has arrived here at Casa PBW, and while I love summer best I can't say I'm sorry to see this one go (aside from my woes, if it didn't rain, the humidity left me feeling distinctly soggy.) Now the dogs and I are practically wallowing in the lovely cool mornings on the porch. Just the other day I had to put on my heavy fuzzy socks because my feet were cold, which they haven't been since like
I also like this chunk of the calendar because for the next five weeks it's almost deadline-, birthday- and holiday-free. That gives me a nice oasis of time to splurge on things I normally have to ration, like getting more creative with my blogging, cruising book stores for as long as I like, trying new recipes, experimenting with art projects and test-driving writing ideas.
Kate Meyers has a good article titled
The Power of Play in the October issue of
Cooking Light magazine that gave me a nudge in this direction, too; she discusses the importance of making time to do things other than work, worry and wear yourself out. We get so caught up in the business of life that we rarely if ever allow ourselves to play, and yet that's usually what we need most to dispel stress, avoid burnout, and pull ourselves out of the pits.

My publisher kindly sent me some ARCs for my next book, and I think a great way to kick off my online fall festivities is to give some away here. So what are you guys planning to do this fall that is something fun or just for you? Let us know in comments (or if you're still looking for your oasis, just toss your name in the hat) by midnight EST on Friday, September 24, 2010. I'll draw ten names at random from everyone who participates, and send the winners a signed ARC of
Frostfire, my new Kyndred novel (which will not be hitting the shelves until January 2011.) This giveaway is open to everyone on the planet, even if you've won something here at PBW in the past.
Toss my name into the magic hat please. Oh and I plan on going to the Albion haunted mansion, a castle looking straw maze and taking my girls trick or treating.Even I can't wait. I love the fall.
ReplyDeleteLauraine D
I hope you enjoy your oasis. I'm still searching for mine, unfortunately, but hopefully, something will come up. :)
ReplyDeleteI think my oasis will come when it finally cools down a bit here in south Florida! Waiting...
I am going to dive back into baking. This is an activity that I enjoy during spring, winter, and fall. It isn't something I do in the summer because it is just too darned hot. By the time autumn begins, the kids and I have been missing it and so we make plans for recipes we want to try.
ReplyDeleteWhee, ARCs!
ReplyDeleteJust for fun, I want to go on a whale-watching cruise. Sept. and Oct. are good months for it.
I'm planning to go to Miyajima this fall :-)
ReplyDeleteUgh. The weather sounds awful. Here's hoping the fall/winter is better for you.
ReplyDeleteAs for me, I don't get much breathing room until late October, but I'm trying to convince a friend to come visit. Does that count? Otherwise there are things I'd like to do, but odds are I won't get to do most of them...like picking up my guitar again :).
I'll be watching my son's football team (ten-year olds) and playing a few boardgames.
ReplyDeleteLearn to knit or crochet better, focus on more time just for me and planning a garden for spring.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad fall is arriving..it's been a long stressful summer.
It's Spring here and that means... Footy Finals! And buff men in tight shirts and tighter shorts!! And scrums and... not what you were referring to.
ReplyDeleteSo. October. Edits, edits, send off to agents, edits, post to Scribd, mull over Nano books to write.
November. 'nuff said.
It's spring in Australia (though the weather wouldn't indicate it). I'm looking forward to long walks with audiobooks (which I've just recently gotten into) and going for walks on the beach (I could go now, but brr!).
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I haven't even thought that far ahead. All I can see is hard work and more of the same. (Enter a new family member ;)). I'm wanting to get more creative with my blogging too and perhaps flex my skills regarding the video gaming arena. Maybe immerse myself in some music for a time too and create something else with words. We'll see...
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, fall is the busiest time of year--marching band season for the high schoolers. However, I still plan on taking some time for myself. I will be knitting and listening to podcasts. I also hope to write in my new handmade journal.
ReplyDeleteWell, I have a crazy schedule this semester in university, but I'm going to a country music concert this weekend, I'm going to visit my in-laws including my baby nephew, and my Mom might visit me for Thanksgiving (she lives across the country). So, busy and eventful, but I guess that's the way I like it!
ReplyDeleteDoing something for me?
ReplyDeleteI am doing Nano! This year I have the time! :) Also, I am planning a trip to London, or Dublin. Maybe both. I got money over from the Barcelona trip. Heh.
