
Monday, March 04, 2013

Bucket List Ten

Ten Things I'd Like to Write Before I Kick the Bucket

Advertising Copy: I've written plenty of my own advertising as well as cover copy for many of my novels, but someday I'd like to do that for someone else's product (one that I personally believe in, naturally.) It could be any sort of ad, jingle or even a one-line quirky mission statement, ala Kashi's Seven whole grains on a mission. You know that Kashi thing is kind of catchy. Maybe author Sofie Kelly needs one like Two magical cats and a librarian on an investigation. Or author Jeff Somers could use Two tricksters and a rune-covered chick running from Armageddon. Sofie, Jeff, call me before I die, okay?

Dear Prez: I do dream of writing a letter to the President of the United States that is so powerful and persuasive that the President himself reads it instead of the Secret Service and/or one of his flunkies, and then is so moved he actually does something about it. I should get a fifth grader to coach me; they do it just for homework and get a response.

Grafitti: Nope, I've never written it once in my entire life. Why? Because I knew my mother would find out and kill me. Don't laugh, that woman has eyes everywhere. Maybe I could write it somewhere on my house. That still counts, yes?

Liner Notes: I might just do this for my own album collection someday; you know, just rewrite all the liner notes. It's not illegal, and like Linkin Park is going to come to the house and inspect my CDs.

Memorable Limerick: Limericks are hard to write; I've penned a couple but they weren't very good. I'd like to write one that would forever more be considered a classic. Probably would have to be really funny, or really filthy. Or both!

My Phone Number on Someone's Hand: It looks so cute in the movies, doesn't it? Never ever did that because I'd use the notebook in my purse. That's the problem; there's always a notebook in my purse.

Screenplay: Now here's a little known fact about Yours Truly: I did co-author a screenplay that made it to the semi-finals of the very first Project Greenlight. Since I also did the bulk of the actual writing on that one, I think I could swing one on my own. I'd even write one about Publishing, except they already did the Matrix movies.

Secret Book: I'd like to write one book without telling anyone about it, hide it somewhere with a big box of all that gold my grandmother left me. When I know the end is near I'd sprinkle around a few cryptic clues as to its location. Whoever finds it can use the gold to publish it, because of course that's what they'd want to do with gold. Stop giggling. Anyway, the first clue would be contained in a ten things list about things I'd like to write before I die. Kidding. Or maybe I'm not. Maybe I've already done it. I bet you're sorry you laughed now, aren't you?

Song: I have written lyrics a few times for songs composed by some musician friends, but I'd like to compose an entire song on my own. This one might be tough as I'm also the least musical person I know. Probably because I can't read or write music. Yeah, this one is going to be tough.

Wedding Vows: I personally always went with the traditional stuff whenever I got hitched. Did the Justice of the Peace thing, too. As I don't intend to ever marry again they can't be mine, but I wouldn't mind taking a shot at writing them for someone else. Or maybe a book of wedding vows for every occasion, i.e. first marriage, second marriage, tenth marriage, the marriage so one can get on the other's group health insurance, that vow-renewal thing they do just after barely avoiding a divorce . . . .

What's on your writing bucket list? Let us know in comments.


  1. I always thought it would be fun to write a television episode for one of my favorite shows and see it turned into reality, featuring my favorite characters behaving as I thought they would.
    And that would, of course, include killing off one or two if necessary...

    1. That sounds neat -- although if I put that on my list I'd have to completely rewrite the last season of Lost. And the final/Christmas episode of Downtown Abbey Season three.

  2. Fran K3:56 AM

    Great post! Advertising, Prez & Liner notes - nah. I'm a Brit so that's Prez out and our Prime Minister - again nah. I agree with the grafitti & mother thing though. I think that's why I never did anything wrong when I was a kid - she's have been so disappointed and then she'd have killed me, after reporting me to the cops! I've written both songs and limericks but nothing worthy of mention. I wrote my number on a guys arm in eye liner once ...

    A secret book & screenplay - well my book is about 6 chapters in and hidden away on my laptop but as I've decided I make a better reader than a writer its staying there.

    As for wedding vows, what's wrong with the traditional ones? Again I'm a Brit so we don't do mush all that well . . .

    I write log entries and short stories for the magazine my Star Trek/Sci Fi association produces and I'd love to write the next great scifi novel but again with the reader/writer thing. I will leave it to the experts like you Lynn & Sofie & Shiloh and all the others who do such an excellent job.

    1. Okay, Fran, a phone number in eye liner on a guy's arm? That has to be the best variation ever.

      As for the writing, I understand what you mean. I keep my poetry private for the same reasons.

  3. Secret book sounds amazing!

    1. Nope, not getting any hints by flattery. Ha.

  4. I'd love to write a webcomic but my drawing ability is pretty nonexistent so I don' t see that happening anytime soon.

    1. Yeah, I'm in the same boat with you there. I do like to draw, I just know I'll never get what I do anywhere near worthy of publication. :)

  5. I write music, lyrics, stories (probably couldn't call them novels because they're not published and probably never will be at the rate I'm going) I can quilt and tat and knit and all that other nifty stuff so there's nothing I'm clamoring to make.

    But I'd love to create a comic strip on par with Garfield or Dick Tracy as far as the popularity is concerned. Only problem is, I can't draw to save my life. I don't understand perspective in drawing so all of my people/critters have GREAT BIG HEADS and little tiny bodies and stuff so no, that's not ever going to happen.

    I'll just work at the whole getting published thing. If you consider working at getting published a job of sorts, then I'll never be without one :)

    1. You and me and D, Theo. We're hopeless.

  6. I'm getting married soon. Second marriage for both of us. I HATE the traditional vows and do not want them for this ceremony. We are planning a destination wedding/honeymoon. The all in one packages have vow options, but it would be nice to have custom vows. If you still want to write some, I'd be willing to use them.

    1. I'm intrigued now, Katie, because I really would like to write someone's vows for them. Tell you what, if you're serious (and you sound like you are) e-mail me at and we'll discuss privately.


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