
Friday, February 20, 2009

This and That

Thanks to the slogfest problem-riddled electronic copy-edit of Crystal Healer (600+ punctuation and formatting errors created by someone in NY who apparently doesn't like spacing around dash marks or new paragraph tab indents) I did not get out to the book store yet; it will have to be this weekend now. But this is a good thing, because I want to print out and study the list of your book recs.

I also have an e-rec for you guys: if you enjoyed Marjorie M. Liu's The Iron Hunt as much as I did, but never got to read Hunter Kiss, the earlier anthologized story by Marjorie that tells how Maxine and Grant met and got together, Penguin now has the story available to purchase solo as an eSpecial.

I have been invited to contribute to a number of anthologies over the last year, and another three invites just rolled in. I am always flattered to be asked, but my past bad experience combined with my current contractual obligations prohibit me from accepting these invites. Also: when I refuse your very kind offer, please do not e-mail me back multiple times to argue with me about it. My answer isn't going to change. There are many, many other talented writers out there who would appreciate both the work and the exposure, so please consider inviting one of them to participate in your project.

After that copy-edit my brain feels like tempura, but all I think I need is some time away from Microsoft Word. I am Worded out. So what's up with you guys? Anything planned for this weekend?


  1. I won a copy of The Iron Hunt in one of your giveaways last year, and then took it to San Diego Comic-Con and got it signed by Marjorie M. Liu herself. (She is so sweet in person.) Totally heading over to get the ebook.

  2. Do you collect typos for books already published? I came across several in Stay the Night and in your latest freebies Ravelin and Incarnatio. If it would help I could email those I notice.

  3. Hugs on the copy edit, but at least you caught it. And sigh on the arguing. Never understood people arguing about such things.

    I am going down to play guitar with a friend who's kidding ;). (She has some goats and her milk goat just had kids so she can't go anywhere. Not enough time between milkings.)

    BTW, sorry for my confused comment on the title post. I'm reading Stay the Night now and just remet Elaine only to have a DUH moment to realize I mixed Elaine and Elizabeth. Sigh. Brain dead. But on the positive side, now I'm looking forward to the ebook more :).

  4. Its going to be cold in Jacksonville, Florida this weekend. I am starting with If Angles Burn and working my way to Stay the Night again. Untill I find another series to read. My boys want to go paintballing. My 13 year old says its theraputic (sorry for the spelling) he likes to be able to shot his parents. So thats the plan for sunday

  5. Very, very exciting plans for the weekend. I'm going to Disney World!

  6. I'm meeting with my friend of 40 years for coffee, then she's going on to a 24 hour sewing competition, (I think she said quilting but it might be fabric art) then out to dinner with the DH for our Valentine thing, which we usually never bother with....

    And tomorrow, I'm holing up in front of the fireplace to write and watch the 8 inches of snow we're supposed to get :shock:

    Sunday, hopefully, I'll read a couple of the books off my TBR pile that is listing to the right because it's almost as tall as me!

  7. I'm going to a library book sale this weekend! Should be fun even though I won't have time to read until spring break in march probably.

  8. My plans for the weekend? doing my taxes and filling out financial aide stuff. Oh the joy!

  9. Going to a Japanese festival on Saturday and attending a friend's B-day party that night. Should be fun.

  10. Anonymous1:25 PM

    We are preparing for an inspection from the PTB on monday, yippee! while handling people from a fishing tournament and an off-road truck shindig. I think I'm coming down with an ulcer.

  11. I have a family dinner on Sunday night for my grandma's birthday, but other than that no firm plans.

  12. I get to see my dad tomorrow and then head back to school on Sunday after a week off!
    Feels like I haven't seen my friends at university forever...Although it's only been a week.
    ManiacScribbler =^..^=

  13. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Let's see. Tomorrow I'm working on my final project for my Medical Language class. It's a Powerpoint presentation. I hate Powerpoint. Anyway, Sunday I am splurging and taking my horse, Duke, out into the woods (no hunting zone) and riding for a few hours. It is supposed to be cold, but he's got a great fur coat right now. And I can bundle up! After that I'll probably come home and read one of the new books I received from my favorite author! Take care!

