
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Secret Santa Books

After taking a brief detour to the wrong address during the holidays my Library Thing Secret Santa books have arrived:

The Ruth Reichl book was on my LT wishlist, so I'm super happy to receive that one, but the other two are surprises (and I haven't read either, so that's an extra bonus.) I received only two other books for Christmas, and while one was such a disappointment I'm not going to mention it I was quite delighted to get Gail Carriger's third finishing school novel Waistcoats & Weaponry from my friend Jilly, who stole borrowed the other two books in the series from me. After I read it I'm figuring on a trade to get them back.

What books did you get during the holidays? Anything worth mentioning? Let us know in comments.


  1. Over the Christmas holidays I treated myself to Lisa Marie Rice's Midnight series...four books and a novella. My Kindle was smokin'... ;D

  2. Received "Silver Lining" by Maggie Osborne. Only 1/3 through, & never a big fan of Western romance; but it has an old-fashioned sweetness & the characters carry the story.

  3. Keita Haruka1:41 PM

    I haven't gotten to any of mine yet, but I did receive a few. Blood of Dragons by Robin Hobb, Thief's Magic by Trudi Canavan and Raising Steam by Terry Pratchett. They're all supposed to be great, and Trudi Canavan haven't disappointed me yet, so I have high hopes for that one.

    Incidentally, I recently got Chocolat on my E-reader. Haven't gotten to it yet. I'm reserving that one for my upcoming trip Stateside. :-)

  4. I was very excited to receive The Colette Sewing Handbook as I'm going to give dressmaking a go this year. I also received a Colette pattern so I need to study the book and get started. As for novels, I didn't get any paperbacks but I did get some e's. I reaaly enjoyed Jana Deleon's latest Miss Fortune book Gaitor Bait and Dana Marie Bell's Not Broken. I'm looking forward to Christine Feehan's Viper Game which is due out soon.

  5. I got two wonderful ones that I'm working through, they are giving me lots to think about.

    The Supergirls: Fashion, Feminism, Fantasy, and the History of Comic Book Heroines - absolutely fascinating and makes you want to kick the writers for mistreating our super heroines that way.
    Ink-Stained Amazons and Cinematic Warriors: Superwomen in Modern Mythology - nothing like looking at the women you wanted to be as a girl and how they came about.

    Gee, can you tell I'm a geek? lol


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