
Thursday, March 22, 2012

More Sub Ops Ten

Ten Things About Submission Opportunities

Arkansas Arts Council offers individual artists fellowships of up to $4,000.00 annually to Arkansas writers in alternating genres; in 2012 the awards will be given for novels. Writers who are at least 25 years of age and have lived in Arkansas for at least one year are eligible. Submit 15 to 20 pages of a novel, a one-page synopsis of the work, an artist statement and resume by April 20th, 2012. No entry fee; see web site for more details.

Arrowhead Regional Arts Council awards grants of up to $2,500.00 three times per year to allow Minnesota writers to take advantage of a specific arts opportunity, as well as fellowships of $2,500.00 to $5,000.00 annually, to poets, fiction writers and creative nonfiction writers who are U.S. citizens, at least 18 years of age and have lived in Aitkin, Carlton, cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake or St. Louis counties in northeastern Minnesota for at least six months are eligible. For the grants submit up to ten pages of poetry or fifteen pages of prose, a description of the opportunity or project, and a resume by March 30th, 2012; for the fellowships submit up to ten pages of poetry or fifteen pages of prose, a work statement and a resume by March 30th, 2012. No entry fee; see web site for more details.

Baton Rouge Area Foundation offers the Ernest J. Gaines Award, a prize of $10,000.00 given annually to an African American author for a book of fiction published during the previous year. Submit ten copies of a short story collection, a novel or a novella published in 2011 by April 30th, 2012. No entry free, see web site for the required entry form and more details.

Gemini Magazine is holding a short story contest: "Grand prize $1,000.00, second place $100.00, three honorable mentions. All Five Finalists Will Be Published in The June 2012 Issue of Gemini. No restrictions on content, style, genre or length. Flashes, novel excerpts, experimental, mainstream, literary, noir, romance—all types of short fiction are welcome. Simply send your best unpublished work by email or snail mail. We publish both new and established writers." There is an entry fee for this one, but it's $4.00 so it's not outrageous; see web site for more details. Deadline: March 31, 2012.

Lilith Magazine "welcomes unsolicited submissions of high-quality, lively writing: reportage, opinion pieces, memoirs, fiction and poetry on subjects of interest to Jewish women. Our features usually run no longer than 2,500 words. News briefs are 500 words or less. When submitting, please make sure your name and contact information appear on each page of the manuscript, and include a short bio: one to two sentences, written in the third person. We accept submissions year-round. While we prefer online submissions through this website, we continue to accept hard-copy submissions as well." [PBW notes: No info on payment, but it's an interesting market so it might be worth querying.] See guidelines page for more details.

Passaic County Community College offers the Paterson Fiction Prize of $1,000.00 given annually for a novel or short story collection published in the previous year. Publishers may submit books published in 2011 by April 1st, 2012. No entry fee, see web site for required entry form and more details.

Washington Center for the Book offers the Washington State Book Awards, prizes of $500.00 given annually for a book of poetry, fiction and nonfiction (including creative nonfiction) by writers who were born in Washington tate or have lived in the state for at least three years. Publishers or authors may submit six copies of books published in 2011 by April 1st, 2012. No entry free, see web site for required entry form and more details. is holding their 11th annual Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest: "Total cash prizes of $3,600 will be awarded, with a top prize of $1,500. This contest is free to enter. We accept entries online. Click here to submit your entry now. There is no fee to submit to the Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest. Poets of all nations may enter. Your poem must be in English (inspired gibberish also accepted). Please enter only one poem during the submission period. Your poem may be of any length. Both published and unpublished work are welcome. First Prize of $1,500 and publication on (over one million page views per year); Second Prize of $800 and publication on; Third Prize of $400 and publication on; Twelve honorable mentions will receive $75 each and publication on" See guidelines for more details; deadline: April 1st, 2012.

Wordrunner e-Chapbooks has an open call for their June 2012 poetry echapbook; guidelines for which "will be posted by March 25. Submissions will be open from April 1 through May 21, 2012. General guidelines: At least one-fourth of any collection should be previously unpublished. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but only one submission per author." Payment: $65; they will also be posting open calls for Anthology and Memoir echapbooks later this year; see guidelines for more details.

The Writer's Center offers Emerging Writer Fellowships given annually to poets, fiction writers and creative nonfiction writers to give readings at the Writer's Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Fellows within a 250-mile radius of the center will receive a $250.00 honorarium, and all others will receive a $500.00 honorarium. Poets with up to three books and prose writers with up to two books published are eligible. For fellowships in fall 2012, submit up to ten pages of poetry or sixteen pages of prose, a cirriculum vitae, and a letter of interest by April 15th, 2012. No entry fee; see web site for more details.

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