My fall plan is to hang out with my kids as much as possible without electronics involved (no TV, no computer games, etc). Take walks, go to the park, go to the library and check out tons of stuff (non fic especially but I have a hankering to introduce my son to Pippi Longstocking). Encourage them to create stuff, their own books and such and just enjoy what they come up with!
ReplyDeleteI hit the wrong button here, so I have to apologize to Bibliophile and re-enter her comment manually (I am sorry, B):
ReplyDeleteBibliophile has left a new comment on your post "Forecast: Early Frostfire":
I have a gift card for a massage at a local spa that I plan to use soon. Afterwards, I will be going out to dinner at my favourite restaurant and ending the day in bed with a good book.
Well, it's not fall in Australia, and even less so where I'm going, but I will certainly be having fun - I leave for a 2 month holiday in Africa on Monday!
ReplyDeleteIt's been a stressful few months, and I'm looking forward to doing nothing but traveling.
OOOHHHHHHH!!!!!! ARC's! How exciting. I have just pre-ordered Frostfire. YEAH! Well in OZ, we have just started a beautiful spring and are going into summer so I am getting the garden into shape. After some very dry years we have had some good winter and spring rain so I have high hopes for a good garden this year.
ohhhh want... Other than finishing up three projects and starting two or three more? Main thing is a family trip next month. Which I really, really need.
ReplyDeleteNow that class is over and fall is just beginning, I plan on taking a road trip. Of course my two cats will be travelling with me. Time to check out a few pet friendly hotels on the way.
ReplyDeleteI think that Texas has missed the memo about Fall again this year, cause it's pretty humid/hot out...and it's only 7 am.
ReplyDeleteStill, I do love Fall. More knitting (you know, for the two weeks of winter we get) AND! November means pumpkin pie, turkey and NANOWRIMO!
I made the first pumpkin pie of many last night, and I'm so ready for NaNo it's ridiculous!
I live in southwestern Virginia and while we are still experiencing abnormal hot weather, the nights are noticeably cooler. I love the fall. I always feel regenerated and ready to start something new. Since we live in a college town, we gets lots of visitors during football season. It is wonderful to play host to friends.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to reading Frostfire in whatever format I can find it :)
Every year I make plans to decorate for Halloween, have a great party & bake fall goodies. In the end, I slap up a few spider webs, so I scrap the party & heat up cider I got from the store. This year, I decided that the party isn't important. I've cleaned my house and hauled out the decorations. The decorating and the baking is just for me. Once I decided that, I didn't feel so stressed about something that is supposed to be fun.
ReplyDeleteMy to-do list is as long as ever, and a pair of stray kittens have just added themselves to the list. They are safely inside our house (away from tomcats and cars, and with an ample supply of food and water). We're not sure that we're going to keep them forever, but they're here for the moment, and probably at least a few weeks.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, they mean extra laundry (for another week or two till they're big enough for flea control products), cat baths (those fleas again, plus goopy eyes that need meds), and extra cleaning (they figured out the litterbox on day 1, but now we have to keep it clean). But they also mean purr fests and snuggles (one of the pair is especially friendly), and that innocent energy that is kitten play.
I am already enjoying fall with kittens :)
I'm taking a high school girl I mentor to the Headless Horseman program at a local history reenactment site. I think I'll be more scared than she is!
ReplyDeletePlease throw my name in the hat....
ReplyDeleteI am not sure what I am going to do this fall.
My husband and I like to go to the Cider Mill every year, where I take pictures of the changing leaves and such. We're going in a few weeks, and I'm really looking forward to it.
I can't wait to go apple picking with my kids this fall. And of course I look forward to reading and writing books with a hot mug of hot chocolate.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to traveling to see friends and family this fall :)
ReplyDeleteYay Frostfire!!
Toss my name in please. My plans for this Fall... I plan to get fit and really start to exercise - its a fall for me.
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I are planning to take a trip to the mountains in October. The leaves should be beautiful then.
ReplyDeleteOooooh, Frostfire - uber excited about that!
