
Tuesday, March 08, 2011

International Women's Day

Before I get to today's post, I wanted to say bravo for the many wonderful author and book recommendations made in the entries for the Friendly Power giveaway.

Also, tonight we revved up the magic hat, and the winners of the giveaway are:

Nadia Lee, who likes Ilona Andrews and The Edge series

Sherri, who tossed her name in the hat so she definitely needs this book

Maripat, who is torn between the early Anita Blake books by LKH (have to agree with you there) and J.K. Rowling.

Lauraine D., who recommends Maria V. Snyder's books.

lxz, who mentioned Susanna Clarke's Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell

Winners, when you have a chance please send your full name and ship-to address to so I can send these books out to you. My thanks to everyone for joining in and adding yet more stuff to my next bookstore visit shopping list.

Onto the post:

Today is International Women's Day. If you're not familiar with it, every March 8th people around the world celebrate the wide variety of achievements of women from all countries and cultures, past and present, and mark the progress we've made toward gender equality.

Writer, teacher, editor and historian Dr. Gillian Polack graciously invited me to write a blog post to share something from my personal history that might fit the occasion. I did warn her that I'm just not that interesting, but she was very persuasive and talked me into giving it a try. Thus you can blame her for the result, which can be read on her LJ here.


  1. I'm perfectly happy to be blamed for such a great post!

  2. That was amazing! Thank you for not listening and following your heart!

  3. Amazing story. Glad you followed your heart! And thank you, I'll get that email off to you.

  4. Great story. Made me remember the Book Mobile that would come to my neighborhood when I was a kid. Oh how I lived for those Thursdays...

  5. What a wonderful post. Thank heaven for that tiny little library. It gave us an awesome gift too, you know?


  6. Your story made me cry.

    I'm a librarian, and I work at a tiny branch library for a university. Most of our students are working adults--lots of them never got to go to college or are stuck in fields where they can't support their families. I spend most of my day helping these folks learn how to use the library resources (since lots didn't learn that in school). It was a conscious choice on my part to work where I work, and I don't make much money. I just wanted to make a difference. Right now I often feel very sad, between the budget cuts and the angry mutterings (everything anyone needs to know they can find in Google, who needs libraries!, etc). It's good to hear that sometimes libraries *do* make a difference.


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