If you're looking for free stock photos to use for your blog or non-profit-making projects, you may find what you need over at StockPhotosforFree.com. To download any of their images all you have to do is create an account (which is also free).
Here's a slideshow of some of the neat pics I found on my first visit:
Cool pics, Lynn! Thanks! =o)
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure. :)
DeleteThese are great. Thanks for posting the site. Even though they are free do we still need say they are from StockPhotoForFree if we use them on our website?
ReplyDeleteI rechecked their terms and I don't see anything about being required to give credit for any of their images you use. I may be missing something, however, and since it's always a good idea to acknowledge your source I would recommend listing an image credit with the name of the site and a link back to them.
DeleteThis is great. I'm a little worried that they kind of leave it up to you to make sure the model releases are up to spec, but it's fine for non-commercial work.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tip!
Their terms are a bit hinkey, I agree. Still I think it's good for nonprofit stuff.