
Thursday, October 02, 2014

Just Write

Today I'm off to write something new and post it online before midnight. Everyone inclined to do the same is invited to join me.

My link: Bad weather seems to be waiting for me every Thursday! I also had a partial document meltdown, so I had to recover and reformat the whole story. Despite these troubles, I did get a few more pages written today for In the Leaves, with the new material beginning on page 27.

For more details on Just Write Thursdays, click here to go to the original post.


  1. done. some fine tuning and expanding of a scene in 4th book under final edits. Considering the week I've had, this is some serious progress, but it's not quite what I want it to be, yet. ( direct link, dunno if that works. Technology and I....)

    1. Link works for me. I left a comment, too.

  2. Susanne6:46 AM

    I was offline for a while and just realised that you are giving away a freebie! *happy dance".....Now I am fighting with myself if should start reading right away or wait untit you have finished and read it all in one go. Decisions, decisions.....

    1. I'm hoping to finish it this week if the weather allows me the computer time, Susanne. I've been hampered by lots and lots of lightning. :(

    2. Susanne5:56 AM

      Then I am going to wait..eating the whole cake instead of one piece at a time *bad girl* :-)))

  3. Doesn't seem like anything to do with Dredmore would have a "warm amber glow..." ;D
    Can't wait to see what the leaves reveal.

    1. I hated leaving it hanging there, but it was half an hour before midnight and I had to wrestle with getting it uploaded. I really do hope to finish it up this week.


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