
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

7 V-Day Prezzies

Since Valentine's Day is this weekend and everyone I know is cash-challenged I thought I'd share some ideas for low to no-cost gifts for your special loves:

Framed Picture: Print out or make a copy of your favorite picture of your honey (or a romantic moment in your lives) and place in an inexpensive frame (the dollar store has tons of these.) If you want to get crafty, make my photo collage using an old Scrabble game. For bonus love points add a personal caption to the photo or write a sweet message on the frame's backing.

Handwritten Poem: Compose and hand write a poem for your love on some nice paper. If you're not poetic, find a classic love poem and copy it.

Home Cooked Meal: Make your special one's favorite meal for them, set a nice table, light some candles and let that kick off a romantic evening together. If you don't know their favorite meal, I suggest anything Italian as a pretty safe romantic choice.

Pizza Potluck Party: This is a fun way to celebrate the day with a group -- invite everyone over and ask them to bring a small or medium pizza with their favorite toppings. You make a big salad and provide the drinks. You can also do this with Chinese take-out or subs instead of pizza.

Romantic Reads: Nothing says love like a great romance novel, and it's fun to give copies of your favorite to those you want to inspire. Or hunt for the book love at your local thrift or used book store and fill a tote with a themed collection or series.

Theirs for a Day: If your budget can't cover a gift offer your Valentine your services instead. For family members you can babysit, help around the house, work on the yard or just spend the day with them. For your love you can offer a night instead of a day (I'll leave it to you to figure out what services you want to offer for that scenario.)

Treat Tin: Make a batch of brownies, homemade candy, cookies or fudge and pack them into a pretty tin (also plentiful at most dollar stores.) If it's a special recipe, write it on an index card and tape to the top of the tin.

Got any thrifty ideas for great Valentine's Day gifts? Share them in comments.

Image credit:

1 comment:

  1. Several years ago I ran across a special on photo books from Shutterfly. They run these specials regularly. I made up a photo book for hubby. He had been missing his dad, so I scoured all the old albums for pictures of him and his dad. I placed them in order of age with little captions to go with each. It sits on his desk even now.

    You can do any theme. The first time you met, your dates, your children. It's a really sweet gift and pretty inexpensive if you find a sale on them.


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