ReplyDeleteHmm, this fall I want to get out of my motivational slump. Last year about this time I was getting out of a serious depression; a lot of stuff happened that was out of my control and taking the moral high road was a lonely trek and I comforted myself with food. Yes, I packed on the pounds; goodbye nice, litle number, hello number I'd rather not admit to! This summer has been busy, but I haven't really accomplished anything. I'm hoping that this fall I can dig in, find my inner-motivational-diva, and get stuff done. I've joined a belly dance class - shhhh, my family just thinks I'm taking a cardio jazzercise class, too embarassed to tell them what I'm really doing when I don't answer my phone! Working out takes a kind of motivation I can't fabricate, but the dancing is fun, and we sweat, and I use parts of my body I didn't even know were supposed to be able to move independantly of the rest of me! So, this fall is all about getting motivated, making good choices, learning some new knitting techniques and getting healthy (note, not skinny, just healthy ;D )
Toss me in! Plans for the fall...clean house. Wait that is work. Play with my huskies and take them on walks as soon as it is cool enough which it isn't yet, at least not for huskies. :*(
ReplyDeleteI am heading back to Kyoto to finish-up a project. Fun!
ReplyDeleteConsider my name in the hat (and what a great giveaway!)...
ReplyDeleteI'm going to be writing furiously, every second I can, between my kids swimming lessons and my own composition classes...
I hope your next few months bring you relaxation and allow you to catch up on everything.
I have been working toward a HUGE project at work, which culminates this weekend, and then I am spending an entire week of bliss in the mountains, house-sitting a friend's two kitties, clearing deadwood around their property, watching lizards, and writing.
ReplyDeleteNot much planned for this Fall other than waiting for the weather to cool down enough to clean out our back storage area, not air conditioned. Exciting, huh? Not, lol!
ReplyDeletePlease include me in the giveaway, I'm really, really, really looking forward to reading FROSTFIRE! :)
Because I'm also going to participate in NaNoWriMo in November, the rest of my fall will be preparing by working on my outline. Can't wait!!
ReplyDeleteI plan on finally finishing my book.
ReplyDeletePlease toss my name in the hat! Ye Gads, I can't believe Fall is officially here. Couldn't have come a minute too soon - I'm ready for a cold front and Sweater Weather.
ReplyDeleteThis Fall, I'm hoping to meet up with friends at the Texas Book Festival in Austin. And, I'm pondering NANO - but I don't want to commit to it unless I'm truly invested in completion this time. I don't want to start and not finish, like I've done in the past. Just makes me feel bad.
Thanks Lynn!!!
And thanks for blogging again!
And thanks for not deleting the blog!
(Happy Dance)
Hopefully Texas starts cooling down since I want my electricity bill to be lower. Plus follow doctor's orders and put my illness back into remission (again) since stress sets it off.
ReplyDeleteMy plans for this fall are tons of walking (I injured my knee in May, spent the entire summer inside, and my physical therapist just released me into the wild) and suffering the emotional process that is querying my latest book. Hopefully the walking will help with the stress of that.
ReplyDeleteI hope to go the Myrtle Beach for a week of relaxation and catching up on my reading
ReplyDeleteAfter spending four years giving up my life up for training I am relearning what is fun and what I enjoy. I am going to as many random events as possible and taking classes I could never allow myself to take before. In terms of an oasis, I think you create your oasis. And the components definitely change over time. Mine mostly still involves time spent alone.
ReplyDeleteNikki A
I'm looking forward to the cooler weather so I finish working on the outside of my house, including painting the trim. Also looking forward to moving closer to my family (2 1/2 hours away!!) in December while I attend UT-D for my doctorate. Literally counting the days...
ReplyDeleteSpring just arrived in this hemisphere, and it brought rain just to spite the spring picnic lovers.
ReplyDeleteI'll be drawing and outlining upcoming building/remodeling projects, and celebrating my daughters' birthdays... both were spring babies.
Aside from grovelling to win a copy of Frostfire I'm doing more experimenting in the kitchen this fall.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back, PBW!
ReplyDeleteThis fall I expect I'm going to be planning my wedding! Sure, it's not till September (of 2011), but I'm a planner. It's what I do.
Something I'm going to do just for me is to sew a new mini wardrobe for fall.
ReplyDeleteHere in SoCal we don't get the changing of the leaves like we got to enjoy while living in Virginia so every year I force my family into the car and up to the mountains to pick apples and see the colors of fall. This year, despite my grandma's illness, I'm still making everyone go. She may not be here long and I want my daughter to have that special experience with her. For some reason I can't articulate, fall is special to me - it's change and comfort all in one, somehow.
