
Saturday, February 21, 2009

After StarDoc Poll

Today's question is for my SF readers. Once I wrap up the StarDoc series, which I plan to do with book ten, I'll be able to start a new project, although I doubt they'll let me write outside the StarDoc universe. After working on this series for so many years, I also think it would be good for me to do a standalone or a trilogy.

I've considered developing the Holly Noriko stories into a full-length novel, but I'd really rather keep those as free books. My other ideas have been about following up with a standalone novel about Teulon Jado and Resa from Rebel Ice, or Alek Davidov from Omega Games, or writing a new story about Jory, Kol and the rest of the crew from Blade Dancer.

I can't promise anything, but if it's possible for me to sell one of those ideas to New York, which would you prefer to see in print? Or is there somethone/something else from the StarDoc universe that you'd like to see me write about in a new novel or short series? Let me know what you think in comments.


  1. Jory and Kol from Blade Dancer please! I read it before the Star Doc series because Star Doc was sold out when I first looked for it.

  2. Anonymous1:15 AM

    My vote is more Jory and the gang. I've always wanted to see more of them. They are probably my favorites, b/c Blade Dancer was the first novel I read of yours--and every so often, I re-read it.

    Erin K.

  3. Blade Dancer continued! Jory deserves another leg on her adventures. Her assassin training shouldn't go to waste.

  4. Anonymous3:24 AM

    I would love to see a full story about Squilyp, or the Blade Dancer crew. Oh, go ahead and write them both. :-)

  5. I vote for the Blade Dancer revisit. I thought you were spinning off on a related series there and waited forever, heck still waiting, for the next book :D.

  6. I'd love to see more of the crew form Blade Dancer

  7. This is where I want to jump up and down and shout Joren! Joren! lol

    My favourite short story is A Diversity of Houses. So anything Jorenian for me. A continuation of the Blade Dancer series or something new. Some of my favourite Stardoc bits feature the Jorenians - misunderstandings of their culture, or how Cherijo works within their culture to get what she wants anyway.

  8. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Ohhhhh PLEASE continue the Blade Dancer story..... Please!!!

  9. Me too for more of the Blade Dancer crew. Although I'd also love to see a full length Holly Noriko book. And I love Joren.

  10. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Like everyone else, I'm longing to see more about the Blade Dancer crew. They were so diverse and so well characterized that I've been waiting for a sequel. Now I want to go reread Blad Dancer!

  11. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I'd love more about Jory, or more about the Jorenians.

    Now I'm going to go quietly weep about Duncan and Cherijo.

  12. Jory and Kol from Blade Dancer!! I've wanted to see more for so long...

  13. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I'd like to read about Alek Davidov. But, you know, I love your SF because you blend the aliens and worlds in so realistically, that I'd read any plot you choose to write.

  14. I am with everyone else more Joren, follow up to Blade Dancer (just love this book). But anything in the Stardoc universe works for me. Just more please.

  15. Blade Dancer. Though I'm a big fan of anything Joren.

  16. Put me down for Blade Dancer too. A Diversity of Houses is my most favorite of any story I've read my entire life.


  17. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Since it is impossible to have my first preference of Mercy and Cat, but would that be a possibility for a freebie? I would think that the Bladedancer would be an excellent choice. when I first read it, I thought that there were a lot of possibilities for a short series.


  18. Anonymous2:47 PM

    I'd love to see more Blade Dancer!!

  19. I would like to read this series but unfortunately they are not stocked in our library. Indeed they only had the first four Darkyns. Will have to wait for my birthday and see what I get. Do you have any e-books on the series that I could dip my toe into?

  20. Anonymous3:46 PM

    More about Joren and the Blade Dancers please!

