
Thursday, December 10, 2015

Sub Op

I spotted this open call for submissions over at the Paying Market forum on, and while I have absolutely no idea what interactive fiction is -- yes, I am that old -- I'm sure you all do:

"sub-Q is an interactive magazine for interactive fiction.

We are a market for F/SF, horror, mystery, and mash-up interactive fiction. Our authors have had prior works featured in Weird Tales, Strange Horizons, Apex, and Wired, among others. Please see our website for examples of what we are publishing. We like beautiful, moving prose, but we also like pulpy fun! Don’t self-reject. Let us see what you’ve got! If you’d like to submit something, but you’re not sure it’s a good fit, feel free to query via our contact form. We are happy to work with you to achieve your goals.

What We Want

Stories that can be told only on a device (using choice, audio, and/or animation)
Fiction, poetry, and webtoons/sequential art welcome
About 3500 words of one-time user experience (about five minutes of playthrough), 5000 words of all possible user experiences
F/SF, horror, mystery, magic realism, mash-ups
Showing the reader things they’ve never seen before
1st or 3rd person POV

Not Looking For:

Fan fiction
Revenge fantasy
Excessive sex, violence, or profanity

Guidelines are subject to change. Please review before submitting.


Our rates for text-based interactive fiction are based on prose word count.

Original: $0.06 USD/word for prose; $0.03 USD/word for interactivity ($0.09 USD/word for both)
Reprints: $0.03 USD/word for prose; $0.015 USD/word for interactivity (0.045 USD/word for both)"

For more information, go to sub-Q's web site here.

1 comment:

  1. I have no idea what it is either. I'm not sure I want to know. Or read it.


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