
Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Sub Op

Saw this interesting announcement over at

"Leap Books is pleased to announce the newest addition to our editorial staff. We'd like to welcome Judith Graves as Acquisitions Editor for SHINE, our e-novella line. Judith will be accepting both agented and unagented submissions at:

The nitty-gritty details:

- SHINE word counts: 15-20k
- We’re looking for solid storytelling with romantic elements, engaging voices, and characters that LEAP from the page
- All genres will be considered, but preference for: contemporary, thriller, paranormal, and mystery

Why an enovella with Leap Books SHINE?

- Introduce readers to your young adult fiction brand / style / tone / voice / worlds by giving them a short, fun, affordable read. Snag their interest in your other projects by offering a tale sure to SHINE
- If you want to step into the ebook arena, but have been hesitant to offer a full-length novel, here's your chance to test this market
- Each book will be professionally edited and have an eye-catching cover
- At a small press, you’ll have more one-on-one contact with our editors and other authors
- Each title will be launched with a 9-week (3 stops per week) blog tour facilitated by a successful blog-tour organizer
- SHINE titles may be compiled into anthologies to be sold in both print and ebook formats"

You can get all the links over at the original forum post here. Btw, according to their About page Leap Books was previously accepting only agented or con-attendee-pitched subs, so this could be a decent op for those of you who are YA short writers but don't have an agent or run the con circuit.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:42 PM

    That doesn't sound like a good idea. Self-publishing is so much more viable. I actually used to be a common commenter to your blog about 10 years ago. I went indie this year. By Christmas, I will be making in a month what I used to get for an entire advance from one of the Big 6. I'm already making more than half that every month, after 4 months in the game.

    I bet other people have told you of their successes, too. But I had to pipe up, as well, in sincere hope for your future.


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