
Tuesday, August 04, 2015

NaNoing November

I'm on the fence as to whether or not I'll be joining in National Novel Writing Month this year. As per usual my annual NaNoWriMo calendar reminder popped up on July 31st, and I thought it would be cool to turn Just Write Thursdays into a NaNoWriMo edition for November. On the other hand, with my shift to ghost writing full time now I am on call for a couple of clients, so I might not have the time to do 50K in 30 days. If I'm not able to jump in you can count on me to shake my pom poms, give pep talks and offer what support I can here on the blog for those of you who will be diving in this November.

Have you decided to take part in NaNoWriMo 2015? Let us know your plans in comments.


  1. Since this is my second year as a liaison (love saying that word) for Helena, MT, I am already planning myself. But more in the form of when and where there will be meet ups so I can pompom shake in person. Looking at some pre-planning meet ups in October to get everyone fired up. Of course, working at our local library, October is our annual Big Read event, so pretty busy in October as it is. But getting fired up myself. Know what story I am going to work on and since I am a planner, working on my story grid for it so I can zoom in November.

    1. I think it's fabulous that you're working as a liaison again, Judy -- I hope your NaNoWriMo'ers appreciate your efforts. :)

  2. Anonymous11:26 AM

    I'm pretty sure I will but it's always a struggle for me. Maybe this year I can actually get some prep work in and write something I actually would like to read myself. :-)

    Ron B

    1. Keep at it, Ron. I had to write 28 novels before I finally wrote the one that did that for me.

    2. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Wow, Lynn, I had no idea. Thanks for that.

      I'm up to at least 16 novels now (as in Nanowrimo length 'novels') most of which I have never revisited/edited. Sigh.

      I will go for it yet again. :-)

      Ron B

    3. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Oops, make that 11 not 16... if only. :-)

  3. I'm skipping it; decided I just don't need the pressure this year...though I'll dust off my ol' pom poms and cheer on everyone else! ;D

    1. After the summer you've had I'm giving you the rest of the year off, lol.

  4. No. Too much pressure from other sources right now. But I'm all support for those who will take the plunge!

    1. You know what might be fun -- running posts on our blogs for the folks who do decide to jump in. I could link to everyone here once a week -- you know, like we used to do for Left Behind & Loving it (only not so formal.)

  5. I haven't decided yet if I'm going to or not. I've taken a new position in the company, same basic job, better hours, so I'm hoping I'll have more than an hour at night to cook, clean, launder, exercise and what-have-you before I have to hit the sack. If so, I'll probably jump in. If not...I just know my current job isn't conducive to getting anything accomplished. I miss writing...

    1. See how it goes with the new position -- you've still got plenty of time to decide.

  6. Absolutely doing it this year, but I won't be starting something new (so I'm a bit of rebel). I need to get the first draft of my wip finished, and I think it will give me that final boost. I've failed nanowrimo plenty of times, but I always just say that any writing I get done is more than I would have gotten done if I didn't. There's no hurt in trying.

    1. I've failed NaNoWro Mo, too -- twice, I think now. I don't regret either time because I did get a lot done, even though I didn't make it to 50K. Plus just being part of it makes me happy.

  7. I'm participating. Last year was the first time I did it. I had a lot of fun so I want to continue. Not sure what my project will be yet as I have a YA and two very different historical romances vying for my attention. I'll let you know which one wins out :)

    1. Why am I thinking the YA will? :)

  8. Oh, I will definitely be participating again this year. There are several stories I want to tell, so all I need to do is outline three or four of them, and I'm ready to go!

    1. You, pal, did very well last year, so I expect you will cross that finish line again with no problem.

  9. I started nano because of you Lynn :) This will be my 3rd year. My first year I typed The End at 48k so it was a win/fail?? I guess you'd call it. I have tossed around a couple ideas but I think I'll just plunk down with the laptop the day of and type like I've done before and hope for the best.

    1. I'm glad I infected you -- I mean, inspired you. :) Maybe I'll follow your example this year and just jump in on November 1st. I don't have to plan everything. Okay, I DO have to plan everything, but there are ways around my OCD. Maybe if someone would steal all the calendars, planners and organizers in my house . . . do you have a very large truck and a strong back, Michelle? Ha.

    2. LOL :) I like the way your mind works at nano and your insights and experiences helped me deal with my manic moments. I suck at plotting but your tips and humor keep/kept me going. Now I love and hate nano

  10. I did it for the first time in 2014, with your support Lynn, which I really appreciated. Those 50,000 words are now 70,000 and starting to get into the sort of shape that I am happy with. And I STILL like the story. Armed with much more insight into the scale of the task, and with a plan this time, I plan to do it again.


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