
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Need I Say Don't Buy This?

Click on screenshot to see larger version:

Has to be an ARC. My editor doesn't even have the finished book yet.

So why shouldn't you take advantage of this offer? Well, if you wait four more weeks to buy the mass market edition of Nightborn when it's released on March 6th, you will:

a) get an instant $992.00 discount.

b) assure that I actually receive royalties from your purchase (and that forty-two cents will go right in the piggy bank, I promise.)

c) be able to use all the money you save to buy 124 other paperback books you want to read.

Also you'll be demonstrating that you are, you know, a sane person.


  1. That's crazy. March 6th here I come :).

    The word verification seems to agree...and speak some slang I can't quite understand, but... psylshco

  2. I was so happy to hear about this book. I got an alert from fictfact (what would I do without it?). Yea!

  3. Fran Kane4:08 AM

    This kind of thing cracks me up. Who in their right mind would spend that much money. Better yet, who has it? And why would some shyster think it OK to put that kind of price tag on something? You see this on ebay too and I often wonder why they bother to post the item in the first place because if they really wanted to sell it, they'd price it accordingly.

    I know I share books with my friends as none of us have a lot of disposable income, but at least I've paid full whack for the book in the first place.

    And even though I have an e-reader, there is something emotionally satisfying about turning the first page of a new book. It feeds both my intellect and my imagination. At least thats how it is for me anyway *flush*

    So I'll wait for March 6th (and knowing Amazon UK another couple of weeks) with bated breath!

  4. For $999 I expect free shipping. I'm just saying.

  5. Report the seller to Amazon. They're supposed to have a policy against selling ARCs.

    And yeah, it's kind of ridiculous to think anyone would pay almost a grand for a book that's due out shortly, but there are a lot of morons in the world. (Plus hey, it's an early Lynn Viehl.)

  6. I dunno if it's an ARC or not, and I doubt he has the book. The seller lists a bunch of stuff at the price-I've seen him before. I dunno if it's his way of trying to get early sales, getting the stuff logged in early or what.

    He also lists current releases for like $3 MORE than the selling price.

  7. Bummer, and here I was thinking of going out to rob a bank or something to get my hands on it ... joking aside, just another one to add to the list of idjits loose in the world.

    Mireya (who is glad February is a short month, though this year is a leap year dammit!)

  8. I'd say something, but somehow I don't think the Runnymede Chapters would mind too much. o_O

    Hope you're doing well.

  9. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Dangit, you caught me. As the proud receipient of a Nightborn ARC, I thought I would make some money off your generosity. I know there is someone dumb enough out there to pay the $999.99 for it, I am just waiting for them to be up at 2:00 a.m. with a credit card in their hand.....Nah, I can't do it. I want you to receive that $0.42. That is a potential pack of gum you can buy!

    P.S. Written with extreme and sincere sarcasm!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Tami wrote: I know there is someone dumb enough out there to pay the $999.99 for it, I am just waiting for them to be up at 2:00 a.m. with a credit card in their hand.....

    I can't fathom anyone even severely sleep-deprived being tempted, but if you can wheedle a thousand bucks out of some dimwit for anything I've written, you have my blessing. :)

    Nah, I can't do it. I want you to receive that $0.42. That is a potential pack of gum you can buy!

    Unless the price goes up in 2014, which is when my royalties for this book will probably start rolling in, lol.

  12. Anonymous11:46 AM

    LOL! I have been following your blogs for years and when friends of mine complain about the price of books, I have referred them to some of your posts detailing exactly how much an author makes. It is definitely eye opening for some of my friends. And I also tell them how you are still generous enough to share free e-books to your readers. I rarely share an entire series of books to friends because I want them to go out and buy the books instead! I will tempt my friends with just the first one in a series and then I usually have them hooked to hunt down the books in stores. I truly appreciate all of the hard work (and sometimes blood, sweat and tears) that goes into a good story. I am jealous of anyone talented enough to create an entire world. You have my undying envy!

  13. I'd report it. But who would buy this??? What in the world would they do with it that would make the price make any sense at all?

  14. Usually crazy prices like that are set as a way for someone to pull money from stolen credit cards.

    They don't have the book to ship, just use it as one big charge. It's a skeezy thing. More skeezy than selling ARCs.

  15. I'm torn between being horrified that somebody's selling it and amused that they're counting on demand for an early copy warranting the price.

  16. No words.

    Laughing hysterically at the audacity of the shyster, yes, but really, what else can you say?

    *still laughing*

  17. Do you think it'll actually continue to accrue value as something incredibly rare? Or will it be like those dotcom options I was presented with a very long time ago?

  18. Wow, I've always wondered about those ridiculously huge prices on new and used books from private sellers.

  19. Wow, I really want to read your new book, but not for that amount of money! Had this one pre-ordered last year june already!

  20. Dear Author Person,

    Mwah ha ha! You've seen through my diabolical plan! And Amazon is wrong! It's not 999.99, it's €99,999 (with a mere €399 for shipping)! I am a criminal mastermind-genius of epic proportions, and I will make a fortune, a FORTUNE I tell you, and all of it off of your hard work. Next people will be trying to pay for it with their kidneys, an arm, a leg, and their first-born.

    Actually, I've now sold it to Shmucky McGulible for the price of his soul.

    And it's all mine!


    Evil Seller

    P.S. Shmucky McGulible realizes now that he could've waited a mere month buy it at a drastically reduced rate, and that the money would've gone toward the author. Silly Mr. McGulible!

  21. GayLee8:46 PM

    Please refer to previous post comment on the definition of Chutzpah. Damn, girl, you get on the receiving end of a boatload of it.

  22. At the risk of using one of the "most overused words of 2011"...omigod, SERIOUSLY???


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