
Monday, August 01, 2016

Hiatus Extension

I promised back in June that if I needed more time unplugged I'd let you know -- and I do. So I'm going to keep PBW on hiatus and take off the month of August as well. Everything is fine; I'm just super busy with work, negotiating contracts (I do that without an agent now), and recharging the creative batteries.

As always, I appreciate your patience. See you in September.

Added 8/28/16: I have to extend my hiatus again so I can finish some deadlines, but I'm planning to return to posting on Monday, September 12th. Thank you again for understanding.


  1. Lynn,
    Enjoy your vacation and this glorious weather we are having in Florida right now! It may be a hot summer, but the rain is keeping everything green in Starke, the pool is blue and my horses are happy! Take care and hope to hear from you in September!
    (formerly Jacksonville)

  2. Summertime . . . The living may not be easy, but if your time off is working for you, enjoy!

    (I am hoping you are ready to return to us in September, but do what's best for you.)

  3. Take the time you need of course, but know that you are missed. Hope the rest of your summer is fabulous.

  4. Thank you for the update. Have a great August, and I hope to see you again this autumn.

  5. Miss you but I'm glad you are taking time to recharge! Looking forward to seeing you back posting soon - reading your blog is part of my morning routine.

  6. Be safe while Hermine passes. It's exciting to me that this extension is less than two weeks!

  7. Good luck with work. Looking forward to your return and more pics of quilts/sewing/crafts as well as writing stuff.

  8. Hi! Dream Mountain was the first romance novel I ever read and I loved it. That was 12, 13 years ago, and I still remember it well. I've been wanting to reread it again so much, is it available on Kindle? I don't live in the US, and shipping is horrendously expensive sigh

    1. Anonymous, Dream Mountain is out of print, and I'm afraid it was never published in electronic format. If you'll e-mail me at I can offer another solution. Just put About Dream Mountain on the subject line.


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