Monday, October 08, 2012

Tell Me What to Write Ten

As I promised last week, I'm going to let you guys decide what sort of novel I should write for NaNoWriMo 2012. When I first thought of doing this I imagined simply opening up comments to let everyone give me any idea on what they wanted to see me turn into story, but not everyone who stops in here does so because they like me, and we'd probably end up with some unlikely/unworkable/unsavory suggestions and/or some mischief with the ballot box.

This idea also has to be something I genuinely want to write, especially if I'm to generate enough enthusiasm and energy to get it done in a month, for which I don't think I have to apologize. There is nothing drearier than writing a story that you don't want to tell. I don't want to play it safe, but I definitely want to win NaNoWriMo 2012, so starting out with an idea that thrills me and will help make that happen is important.

In the end I decided to make a list of ideas I already have on file that I'd really like to turn into novels, and let you all vote for which one appeals to you the most. This includes ideas with established characters and/or universes as well as some new ideas, so it should be a good range.  And here's the list of:

Ten Things I Can Write for NaNoWriMo 2012

A.  A story set in the new series I've just sold (details of which must remain mysterious until the contract is signed [shortly] and the sale announced [in early November.]  All I can tell you at the moment is that it's a new genre for me.) 

B.  Dark fantasy haunted-house tale set in the Darkyn universe (all-new characters.)

C.  Dark fantasy Kyndred story featuring Valori, Ethan and Nathan from Frostfire.

D.  Dark fantasy story featuring Cristophe Noir from the Lords of the Darkyn trilogy.

E. Paranormal historical romance that takes place in one of Jane Austen's settings.

F. Paranormal modern-day mystery about a psychic ghost writer.

G. Sci-fantasy in a near-future world overtaken and transformed by the vengeful spirits of ancient gods and monsters.

H.  Science fiction novel set in the StarDoc universe featuring Keasa Delaney and Sev Andar from my short story Arcanum.

I. Surprise story (aka make it my choice.)

J. Tales of the Lost Ledger #2, a YA story, featuring Kari Carson and Connor Devlin from Dark of Heart.

If you'd like to see me write one of these stories, vote for it by letter in comments. To keep it fair please vote only once. The idea that collects the most votes by midnight EST on Saturday, October 13, 2012 will be the novel I write for NaNoWriMo; to be announced on Sunday, October 14th.


  1. My vote depends on your new genre.

    A if it's steampunk (my latest reading area). If not, I'll vote for G. That sounds awesome.

  2. G sounds cool; I vote for that.

  3. I vote G. However, you must use Rapa Nui mythology. NO ancient Greek or Egyptian, for sure. Or maybe some spirits of long dead author-titans?

  4. Fran K5:15 AM

    Wow, all of those sound interesting but my vote is going to E.

    I'm a fan of historial novelists like Georgette Heyer and Stephanie Laurens and I think a paranormal twist on a classic Jane Austen will be un-put-down-able. The combination of your writing and a Jane Austen setting is just too delicious for words!

  5. H.

    Though I'd also be satisfied with G.

  6. C, although I'd be happy with G as well.

  7. Torn between F and G but i'm going to go for G - love my sci fi stories.

  8. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I've only ever read your SF stories (I absolutely adore your StarDoc/Bio Rescue universe!) but I haven't read the short story you mention, and also I think it would be cool to see you write urban fantasy, so F it is! Or I would also be fine, if there's something you suddenly really want to write.

    (Also, thanks for reminding me that NaNoWriMo is coming up! :~D)

    - Waterfall

  9. H please! I am having Stardoc cravings!

  10. I vote G please. I love anything to do with mythology and there's a whole ton of different gods you can use in any ancient religion, as well as their monsters.

  11. G sounds like fun to me.

  12. F is something I'd love to read.

  13. You're evil. You taunt me with Stardoc but then mention a haunted house. B or H.

  14. A of course. How else can I get a little foreshadowing of your new series????

  15. I vote G (and it looks like most everyone else has, too.) Can't wait to find out what A is, though. :)

  16. E sounds intriguing!

  17. All of them sound interesting but I think I will go with G. I love your sci-fi books.

  18. Keita Haruka12:28 PM

    Gee! Gee! In other words...G. :P I've been waiting forever for yu to write more sci-fi. :P

  19. Sylvia1:13 PM

    I have to vote for H. I loved the short story involving Keasa and Sev and would love to see more of their story. In fact, I loved all the short stories you made with other characters to flesh out the Stardoc universe.

