
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The House That Frank Built

While hunting for some architectural info, I discovered Cristóbal Vila's short CG movie showcasing Falling Water, the magnificent home Frank Lloyd Wright designed, which was built over a waterfall back in 1936.

For those of you at work there is background music to this one, which is definitely worth viewing full-screen.

Fallingwater from Cristóbal Vila on Vimeo.


  1. If you're ever in Western Pennsylvania, this house if VERY worth seeing in person. It's quite amazing.

  2. WAY back when I was in high school, my brother, my girlfriend, and I took a car trip from Akron, OH to see Falling Water. One of the most esthetic experiences I've ever had.

  3. Sadly, Falling Water is forever associated with a SF novel where aliens invade a falling-water style house through the waterfall and eat everybody. Kind of ruins the asthetic for me.


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