
Thursday, November 01, 2012

NaNoWriMo 2012 Begins

Happy NaNoWriMo 2012 to everyone! Now, stop reading this and go do your writing for the day. Ha.

As promised I've uploaded on Google Docs the novel synopsis/backstory/world overview and chapter summaries for Taken by Night, my NaNoWriMo novel. These are the sort of notes I work from when I write so they're written and formatted for my personal convenience. I have tried to keep most of the details of the plot twists a surprise, but if you don't want to know in advance what I'll be writing, obviously don't visit these links.

I will be posting whatever I write each day over on the Stories blog in two versions; first draft and post-edit. I'll mark the post-edit in such a way so that anyone interested can easily see the revisions I make. I'll also share some insights on how my writing day went along with daily updates on my wordcount. Links will be posted on the sidebar under my NaNoWriMo web badge.

To give myself some breathing room I've put the photblog on hiatus for the month of November. I'll try to keep PBW updated daily, but I have two other novels to work on besides the NaNo novel. If all combined it proves too much for me to keep up with I'll probably scale back posting here to two or three days per week. For now we'll see how it goes.

Good luck to everyone who is joining in, and here we go!


  1. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Thanks so much for this. I will go check out your notes in a moment.

    I'm at 1400 words already for the day and kind of pantsing it. I'll take what I pantsed later today and try to flesh something out of it. Hmmm.

    To get a bit ahead I'm writing 500 words at the start of every hour from 6am to noon. Lucky I've got the day off.

    Ron B

  2. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Wow, great notes and back story.

    Hmmm, back story? Perhaps I'll need to try that later today. couldn't hurt.. now to come up with my next 500 words...

    Thanks again,
    Ron B

  3. Keita Haruka12:24 PM

    I'm looking forward to following your process. Thanks for this!

  4. This is fascinating - thanks for doing all this, I'm looking forward to seeing the whole evolution.

  5. Wow! your idea is awesome and i am waiting to read your upcoming novel. Writing nano novels is a big task. Your novels will be very interesting, it will drive us into the story and i am excited to read your new one.

  6. I love watching the progression. Instead of just your word count we get to see your draft and then edits.


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