
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Test Your Typing

Do you know how fast you type? This fun online test gives you a short fable to type and calculates both your speed and accuracy while you do so (it includes typing sounds and background music, which I think is what made it fun.) Here are my results:

I'm definitely getting slower, but I'm happy that I maintained decent accuracy despite my snail's pace. Take the test and post your results in comments.


  1. Yeah... I type fast, but that's because I can use the backspace key with amazing speed and accuracy. Those tests never let me backspace and retype, so I always bomb them. And this one was worse, because the instant you miss something, it makes everything after wrong - and it counts backspace as a keystroke. Gah! I tried it twice and stopped when the test got below 30% accurate. LOL, you'd never know I used to work as a secretary and now I'm a writer.

  2. 94 wpm @ 92%. Not too shabby, I guess. I always was a fast typist because I took beginning typing twice (8th grade and 9th grade). Even in the Army, when we took tests, I asked if I could turn the page over during the timed test. I was the only one who did that! Fun times!

  3. I'm accurate but slow. Bring back the math quizzes. I'm good at those!

  4. Yeah, I would have been a lot faster if I had been allowed to backspace :P I have timed myself at 130+ wpm before, but this time I got about 80. LOL.

  5. I got 54 wpm with 90% accuracy. Yes, I'm used to using the backspace key and that messed me up.

  6. Fran K9:27 AM

    I got 70/70 - touch typist. I would have been quicker but everytime I made a mistake I stopped and tried to correct but it wouldn't let me. It also threw me that it went faster than my fingers so I wasn't quite sure which character I should have been typing. And to be honest I should be good as its my job and I've been doing it since 1976. At least the technology has improved and I don't have to use the old manual Remmingtons any more.

  7. The quotes screw me up. I'm about at 70 but no backspace and having to think about quotes slows me down a lot. ~sighs~ oh well.


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