
Monday, October 03, 2011

To-Do Ten

Ten Things I'm Planning to Do This Week

Arrange: I've moved the contents of my office downstairs into a smaller space, which requires some creative arrangement of my equipment and work stuff. This is a good time to evaluate what I'm using and get rid of anything that is just taking up space. How to Organize Your Work Space by Rhonda Day had some good suggestions.

Clean: The fall housecleaning is done and the house is almost immaculate, thanks to me working out a lot of frustrations. I'd like to keep it that way, so each day I plan to tidy two rooms to maintain the sparkle. I also like the idea of creating a household notebook so I can use my tidying time better.

Donate: We're making a Goodwill run this week, so I need to go through the closets and bag up the clothes we're no longer wearing (and if you're thinking of doing the same, has 5 ideas on where to donate old clothing here.)

Organize: my work schedule has been erratic, so shuffling and reorganizing my time for the rest of the year is a priority. I'll write up a new daily plan through the end of 2011, at which point I hope to catch up with everything. I'd like to use this opportunity to switch my work plan over to RedNotebook and see how that works as a time manager for me.

Paint: Anything. I just need time with the brush. Something small would probably be best; maybe some holiday cards. I might try using a rubber stamp as demonstrated in this card-making video.

Photograph: The sunsets are slowly transitioning to the spectacular variety we have here during the winter months, and one clear night I'd like to go down by the water with the camera. I'd also like to document my progress with the Spoonflower fabric I designed.

Read: Sofie Kelly's Sleight of Paw is in my purse, Linda Howard's Prey is on the nightstand, and for research I need to reread portions of Dungeon, Fire and Sword by John J. Robinson, The Templars and the Grail by Karen Ralls, and Templars in America by Tim Wallace Murphy and Marilyn Hopkins.

Sew: I'm always working on a couple of quilts in progress, but I'd like to sew my Spoonflower project this week, too.

Study: various weapons, equipment and other devices as well as how they were used on 17th century sailing vessels like Sweden's amazing Vasa.

Write: 20K in new material; finish polishing two candidate scenes for the end pages of Nightborn to send to the editor; catch up on e-mail and snail mail, update my personal journals. I'd like to get back to writing my daily posts here at PBW. One new thing I'm trying is Ami Mattison's suggestion in this article of warming up first by free writing for a few minutes.

So what are your plans for this week? Let us know in comments.


  1. Sounds like you are super busy - but with a lot of fun things. They're not ALL fun, at least not for me - cleaning? Not fun. hehe. But at least there's good stuff in there!

  2. I'm exhausted just reading your litany of things to do. Very impressive!

    My week -- delve into chapters 17 and 18 in the morning writing. Keep making progress at the new job. Read C.S. Lewis' "That Hideous Strength." Try to clean at least a little bit so my house doesn't get up and walk away from neglect.

  3. Yipes, that's quite a list. I love how you're prioritizing painting and quilting though. I need to start doing that. The reading I have down.

    Mine is simple :). I'm presenting a workshop at The Muse Online Writers Conference (for my 5th or 6th year) and I hope to pop in to some of the other workshops as well :).

  4. The cats and I are honoured to be in your purse.

    This weeks plans included finishing a piece of artwork I've been working on for weeks, finishing a proposal and trying a new brownie recipe.

    Darlene aka Sofie

  5. *blink* At first I thought this was your to do list for the month. A week? Holy cow.

    My plans: keep the house from looking like an experiment in entropy in closed systems. Manage to get dinner made every night without resorting to delivery pizza. Keep up with laundry. Do more research/outlining on Crazy Book plus writing a few more pages. Although one page was enough to nail the voice. Keep up with kids and their backpacks. Remember to breathe, laugh, and count to ten.

  6. I fear my week is terribly busy as well. I'll be attending my first week of lectures at King's College in London as a study abroad student. I need to get 10k words written on my fourth novel and finish two short stories that have been lingering for the last few days. I also need to take some photos of this lovely city and write some postcards. Oh, and update my blog at

  7. Anne V.2:43 PM

    Finish my own reorganization project. I moved my crafting space to a new room and now need to sort all projects and materials into new homes. I need to work on new items for the sale I'm attending in November-which means ordering materials and creating new designs for my table. Unscuz carpets. Sort husbands paper mountain. Put books into new shelves and post unwanted ones for swapping. Bleh.

  8. I hope to write at least as much as you are. That would be ideal. Just getting through the work day before that. I live for writing.

  9. Holy crow, woman! One week? My biggest goal lately is just getting out of bed in the morning and finding the coffee pot. One thing on your list would be an accomplishment.

    I bow to your energy!

    word: rumbl...I think someone needs a spelling lesson ;o)

  10. My plans this included the main event which took place yesterday....I got married!

    The rest of the week? I will leave that to your imagination!


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