
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

LT Early Reviewers, GW Cover

Last month I mentioned that I signed up for Library Thing's Early Reviewer program, which allows me to request ARCs and gratis copies of books I'd like to read being offered by participating publishers and LT members in exchange for a review. Since there are inevitably more requests from ER participants than available copies there are no guarantees you'll get any book, but like any giveaway there's always a chance you will, too. I was selected to receive an ARC of In a French Kitchen ~ Tales and Traditions of Everyday Home Cooking in France by Susan Herrmann Loomis, which arrived yesterday:

Honestly, it's like Christmas without the decorating, and I can now say with certainty that yes, you actually can get cool free books from LT's Early Reviewers. To keep my end of the bargain once I've read it I'll post an official review here, at LT and a couple other places.

I'm also tinkering on cover art for Ghost Writer, my current Just Write Thursday story, and have narrowed a bunch of possibilities for the image down to these four (which will all need some tinkering, titles, bylines, etc.):

Which do you like best? Let me know in comments.

Added: As I mentioned in comments I could also combine a couple of these images, like so:

Image Credits:

Vintage writing: Miiisha

Laptop screen: pogonici

Writing hand: Syda_Productions

Lake Sunset: Yours Truly


  1. Vintage writing is my favorite

    1. Thanks, Judy -- that one appealed to me a lot, although I was worried it was a bit too vintage for a contemporary story.

  2. I like #1 best, but #2 is pretty cool.

    #1 suggests ghostly spirits *and* ghost writing in its various meanings.

    #2 implies a modern ghost writer.

    #3 is just ???.

    #4 is gorgeous, but off the top I can't emotionally apply it to ghost writing.

    1. I'm thinking the same with #2. I even thought about combining my two favorites by placing the vintage writing image #1 on the screen of the laptop image #2.

  3. I like #1 for the mystery feel, but #4 works for beautiful locale with maybe just a touch of eerie lurking in the coming darkness...

    1. Thanks, T. #4 is the real-world inspiration for the story setting, btw.

  4. I like Number 1 best. I like the combination of #1 with the laptop also. #3 is my second choice though.

  5. #4 makes me yearn for home. Even though my actual birthplace is nothing like that, I spend years travelling to such places and it just feels… mmm. I could live there happily forever.

    #1 is my favourite for the book cover, especially the way you've mixed it with #2.

  6. I've had this tab open since yesterday pondering each idea. I love #1, but it does invoke vintage. # 2 looks better as you've posted in #5 than it does with the blank screen, but I also love #4. Too bad you can't do something eerie as someone else said, a ghostly figure, fog, something that would indicate the paranormal aspect of the book. Or maybe #2 with a ghostly face looking back? Did you ever watch What Lies Beneath? At the very end, when she's leaving the cemetery, if you blink, you'll miss the ghostly face in the snow. It's really well done. Something like that would be good...but that's just me. I just love the story so far. I don't care if you put it in a brown paper bag! ;)

  7. I really like the last one, the combined image. It's exactly the type of image that I conjure when thinking of your story because of the juxtaposition of the past on the present.


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