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you for the opportunity to win an early Frostfire - I'm really looking forward to this novel!
My oasis, Jamaica. In a quiet town on the southern hills of the island, where tourists rarely go. I dream of sitting on the porch, listening to sound of crickets, smelling the sweet tropical air while the cool breezes waft around me.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to being able to bake again. I'm also continuing to "work" on my machine embroidery and poly clay projects.
ReplyDeleteWell, it's not "just" for me, but I'm hoping this fall to make it down to Disneyland with my bf in time to catch the Halloween Time festivities. I've been to the Park many times, but somehow always missed the fall season there.
ReplyDeleteI also have a theatrical production in the works, which will hopefully be fun along with the stress.
Oh. And NaNoWriMo. Can't forget that.
I am taking a week off after Thanksgiving and going to orlando to see HP world at universal studios and just relaxing the rest of the week.
ReplyDeleteExcited to fly my family to Disneyworld--and switch my cell phone off for a week.
ReplyDeleteBret B.
Getting an advance reading copy of Frostfire would be my play and respite from work, worry, and burnout. Thanks for considering me!
ReplyDeleteSusan McVey
I'm going on a nature trail walk in a National Park near the Hudson Bay.
ReplyDeleteFall is the greatest time to see the earthy tones of plants.
I think I'll do lots of reading this fall. I have to pack to move (so not on my fun list) so I'll need some down time and for me that's reading.
ReplyDeleteMy friend and I are currently making Halloween costumes. I know this kind of thing can be stressful for some people, but, since we love Halloween the same way a lot of people love Christmas, this is extremely exciting for us. We get excited just discussing designing the next piece to work on.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all...it's great to have you back. You were gone so long I was worried you had decided to quit blogging.
ReplyDeleteSomething I have started doing for myself lately is scrapbooking. Once a month my dil, her mother and I go to an all day scrapbooking event. So far I have completed 26 pages of 1st borns book. Of course the 4th child will be lucking to have 26 pages total.
I'm amazed at how quickly the summer's flown by. I'm working on my WiP, still. It's taken a lot of simmering this time. And I'm getting ready for Nano. A friend will be staying with me for the Dodge Poetry fest, so I'm also getting the condo spiffed up and cleaned.
ReplyDeleteGlad to have you back.
I'm looking forward to baking and trying out some new recipes! I've been working hard to keep my weekends just blocked off for relaxing things (not work or other stuff) so having some homemade goodies on hand would be a nice addition. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteAttending a conference for the day job, but stretching it out to spend time at the ocean.
ReplyDeleteIt's still pretty warm and dry in NC. I hope fall weather gets here soon. My plans are to do some hiking on my days off work and on the weekends. My goal is to go at least twice a month until next year.
ReplyDeleteThanks for tossing my name into the hat!
Be blessed,
Jennifer Wofford
I'm looking to fall knitting.
ReplyDeleteMy plans for the fall include following the drawing lessons in the New York Times and finishing up the current novelette which I started on a whim and have been enjoying immensely.
ReplyDeleteAnd indulging in comic books again. It's been too long.
Toss me in!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to start working out so I can start climbing again. It's going to be a long road to where I once was, but I think I'm going to enjoy the challenge. At least it'll be completely different from the usual grind of university and family insanity.
My plans include getting full custody of my son. That's about all I can afford, LOL. Lawyers are INSANELY expensive. Maybe I should have gone into law instead of literature...gah...
ReplyDeleteI love Halloween. Always have and always will. The beginning of October the entire family starts setting up decorations. We get pretty elaborate and it takes nearly two weeks to get it all set up.
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to a possible promotion and the serial birthdays that the last few months of the year bring for my family.
ReplyDeleteI would love to win this from you.. I am planning on going back to work after being a stay at home mom for three years! My name is Margaret Leenders
ReplyDeletei'm looking forward to cooler weather this fall. I'm in AZ and we're still hitting the 100+ highs every day :)
ReplyDeleteAllThingsUrbanFantasy AT gmail DOT com
Welcome back. Missed starting my day with your blog.
ReplyDeleteFall bring dreams of lots of knitting while watching football and lots of wonderful new books for many hours of armchair traveling.
