
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

West Coast Attitude

According to this (brief) geographical attitude test, which evidently matches your personality with the U.S. state best suited to it, I should be residing on the other side of the country:

Since I have a sister who lives there that will have to do. So where should you be living? Take the test and let us know in comments.

(Test link swiped from Gerard over at The Presurfer.)


  1. I belong in North Carolina. I was born and bred and still live in NC.

    There's no place like home.

    1. That's amazing -- I love that you're already where you belong!

  2. I belong in New Mexico, and since it's cold and frosty here this morning on the east coast, that sounds pretty good.

    1. That is one of the few US states I've never managed to visit, pal, so if you ever go take me with you!

  3. This is totally funny: Apparently I belong in Florida! Maybe we should just switch places? ;D

  4. It says I belong in Wisconsin. Since I am a total introvert and it is apparently ranked #1 in extrovert-ism, I'm not sure how that figures. Guess some of my other ones must have outweighed that one. Anyway, I live in Florida and have never even been to Wisconsin, but I'm really tired of being trapped inside with the a/c, so I could go for a cooler latitude.

  5. Fran K1:11 PM

    Although I live in the UK, I belong in Georgia! I'm delighted about it too. I love those wonderful southern accents & manners you read about and see in movies, there are some wonderful historical cities like Savannah & Augusta and the weather is much better than here too. What's not to like. Maybe one day some fine Georgia gentleman will wander into my town and sweep me off my feet. Ah well, I can dream and after all anything can happen in "Fransworld"!

  6. Anonymous8:15 PM

    I belong in Oregon too! Or Denmark, if I move to Europe. ;) Stop by for a cup of tea, once we make our respective moves.

  7. Susanne7:18 PM

    I live in the south of Germany and according to the test I belong to the south of the US, too - California ....yeah...
    *goes and gets flowers for my hair*

  8. Being from Connecticut, I apparently belong in Georgia. Go figure.

  9. Oregon for me with Washington a close second.

  10. It said I matched Utah. WHAT?!?!

  11. Too funny! I belong in Oregon... which fits, I suppose, since that's where I was born and raised. And though I migrated (just barely) to the Washington side of the Columbia a couple of years back, I'm an Oregonian at heart.

    And if you ever come out here to visit, please swing by the Gorge!


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