
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Waiting For

For everyone who has griped about having to wait until 2014 for The Clockwork Wolf, you should know authors do the same. Probably more often than you do. In fact, I'm about to yell at e-mail Charlene Teglia and give her some grief for getting me hooked on this writer as I wait on her next release:

And yes, I have to wait until FEBRUARY to read it.

So who are you waiting on for their next release? Let us know in comments (and don't say me!)


  1. Fran K8:48 AM

    Well now, I'm just going to have to shout at you because your blog got me on to this writer too! Darn it, why do we have to wait so long for the good things. I've just finished re-reading His Lordship and your Disenchanted & Co blog's freebie Larka (brilliant by the way), and now Clockwork Wolf's release seems a lifetime away. Those are February releases, earlier ones I'm looking forward to are Sofie Kelly's Final Catcall and Larissa Ione's Reaver. Oh and another series your blog turned me on to is the Iron Druid and there's another one of those out in 2014 I believe. So many goodies, so far away .... sigh!

    1. Whenever I want to discover a great new author I listen to my visitors, Fran -- the folks who stop in here know the most awesome writers. :)

  2. The last Tom Clancy book. I'm upset I won't have anymore to look forward to after this.

    1. I was so sorry to hear about Tom's passing, Melisa. He's been such a prolific, successful author that I know it was a great sadness for his many readers, too.

  3. I'm waiting for this book too. I've been waiting for about 3 years. She's amazing and was doing a great job putting books out every year but then she got breast cancer and had to go through chemo. Now she's back though! I can't wait for this book either. So cool to know you're on the Allen boat too!

    1. I read somewhere that Sarah was diagnosed, Jessica, and I've kept her in my prayers ever since. I know Rachel Caine and some other writers have fought that battle and won, but it's always a scary thing.

  4. To name a few in a long list: Bellman & Black, Diane Setterfield - Reaver, Larissa Ione - Archangel's Legion, Nalini Singh - Shadowdance, Kristen Callihan - Dangerous Seduction, Zoe Archer.

    1. I have to start keeping a regular preorder list soon; Rob Thurman in particular is always publishing something that I don't find out about until I see it on the shelves.

  5. Julia Spencer Fleming's "Rev. Clare Fergusson/Russ Van Alstyne" mystery series ... almost 3 years between books the last time, and now 2 years 'til the newest one ... GAH!!

    1. That's one I haven't read yet, Bonnie -- I'll check it out.

  6. I'm waiting for A Clockwork Wolf. Since it's coming in February I'm pretending it's my birthday gift.

    I've been waiting for years for Tim Cockey to write one more Hitchcock Sewell mystery but I don't think it's ever going to happen.

    1. The Publishing Fairy suggests you check your doorstop next Friday. Something about a surprise. :)

  7. I am waiting for Murder of Crows by Anne Bishop... not at all patiently, but I am waiting. cuz I HAVE to.

    1. Waiting for a book by a favorite author requires too much patience. We should have story telepathy. :)

  8. Haha! Oh, wait, I can't laugh because I'm waiting too. In the meantime, Sarah McLean's latest Rule of Scoundrels book is out in Nov., the best historical romance series I've read in a long time. Then there's that Clockwork book to look forward to, and Patricia Briggs has more Mercy in the spring!

    1. I just finished up Mary Balogh's The Arrangement, which was terrific and had a very unusual hero. I'm still trying to think of how I might get even with you for hooking me on Allen, though, lol.

  9. I actually have a OneNote workbook that tracks all the upcoming releases I am waiting for by date. /blush It is actually looking a little thin... I usually have 5-7 releases a month to look forward to. I will have to check Amazon and see if I've missed any upcoming releases. I have releases tracked all the way to next June... <-- feels like a stalker.

    Next one up is ArchAngel's Legion, by Nalini Singh. After that the next highly anticipated ones are Dr Who's 50th anniversary special (well, not a book, but still highly anticipated), Reaver by Larissa Ione in December, the next In Death novel in Feb... and... when the heck is Jim Butcher releasing his new steampunk series or the next Harry Dresden novel??!?? It is so hard to wait for books that do not even have a release date yet!!!

    1. It isn't stalking, it's supporting! Ha.

      I envy you the OneNote tracking -- that sounds like an excellent way to make sure you don't miss any new releases you want as soon as they hit the shelves.

  10. O.O I'm always waiting on you. Nora Roberts. Nalini Singh. Ilona Andrews. Stacia Kane. There are a few others, but I'll keep the list short.

    1. I'm in good company, I see. Thank you, ma'am. :)


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