
Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Elsewhere Keeping Things Balanced

To celebrate the May 7th release of Nightbound, the third and final novel in my Lords of the Darkyn trilogy, I'll be guest blogging elsewhere for the next couple of weeks. This is the fun part of promoting a new novel for me, because I get to hang out with pals, chat with their readers and talk books and writing. It also gives me an excuse to put together some fun things for the giveaways to go along with my guest posts.

I'm delighted to get this party started by first visiting B.E. Sanderson's The Unpublished Writers' Guide to Survival today to talk about finding the right balance in the writing life. Please stop by if you get a chance, join in the discussion, enter the giveaway and you may win this Spring patchwork tote handquilted by me, a signed set of the trilogy, a pair of mini gardening kits and some delicious goodies.


  1. Thanks so much for guest posting on The Guide today, Lynn. Both the post and the tote look awesome! =o)

  2. Fran K10:56 AM

    Love the bag! I really must try quilting one myself, its looks great.

    1. Fran K4:10 AM

      I was very moved by your blog on B E Sanderson's site the other day and I tried very hard to leave a post, but I don't have a URL or an AIM or an anything, and it wouldn't let me. You at least have the NAME profile. Anyway, what I wanted to say was that I thought it very courageous of you to opt out of all the hype that goes along with promoting your work. I couldn't do it, just the thought of my face appearing on a book cover, or having to stand up in public and speak, breaks me out in hives. I have never wanted to be famous and thank goodness I'm not. I'm really sorry I missed out on your bag giveaway though as that bag gorgeous.

    2. I'm so sorry, Fran K. I've transferred your comment here to over there. I had to put the restrictions in place to keep from getting overrun with spam links. If you ever want to comment at The Guide in the future, please email me your comment (besanderson at gmail dot com) and I'll be happy to post it for you. =o)

    3. Fran K2:04 AM

      Thank you very much. I'm afraid I'm not a great one for all this new social media stuff, but I do like putting my twopenneth in when the subject warrants it.

  3. A very good and timely post, thanks.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing~ going to go check it out. :)

    - Esther

  5. Wow I just had to come back here and say that your story really touched me & inspired me. I could relate! Thank you so much for sharing. :) I left a comment on the blog spot itself at The Guide. But just in case you miss it, just know... that you are contributing to my bright future.

    Thanks so much. :)

    - Esther


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