projects." According to Ralan they pay $50.00 for the short fic; query on reprints, electronic submission only, see guidelines for more details.
The Novel Fox is seeking "talented authors who desire a publisher that takes an active role in all aspects of the book selling process, including helping the author refine the story, producing a polished and professional finished book, and aggressively marketing the book post-publication. If you are an author interested in partnering with The Novel Fox, please closely review the below information and instructions on submitting your manuscript." What they're looking for: "action/adventure, fantasy, military/espionage, science fiction, thrillers/suspense, and young adult." Length: "The preferred word count for novels is generally in the range of 70-110 thousand words, or 50-75 thousand words for young adult." Payment: "For novels, The Novel Fox pays advances starting at $1,000, with 10% of the advance payable upon execution of the publishing contract. Advances for shorter fiction are determined on a case by case basis. Generally, royalties are 30% of The Novel Fox’s gross receipts for digital book sales and 20% of gross receipts for physical book sales." [PBW notes on rights: "The Novel Fox requires exclusive universal and derivative rights for the life of the copyright with every publishing contract, subject to certain reversion rights."] Query on reprints, electronic submission only, see guidelines for more details.
Panverse Publishing
has an open call for their upcoming
Panverse Four anthology: "Pro-level novellas of between 17,500 and 40,000 words (wordcount is firm). Stories should be Science Fiction (any flavor), Alternate History, or Fantasy with a discernible science-fictional foundation (aka Science Fantasy--think Zelazny's Lord of Light). We'll also look at Magic Realism and Fabulism. The story should be original and unpublished in any medium, including web publication. Depth of characterization will count for a lot--however clever the idea, if we don't care for the protagonist, we'll bounce it. We like stories that instill wonder. Subject matter is pretty wide open. If we care, can't put the story down, and find no big holes in the plot or worldbuilding, you've got a good shot. Panverse is especially open to new writers." Payment: 50% of net royalties. Query on reprints, electronic submission only, see guidelines for more details. Deadline: Sept 30, 2014 or when filled.
Pithy Pages for Erudite Readers would like to see "...stories that will make you think, cry, ponder, laugh, renew your subscription and recommend Pithy Pages for Erudite Readers to friends, acquaintances, and the stranger on the bus." Length: "Short Stories must be fiction of 3000-5000 words (will accept but not pay for words up to 6500);
Flash Stories must be fiction of 400-1000 words (may accept a few more if relevant to story but will only pay for up to 1000 words)" Payment: "Short Stories - .05 per word (maximum of $250.00); Flash Stories - $0.05 per word (maximum of $50.00)" No reprints, electronic submission only, see guidelines for more details.
Pop Seagull Publishing
has an open call for their upcoming
Love, Time, Space, Magic anthology, and would like to see: "truly romantic stories with a science fiction or fantasy flair, especially where love is a potent force in the lives of the characters. Love can be as long-standing and life-changing a force as time, space, or even magic… so send us your biggest, boldest love stories!" Length: .5-10K, Payment: "For short fiction we are currently paying 1 cent per word, plus three free copies of the book and a discounted rate on future purchases." Query on reprints, electronic submission only, see guidelines for more details. Deadline: December 20, 2014.
Pop Seagull Publishing
has another open call for their upcoming
Robotica anthology, and would like to see: "SF or Steampunk Short Stories between 500 and 10,000 words" and "Wow us with your take on the intersection between eroticism and robots or other artificial life forms! This could take the form of a look at robotic self-replication, humans in love with robots, robot courtship, or anything your imagination can come up with! Just take ‘Robotica’ and run with it. We’re not necessarily looking for pure erotica, but more solid science fiction that examines the intersection of sexuality and robots in a unique way. Having said that, have fun with it! If a sexy, sexy scene suits the story, go for it." Same payment as previous antho, query on reprints, electronic submission only, see guidelines for more details. Deadline: March 2015.
Shock Totem e-zine will be opening for submissions on August 1st, and would like to see "Fiction: We consider original, unpublished stories within the confines of dark fantasy and horror—mystery, suspense, supernatural, morbid humor, fantasy, etc. Up to 12,000 words (firm). Flash and Microfiction: We are interested in tightly woven flash fiction, 1,000 words or less, and microfiction, 200 words or less." Payment: Pay: 5¢/word (max $250) +copy. Reprints okay (pays 2¢/word for these), electronic submission via offsite form only, see guidelines for more details. Reading period closes November 30th, 2014.
an open call from Christina Escamilla Publishing for their upcoming SF anthology: "When it comes to the future, the possibility is seemingly endless. This is the focal point of the “Welcome to the Future” anthology. Your future may be filled with new and innovative technology like flying cars or hoverboards or it could be a place where technology has become the dominate species. Perhaps your focus is instead on a positive and uplifting utopian or a dark and bleak dystopian. Whatever your vision is – I want to hear about it!" Length: 2-8K; Payment: $100 + 2 copies. No reprints, electronic submission only, see guidelines for more details. Submission period: runs from July 30th until September 15th, 2014.
All of the above ops were found among the marvelous market listings at Ralan.com.