  14. Kristin wrote: I won a copy of The Iron Hunt in one of your giveaways last year, and then took it to San Diego Comic-Con and got it signed by Marjorie M. Liu herself.

    That is so cool. I wish I could travel myself and get some books signed. Marjorie would definitely be the first author I'd corner. :)

    Totally heading over to get the ebook.

    You'll really enjoy it, Kristin. I was delighted to see Penguin put it out as an eSpecial because I know a lot of readers missed the print antho it was first published in.

  15. lxz wrote: Do you collect typos for books already published? I came across several in Stay the Night and in your latest freebies Ravelin and Incarnatio. If it would help I could email those I notice

    I am always happy to get a heads-up on any typos a reader spots, lxz, especially on the e-books because I write and edit and publish those myself. I can't do much about the ones that make it into the print books unless they're reissued by the publisher, but the free e-books I can revise. E-mail any problems you want to pass along to

  16. Margaret wrote: BTW, sorry for my confused comment on the title post. I'm reading Stay the Night now and just remet Elaine only to have a DUH moment to realize I mixed Elaine and Elizabeth. Sigh. Brain dead. But on the positive side, now I'm looking forward to the ebook more :).

    No problem, lady. And totally understandable, considering what happened to Elizabeth. ;)

  17. Rose wrote: Its going to be cold in Jacksonville, Florida this weekend. I am starting with If Angles Burn and working my way to Stay the Night again. Untill I find another series to read.

    For new series you might want to check out, I recommend Patricia Briggs's Mercy books and Marjorie M. Liu's Dirk & Steele novels. The stories in both are engaging and the writing is simply fabulous.

    My boys want to go paintballing. My 13 year old says its theraputic (sorry for the spelling) he likes to be able to shot his parents. So thats the plan for sunday

    Can you do that indoors, I hope? I have images of you and your spouse covered in frozen paint. :)

  18. Margaret wrote: Very, very exciting plans for the weekend. I'm going to Disney World!

    Oh, you'll love it. And if you have time, check out SeaWorld -- another great attraction in Orlando. :)

  19. Theo wrote: I'm meeting with my friend of 40 years for coffee, then she's going on to a 24 hour sewing competition, (I think she said quilting but it might be fabric art) then out to dinner with the DH for our Valentine thing, which we usually never bother with...

    I've pulled one of those all-nighter sewfests. They're a lot of fun until about 3 a.m. when the coffee runs out and you've jammed a needle into every one of your fingertips about a hundred times so you're sewing with bandaid fingers. :) I hope you and your guy have a lovely dinner.

    And tomorrow, I'm holing up in front of the fireplace to write and watch the 8 inches of snow we're supposed to get :shock:

    Eeeeeek. The t'stat is dropping here and we're expecting a freeze, but it will not bring snow along with it. Keep your feet warm.

    Sunday, hopefully, I'll read a couple of the books off my TBR pile that is listing to the right because it's almost as tall as me!

    I arranged for a puppysitter so my daughter and I can sneak out of here and hit the book store and mall tomorrow. Then I plan to occupy the sofa for the entire day on Sunday and read myself blind.

  20. Elle wrote: I'm going to a library book sale this weekend! Should be fun even though I won't have time to read until spring break in march probably

    Good for you -- those sales help out the libraries a lot. Hope you find some good reads.

  21. Moth wrote: My plans for the weekend? doing my taxes and filling out financial aide stuff. Oh the joy!

    True, but you're getting a jump on it, which is a good thing.

  22. Jordan wrote: Going to a Japanese festival on Saturday and attending a friend's B-day party that night. Should be fun.