  21. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Hmm, that is a tough call. Anything in the StarDoc universe is fine with me. But, something I've always wanted to know about is how humans came to feel so superior to alien life forms in your universe. Maybe something earlier in the StarDoc universe that shows how humans have interacted with aliens to the point that aliens hate them. I'm rambling, but this is one of those thoughts I have that is hard to put into words! Any of the SF I have read by you has been wonderful so I'm sure your next project will be also!
    P.S. Oh, and anything set with Jorenians is fine with me too!

  22. I'm with the Blade Dancer peepo. Moar, prz!

  23. Anonymous6:10 PM

    I vote for a sequel to Blade Dancer. I loved the crew and would love to see what happened with them.

  24. Anonymous8:42 PM

    I vote strongly for more in the Blade Dancer storyline. Please. Pretty please.

  25. I would LOVE a blade dancer sequel.

    But I always felt that the BioRescue story was unfinished too.

  26. More Blade Dancer, please.

  27. Thanks for the feedback everyone -- I had no idea Blade Dancer was still so popular. :)

    Edie wrote: Since it is impossible to have my first preference of Mercy and Cat, but would that be a possibility for a freebie?

    To be honest I thought I was pretty much done with Mercy and Cat after writing them into Omega Games, but since the book was released I feel as if I still have some unfinished business there. So I think they're a very strong possibility for a future free e-book.

    r4twom4n wrote: Do you have any e-books on the series that I could dip my toe into?

    I sure do. :) Illumination is basically StarDoc book one told from the point of view of Duncan Reever (book one in print is told from the POV of Cherijo Grey Veil); A Diversity of Houses is a standalone story set on Joren, a planet that is prominantly featured in the StarDoc print series (and this one is a reader favorite because it gives more insight into the Jorenian culture); Have Mercy is a collection of short stories about Trellus, another planet in the StarDoc universe (one of which inspired part of the story in Omega Games, book eight in the print series; and Lunar Marshall is a collection of stories about Holly Noriko, a U.S. marshall stationed on the moon, and includes Deimos, a novella featuring a teenage version of Cherijo Grey Veil, the protagonist from the StarDoc series. All of these are free to read online, download and print out.

  28. Thank you. Will look at those in due course. Good job I got a big hard drive in my new laptop! My husband is into Star Trek but enjoyed a chapter of Night Lost. I wonder if he may enjoy this series. Might get the print books earlier if he does!!

  29. I'd love to see more of Jory & Co.

  30. Blade Dancer and Crew! More of Jory and Kol and all the rest... please, please, please!

  31. Blade Dancer story, please!



  32. I always thought that Blade Dancer was the start of a new series - it just seems natural - so many different places to explore!

    And, while I shall be very sad to see the end of Cherijo & Duncan - part of me thinks that our favorite doctor needs some PEACE!

  33. If possible a follow up from Afterburn, something on Joren or Blade Dancer. Anything good ;)

  34. I've been thinking about this, and I haven't read the latest books in the Stardoc series so please excuse me if this has been covered. But I'd be interested in finding out what happened to Hawk and his Jorenian lover. Maybe that's more of a short story though.

  35. Anonymous12:10 AM

    I think that giving us a glimpse as to the future of Marel would be amazing...but I guess a lot of that would depend upon how the series ends.
    Early Star Doc got me thru my bachelor's degree and here I am in the last couple months of my master's and I need a new SD book!!

  36. In my opinion, i think there should totally be an expansion on Jory and Kol. Some of it could even take place on Joren. That would be cool. An older Marel would be interesting to see as well. I love all the books, so whatever you decide, i'm sure i will stay up way too late and read it in one or two sittings.

  37. Anonymous2:29 AM

    I've been rereading the SD series twice a year since the first book was released. My dad bought it for me and I became adicted to this universe like no other.

    What I would like to see is an expanded story about Dhreen and his home planet. Eternity Row has been one of my favorite books. There is so much room to explore in all of your story lines, but this one would be great.

  38. can you do the blade dancers and continue rebel ice or even start anew with the what the people have done after the fighting and what the vral have become. are the like terra or are they better then us what ever you do i cant wait.


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