
Monday, June 04, 2012


I am taking off today to spend time with my mama, who is visiting for a few days, but I thought I'd share this:

The Guardian reports that an autobio/cookbook manuscript, written by Kentucky Fried Chicken founder Colonel Harland Sanders and (allegedly) discovered only recently in KFC's corporate vaults, will be published online and given away via Facebook.

I avoid fried foods and fast foods these days, but I do think it's nice that the company is giving away the book instead of selling it; free books always get a gold star from me. Certainly Colonel Sanders was a self-made man, and can be considered one of the earliest, iconic founders of American fast food, so it might even be an interesting read from those perspectives (I won't know; I'm not on Facebook.)

Thing is, the man's been dead for thirty-two years, and evidently he didn't choose to publish this work while he was alive (or it would be in print, yes?) Based on what I've read quoting his opinion of KFC's food (scroll down to the bottom of this page for an angry tirade about the gravy) I wonder if he really would have wanted his opus to be used by the KFC corporation for any reason.

Yet another reason to destroy before you die anything you don't want published posthumously -- it might end up being part of a Facebook fast food marketing campaign.


  1. When Colonel Sanders first founded KFC, do you think he knew how many healthy lives he would destroy? Lol... I still don't know if I want to destroy before I die or save the deepest and darkest till I'm gone so that I can share it without putting up with any potentially negative feedback and reactions. I'm thinking the latter...

  2. I think the Colonel was a product of his generation and their comprehensive ignorance about nutrition, as well as a victim of unhealthy Southern cooking customs (like frying everything with lard or bacon fat.) This mindset is still deeply entrenched in the South, too; Paula Deen's popularity is proof of that.

    As for the debate on destroying or saving the deepest and darkest, you might consider entrusting it to someone in your family or circle of friends who might benefit from it, and who cares enough for you not to use it for selfish or damaging purposes.

  3. I'm still trying to find ways to destroy old journals--currently I'm shredding with a cross-shredder and then dumping used coffee grounds on them before putting them in the trash, but it takes a long time. Burning (very satisfying for the dark day journals!) isn't allowed in my new municipality. I'm curious if you have any ideas, especially for mixed media stuff that isn't shreddable? I thought about composting, but I don't know if that's safe.....

    1. Composting journal pages works if the ink used on them is not chemical-based, and for that you have to check with the manufacturer. Journal pages made with adult market art supplies and other mixed-materials can contain toxic chemicals (even lead) which could contaminate your garden, especially if you're growing edible plants.

      You might check with your local waste disposal service. My town offers a variety of services at our local landfill for used oil, toxic chemicals, unwanted appliances, old computers, large pieces of furniture -- they'll even dispose of the remnains of critters we find on our property (we're not permitted to bury or burn them here.) All we have to do is haul whatever we want disposed of properly to them and they take care of the processing.

      Another approach is to recycle your unwanted mixed-media for another use. I 've made over unwanted/unfinished art projects into greeting cards, holiday decorations, placemats, storage boxes and assemblage art. If it's something with content you want to shred, you can cut the pages into strips to be reused as borders and accent pieces. I know shredding is easier but by hand-cutting you can control the size of the strips. One artist I read about makes bundles of old journal pages and leaves them outside exposed to the elements to get that sun-faded/rain-pocked/wind-tattered look (obviously don't leave anything outside you don't want someone to meddle with.)

      Most any page can be used as a filler or foundation for new pages; all you have to do is glue, stitch or somehow permanently attach blank paper on both sides of the used page. Use art paper, and you'll have a sturdier work surface for your next painting.

    2. Oh, that's super helpful, thank you! Yes, that's a great point about children's vs adult art supplies. I knew my gut was sensing it wasn't a good idea to compost it. I'd never thought to check with the municipality, but I bet they have a program--my little town has lots of good services. I'll give them a call.


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