Fall for me brings getting myself back into shape. Baking lots of comfort food and reading as much as I can. Well more or less the usual.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to read your next book.
thank you
ReplyDeleteYou know I'm in for any giveaway you have! Your gifts are awesome!
I plan this fall to start riding my horse, Murphy. November 21 will be one year since I last rode. I actually have a beach ride planned in Fernandina with some friends in two weeks. Wish me luck!
Toss me in the hat with the others. I will try to play nice! My plan for this fall is to catch up on all the sleep I lost this summer due to the hot, humid weather.
ReplyDeleteI'll be checking out the haunted corn maze at the local orchard. I LOVE these mazes and it is something I look forward to every year.
ReplyDeleteI have read all the Star Doc books and just discovered this series. I looked at the last name and knew it had to be you! I've enjoyed all the books and can't wait for the new one! Fall for me means Halloween..I decorate and even dress up my poor lab(she hates me) in a skeleton outfit. But the kids love her...and our BIG candy bars
ReplyDeleteI have a yahoo account, which is lady_guine@yahoo.com. Sorry no google. Diane Lord
I think the thing I love best about fall is the FOOD! Nothing better than making a pot roast, pumpkin soup, pie, cookies, hot chocolate...okay I'm just getting fat typing this. Can't wait! And maybe I can have some hot chocolate whilst reading Frostfire!
ReplyDeleteI'll be hiding out in my "pool-house"(really a shed where I keep the pool stuff when the pool is open)It's got a sunny window, the stored chairs from around the pool and a DOOR to keep noise and people out while I read. Unfortunately it gets dark early and my MY-TIME is limited. I'd love the books but what will my Borders store do without my weekly visit?
ReplyDeleteI've convinced my best friend to write Nano with me this year. That's going to be a blast.
ReplyDeleteAnd I splurged on some great new yarn to knit everyone scarves for Christmas. Knitting is my oasis. :)
The weather here has made my old roses go CRAZY.
ReplyDeleteJust gorgeous.
Roses and books are great escapes for me.
I should send you a cutting of my oldest, most fragant heritage rose.
I think think the cutting would survive a trip to a po box!
OOOHHH Toss my name in please.
ReplyDeleteNext week is my oasis time, I plan on taking a 3 day vacation. Day 1 plan is hiting the bookstore and getting about a dozen books. Day 2 & 3 plans - READ!!!
I'm finally going to finish the afghan I began crocheting 3 years ago and never got back to. The cooler weather makes it so much better. You can crochet, cuddle up to the blanket and drink tea without dying of heatstroke!
ReplyDeleteI am planning some me time away from work and part of that will be in the Blue Mountains (near Sydney in Australia)
I'm a new reader and have read just about all of your books. I am hooked, right now I am starting the Star Doc series, finished the Darkyn and Kyndred. All of it just terrific.
ReplyDeleteI am excited about the beekeeping series that my husband and I will start in Nov. It will end next spring with a honey harvest.
Hope to win Frostfire but if not, will get it in 2011. Thanks for sharing your gift.
I create my own jewelry. I really love the texture of natural stones and the rich variety of colors. I also enjoy metal work to go with it.
ReplyDeleteI'm also so thankful that you are back up here. I'm additcted to this blog and to your books and can't wait to see what comes next. Thanks for all that you do for your readership and for others who enjoy writing. We really appreciate it.
I'm a Fall Lover but no one else around me is so we never get to partake of all the fun and activites associated with this time of year. This year I am determined (even if I have to drag them kicking and screaming or go by myslef)I am going to enjoy my Fall season...visit this awesome little town in the mountains north of me for apple picking, (they have THE BEST pie!), maybe do some hay rides and haunted mazes for halloween!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to finish the sequel to the first book I've had requests for (not the first one I've finished thank heavens. Those three should never be seen by another living soul!) finish another that I'm working on and try not to sit around like a lump when I'm not working and stare at the walls.
ReplyDeleteThis has been a tough few months for me too.
It's not really "just for me" but it's pretty close: moving :D I can't wait to find a new place and make it my own...also, more cooking, being with loved ones, and more reading :)
ReplyDeleteI just got back from a mini-vacation to Yellowstone National Park. It was a nice mental break from the day-to-day grind.
ReplyDeleteMy family is planning a weekend in Tucson and a trip to Kartchner Caverns. It should be fun but not like Disneyland crazy fun. More of a relaxing type of fun. :)