
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

First Look

Here's a first look at the cover art for Nightbound, the third and final novel in my Lords of the Darkyn trilogy, due to hit the shelves next May.


  1. Fran K4:52 AM

    Wow, hot stuff! Can't wait..

    1. Thanks, Fran. Hopefully the UK release won't be delayed.

  2. Replies
    1. Gracias, chica. I like that he's gorgeous and dressed and has an intact head. :)

  3. Very cool. I can't wait to read it and yet I'm a little sad that it'll be the final.

    1. You never know, B. Readers really vote for what sort of books they get by what they buy. If the second and this novel do very well, I may be able to write another Darkyn trilogy. :)

  4. He reminds me of somebody, and I can't quite think who...

    1. The hair, the build and the cleft chin made me instantly think of Henry Cavill.

  5. Fran K11:07 AM

    Lynn, I'd never heard of him so I just googled Henry Cavill and you are spot on! He's smokin'... although I like your cover man better as he looks less pretty and more rugged (if that makes any sense at all).

    1. Does make sense -- I think the cover model bears a strong resemblance physically but the face is a bit different, more masculine. Very happy with the whole look.

  6. A really great cover. why an entire torso instead of the head shots?
    I am ready to read book 2!

    1. Chinyere wrote: why an entire torso instead of the head shots?

      I was a little puzzled about the departure from the design of the previous books, but these are decisions made by art and marketing people who are trying to sell a product, not please an author. They never tell us why they do what they do; we simply learn to accept it. While my ideal cover would have been for a design that was more consistent with the look of the first two novels in the trilogy, it's still quite attractive, and I was allowed to give some input on the color theme and some other details, which was nice.

  7. Ooooh, yummy. Great, ah, cover.

    What was I saying? Oh yeah. Can't wait to read the book, too... ;D

    1. Thanks. Next May you can own one. :)

  8. Wow, that's a gorgeous cover! Hot stuff... :) I like the colours, too.


    1. I won't argue with you, as green is my favorite color . . .

  9. I want to reiterate that I love the cover. I was just curious because your cover has it's own signature, you know what I mean? This cover not only departs from that, but looks like the norm of covers...but if it will sell books, who am I to argue? After all, I just want more books so I will go with the flow.

    Are we allowed to ask who the main characters will be in book 3? If so, who is the lead female and male? Thanks

  10. Chinyere wrote: This cover not only departs from that, but looks like the norm of covers...but if it will sell books, who am I to argue?

    My thinking, too. And these days, as long as it's attractive, I'm a happy author.

    Are we allowed to ask who the main characters will be in book 3? If so, who is the lead female and male?

    Sure. Book three features Beaumaris (he was a minor character in Evermore from the original series) as the male protagonist, and Alys Stuart, a new character, for the female protagonist. The story also takes place at and around Knights Realm, the main setting from Evermore.

  11. Ahhh, yes. I guess we will be seing Jayr & Aedean and Robin then. Ok.
    Evermore is one of the best bookcovers ever!

  12. Can we have an excerpt?

  13. As soon as I have the proofs corrected I will be posting an excerpt, Lissa (I'm a bit superstitious that way; in the past I've posted excerpts that ended up being different from the final edition because of a last-minute correction.)

  14. Anonymous7:35 AM

    The cover model's name is Jason Vendryes

  15. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Love the covers, the different ones are a little perplexing, but makes the different series stand out against the others. :D I have to reread the series....again. :D I was wondering Lynn, sorry, how old is Jamys now? How do you pronounce it? Are we going to get more stories into the original Darkyn?

    Rock on...BTW :D

  16. Anonymous9:21 PM

    The cover model is Jason Vendryes


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