
Saturday, September 25, 2010


My list of ideas of things to do for fun this fall has gotten a lot longer, thanks to all the great plans you guys shared. You can also count me in for NaNoWriMo in November; taking part last year and blogging about it was a blast.

We dusted off the magic hat tonight, and the winners of the Forecast: Early Frostfire giveaway are:

Kris S., who is planning to: "Learn to knit or crochet better, focus on more time just for me and planning a garden for spring." (Thank you for reminding me, I need to start planning next year's garden.)

Jamie, who despite having a chilly spring in Oz is planning to listen to audiobooks while take some long walks on the beach. (I've never tried that; will have to give it a go next time we hit the sands.)

Renee, who loves making all the great foods of fall: "Nothing better than making a pot roast, pumpkin soup, pie, cookies, hot chocolate...okay I'm just getting fat typing this." (No, no, the typing burns off the imaginary calories, lol.)

Donna, who is waiting for the weather to cool down enough to "clean out our back storage area, not air conditioned." (Donna is making me eye one of my messy closets now. I love to organize.)

Nicole, who is going to try to "make it down to Disneyland with my bf in time to catch the Halloween Time festivities" as well as work on a theatrical production and join in NaNoWriMo. (I want to know what Nicole eats for breakfast.)

Hello Jack, who will be moving and "can't wait to find a new place and make it my own...also, more cooking, being with loved ones, and more reading." (Food, family and fresh books -- you can't go wrong with that combo.)

Stephanie Shaver, who will be planning her wedding (what lovely news, too -- congrats, Stephanie)

Leslee, whose fall plan is to "hang out with my kids as much as possible without electronics involved" (Amen, lady. Any time you can unplug the youngsters is a great time.)

Margaret Fisk, who is hoping to get a friend to visit and might pick up her guitar again (I'm jealous; I always wanted to learn to play an instrument, but I'm tone-deaf . . . *sigh*.)

Sherry, who has started scrapbooking and going to scrapbooking events with family members. (Last fall I started a photo e-book for my daughter's high school band to put together all the shots I took of their performances and competitions. Lots of fun; must get back to work on that.)

Winners, when you have a chance, please send your full name and ship-to address to so I can get these books out to you. My thanks to everyone for joining in.


  1. THANK YOU!!!!!!! (squeeeeee)
    Just emailed you my details! Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Oh, yes!!! Thank you so much!!! I can't believe I won a copy... this absolutely made my entire month. (^_^)

  3. Congrats to all of you!!


  4. Thank you :D. Hugs on the tone deaf. I've been playing the guitar since I stole my sister's guitar when I was six. (My parents thought I was too young and when they got tired of hearing my aimless playing, Mom taught me three chords and one song. When they got tired of "She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain"... Well, the rest is history :).

  5. This reminds me of your teasers for last year's NaNoWriMo. I almost can't believe it will be a year and we haven't read it all yet! LOL It wasn't your intention to sell it IIRC, but I'm buying!

  6. Blanca wrote: This reminds me of your teasers for last year's NaNoWriMo. I almost can't believe it will be a year and we haven't read it all yet! LOL It wasn't your intention to sell it IIRC, but I'm buying!

    After I finished writing my NaNo novel last year I decided to test the commercial waters with it and sent a proposal package for it to my agent in April. It's currently being shopped around, so it may end up in print after all.

  7. Congratulations to all. I'm so jealous. I was unplugged from the internet for the last week and missed the contest. **sigh**

  8. I'm so excited I won! I think I'll sit down and read this first before hitting the audiobooks. :) Thank you!

  9. Whee! Thank you!

    I guess I now have something else to do this fall desides theatre, NaNo, and Disneyland... read more Kyndred!

    (Oh, and breakfast... usually just tea and toast. Lunch is my big meal of the day.)

  10. Lynn wrote: It's currently being shopped around, so it may end up in print after all.

    Keep us posted, please!

  11. Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy!! I never win anything this is awesome!
    Emailing details now :)


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