
Friday, December 02, 2011

Wait for It

I have a few announcements, some of which due to various and sundry details to be confirmed/wrapped up/signed/so forth have to sit on the back burner for now. But in the meantime I can let you know what's confirmed and drop a few hints about the rest:

My publisher has sold foreign rights for Twilight Fall and Stay the Night to be published in German. I've also accepted an offer for audio rights to all three novels in the Lords of the Darkyn trilogy, so those will be coming out as audio books as well as print and e-books.

I've turned in to my new editor the complete manuscript for the steampunk novel I sold this month, so that's done (and this book is the one I wrote the first draft of during NaNoWriMo 2009, for those who have been nagging me about it.) More info to follow once I've signed the actual contract, finalized the title, get pub dates etc.

The second novel in the Lords of the Darkyn trilogy is also finished -- yes, I've been a busy girl -- and since someone else spilled the beans on the title of book one before I had a chance to announce it, let me be the first to tell you book two will be titled Nightbred. More details on this one are also pending.

Those of you who would like a chance to preview Nightborn, the first novel in the Lords of the Darkyn trilogy, should definitely stop by the blog next week.

Finally, while I can't discuss what I was writing because I don't want to jinx it, my total count for November was 98.4K, and the goal I set for myself was 80K, so I reached my finish line, too. Congratulations and hugs to everyone who participated in NaNoWriMo 2011.


  1. You did amazing!!! Great job on beating down your writing goal. :D

    Congrats on the great news and I LOVE steampunk! Can't wait to hear more about it!

    Happy December to you!

  2. 98K? Holy crap. You rock. I'll just sit here in awe for a few minutes while I absorb that.....

    Okay. Now I can say I can't wait for everything to be out so I can hoard each title. Seeing you with new books coming out does my heart good. =o)

  3. Congratulations for meeting your writing goals.

    Since I am one of the impatient people, and you already told us the title of Book 2 (Nightbred), who is our Hero?

    I can't wait until Nightborn comes out.

  4. Holy Word Count, Batman!!!! 98K is absolutely amazng. As are all the things you have in the works.

    Could I get a list of your vitamins, please?? I don't see how you do it, and I don't just mean the writing.

  5. whoa. awesome job on the 98k. more details on lords of the darkyn. next week is so far away :)


  6. Holy Crow, woman! That is awesome! Where do you find the energy?

    I made it this year. Finally. 50,400 and after being so depressed I didn't want to write at all for almost a year, I don't really care if what I wrote even makes any sense. I got words on paper and that's what counts.

    And I can't wait for the NEW BOOKS!!!

  7. WooHoo!!! You have indeed been one busy lady! Congrats for all your announcements. Can't wait til next week for the Nightborn preview.

  8. I blame the crash after NaNo for missing this, but wow, what marvelous news. I can't wait to see your take on steampunk :). And congrats on the sweet word total for NaNo this year too.

  9. Yeah!!!!!!! I've been waiting for your books to go audio.


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