    I will think of you as I start sorting through my new pile of yakuta fabric to pick out what I'm going to use for my next Asian quilt. Don't eat too much bday cake.

  23. Eugenia wrote: We are preparing for an inspection from the PTB on monday, yippee! while handling people from a fishing tournament and an off-road truck shindig. I think I'm coming down with an ulcer.

    You need a weekend off from your weekend, girl. I hope everything goes okay.

  24. Lynn, I should clarify. My friend is doing a sewing competition with the medieval group she belongs to. They're designing two complete womens ensembles, one daywear and one evening/party type. She says they only wanted her for her sewing machine and serger. LOL

    I should take a picture of the beautiful Jacob's Ladder jacket she made for me. My quilts are boring. I just do the traditional piecework.

    Does anyone know where I can buy electric socks? With the weather tomorrow, they would make my feet happy little campers. ;)

  25. ikkinlala wrote: I have a family dinner on Sunday night for my grandma's birthday, but other than that no firm plans.

    Happy birthday to your grandma. :)

  26. Maniac Scribbler wrote: I get to see my dad tomorrow and then head back to school on Sunday after a week off!

    Oh, so you've been on vacation while the rest of us have been slaving over hot keyboards....

    Feels like I haven't seen my friends at university forever...Although it's only been a week.

    Then when you get back to school, you'll probably feel like that week lasted only a couple of hours. :)

  27. Tami wrote: Let's see. Tomorrow I'm working on my final project for my Medical Language class. It's a Powerpoint presentation. I hate Powerpoint.

    My son tried to teach me Powerpoint, and gave up after I inadvertantly wiped out half of his files. ;)

    Anyway, Sunday I am splurging and taking my horse, Duke, out into the woods (no hunting zone) and riding for a few hours. It is supposed to be cold, but he's got a great fur coat right now. And I can bundle up!

    My daughter is going riding this weekend with her trainer, too. You outdoor types are brave souls; I'm staying home where it's nice and warm.

    After that I'll probably come home and read one of the new books I received from my favorite author!

    Lol. That package we talked about went out to you today, btw. Hopefully UPS delivers it tomorrow, but if not, it will likely arrive on Monday.

  28. And I know this is a couple days late, but you should DEFINITELY check out The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. Everyone should. I dare you to pick it up, flip to any page, start reading, and then walk away :) The prose is beautiful, and it's a very fresh take on Nazi Germany (the story of a German girl, narrated by Death).

  29. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I'm working on my NIP this weekend.I'm also sending in a story to "Glimmer Train." I haven't had much luck with them, but what the heck? My story won't do anything tucked away in a file. :)
    I'm supposed to go to a baby shower tomorrow. I think the snowstorm may make me a "no show." I'll put that time towards more writing!
    I'm in the mood for a good book. Wait!I recently got these very cool books from winning a question contest on this very cool site.Could be I can split my time between a book, writing, sticking bookmarks in all my reads in progress novels. Yeah. I like that idea.

    Thanks Lynn. I love the books, the mags,and the bookmarks. My husband found your package outside the door and immediately yelled into the night "I'm going to catch that damn UPS guy and kill him if he doesn't stop delivering books to this house!"

    Hehehehe...I said "Yeah, hon. You do that. Then you can write me from prison and give me the inner perspective on the life of a con."

    Gotta love the man. He's got spirit.

    Laurel (aka. Raven)

  30. I have been filling out a form for two months now for my daughter. Government forms over here are such a pig but I promised myself I will get it done by the end of hte weekend.
    So my brain does not totally mush I am writing a short story and reading a book by Tess Stimpson, The Infidelity Chain. Not UF but described as Six lovers, Two Affairs. Giving UF a break for now.
    Did get out to the park this afternoon with the girls. Met a cute German 3 year old who spoke no English. Was very interesting.
    Hope you have fun reading tomorrow. Give your pup a pat. My poor dog had to lie tied up outside the park today. Oh well he prefers to be with us than left out.


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