  20. If you don't want answers like ALL OF THE ABOVE you shouldn't put together such a fabulous list.

  21. Anonymous2:29 PM

    All of the choices are fabulous, and I would buy every one of the novels if you wrote them... but it would be just gorgeous to see how you would weave your lovely descriptions in a paranormal regency novel. Voting therefore E.
    / Johanna

  22. B gets my vote although A and H are close seconds...That's a fantastic list and you've made it pretty hard to choose.

  23. I'm going with F, mystery about a psychic ghost writer.

  24. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Please, please, please return to the StarDoc universe, and maybe revisit Blade Dancer....I'm getting old waiting for more......please, please, please let H be the choice!

  25. Hard choices but I'll go with B first then F.

  26. A piece of E. Paranormal historical romance that takes place in one of Jane Austen's settings, coupled with a piece F. Paranormal modern-day mystery about a psychic ghost writer, so it turns into:

    Paranormal historical romance about a psychic ghost writer. :o)

    I know, what can I say?

  27. Picking just one is hard, but I vote for:



  28. I will vote for 'B' It will be interesting.

  29. I, the surprise story. Anything you pick would be good.

    I'm still waiting, rather hopelessly now, for Richard and Eliane's story from the Darkyn.

  30. A.

    Because I've recently become a huge fan of moving forward, especially in circumstances when others are happiest if I remain stuck in the past.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Thanks for all the votes, folks. I'm keeping a running tally, and as of this morning G is in the lead, with E in second, then H in third. Following the top three there's a three-way tie betwee A, B and F, then J, then a tie for last place between I and C. D hasn't gotten any votes. If you voted for more than one story I counted only your first choice (this to keep it fair.)

    Someone (you know who you are) e-mailed to ask me which story is my personal preference. Naturally I like some better than others, but they're all a challenge and I want to write them all, so whatever idea wins will work fine for me.

    A reminder to the undecided and any lurkers out there: you have until midnight EST on Saturday to get your votes in before I close comments and make the final count.

  33. Anonymous2:15 PM

    I'm voting for 'g'---LIV

  34. F! I totally want to see you write F!

  35. I'm stuck between G and I. tough choices but fun way to kick off nano this year :)


  36. H please. I miss the StarDoc universe.

  37. Lynn,
    My vote would be for (drumroll please). . . . . . I. Okay, I know that is somewhat of a cop-out, but I believe anything you right I would read. If I didn't like it, I am brave (stupid) enough to maybe send a nice e-mail explaining my likes/dislikes of a series/story. But, ultimately YOU the author have to enjoy what you are writing! So, instead of me voting for maybe a story or storyline you aren't prepared for completely (esp. since NaNoWriMo is just around the corner) I like the idea of you picking what you want to write. I am sure some of these storylines are better prepped for NaNoWriMo than others. However, if there wasn't a deadline for November attached I would vote for E!

  38. I like -

    F. Paranormal modern-day mystery about a psychic ghost writer.

  39. Anonymous11:26 AM

    I vote for G.

  40. Not even a top three? Boy you made this hard :). After a lot of debate, I settled on H because I love your SF and miss reading new stories set there.

  41. To update you all on the running tally of votes, G is still in first place, with E in second and H in third; coming up behind them are F, a tie between A and B, J, and then a tie for last place between C and I. Still no votes for D. As for which idea will win, G has only a four-vote advantage over E so it could still go either way. Cast your vote today before midnight EST to be counted. :)

  42. E - its gotta be E.

  43. Anonymous2:28 PM

    I vote for F although I would love a return to Stardoc (heavy sigh)

  44. Surprise story! :)

  45. Kerry S.6:07 PM

    Here's another vote for E.

  46. You know, I love the Lords of Darkyn, so...I vote for D too!

    I know, you said vote only once, but technically, I voted for a hybrid the first time ;)
