
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Math Under Pressure

Take this online quiz to find out how well you can perform simple maths under pressure. My results:

I don't know that I'd call the math involved especially simple as the time calculations nearly did me in a few times. Post your results in comments and let us know how you did.


  1. Nope, can't do it. LOL

  2. Fran K8:04 AM

    I made it to level 3 but that was as far as I got. Maths has never been my strong suit under normal circumstances, so under pressure I bombed. I knew I would before I took it though. Accounts I can do because they make sense but maths - grr...

  3. This one I got. So much better than grammar under pressure which I was horrible at. Or should I say "at which I was horrible."

  4. I got to level 7 and bombed.

  5. I CAN do math under pressure. Of course I was gibbering by the time I finished, but I did it!

  6. Oh good grief, I did it, and found it pretty easy, but I'm not sure that psychedelic/optical illusion/headache-inducing screen at the end was worth it!

    If they'd shown that just PRIOR to me doing it, no way in heck could I have.

  7. level 9 so far. the line in the back kept throwing me off.


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