
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Back Online, Sub Ops

Hello, internet. Nice to see you again.

Now that I have a more reliable connection, here are a couple of sub ops I wanted to pass along:

The LBA Crime Fiction Competition: "Get represented by one of the UK's top literary agencies. Circalit, the crowd-sourcing platform for writers, has teamed up with literary agency, Luigi Bonomi Associates, to find talented new crime fiction writers. LBA is one of the UK’s top literary agencies and well known for representing authors such as David Gibbins, Alan Titchmarsh,
James May, Richard Hammond and many others. Now Thomas Stofer, an agent at LBA, is on the lookout for crime fiction novels to turn into international best sellers. All you need is the first three chapters of your crime fiction work plus a detailed synopsis." Enter for free at here. Deadline: April 30th, 2012.

Also from Circalit, an open call for their short story anthology: "Circalit has announced the publication of a short story anthology for Autumn 2012. The Circalit Anthology will be read by over 10,000 subscribers and will be available in paperback and as an eBook. Any short story uploaded onto Circalit will automatically be considered for the anthology. Simply create an account at and upload your short stories to be eligible." Deadline: March 31st, 2012.

So what's happening with you guys? Let us know in comments.


  1. Glad you're back. How was the quilt show?

    I'm working on a serial, posting an installment on my blog every week or so. I'm trying to just free-form write the plot, no planning, no outline. The first "chapter" was from the guy's perspective, the second from the woman's. I don't have a clue where the story is going, but that's the fun of it. In theory.

    1. The quilt show was small but fabulous, and a much-needed mini-vacation for me. :)

      I imagine organic serial writing is a great way to sharpen your skills at being creative on the spot. I wrote one story live online in a chat room once (I did think it through before I began the session, so I can't say I was being entirely organic) and that challenged me on multiple levels.

  2. Your giveaways inspired me to get the sewing machine out on the weekend. I made a great cat tote bag.

    1. Oh, how cool. I love infecting others with sewing. :) Is there a new magical cats book to go into the tote bag (not that I'm hinting....)?

  3. I'm just glad you're back. How long did it take for the IDTs to set in? Usually for me, it's about an hour. Then I fidget for an hour or so hoping the internet will come back, then I go find something else to do and I'm fine.

    So, what did YOU do with your time? ;o)

    1. Let's see, I cleaned the house, made a cuddle quilt for Skye and caught up on my 1K cards project. It was a slow day. ;)


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