
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cirque de Escargot

It is tough to tell a fantastic story about, of all things, snails. And do it in four minutes and forty-six seconds? Basically impossible.

Unless you're Philippe Desfretier, Nicolas Dufresne, Sylvain Kauffmann and Martin Laugero.

Bave Circus from DuDuF on Vimeo.

Video found over at Kuriositas.


  1. That was fabulous. And now 5 yr old wants her own snail circus.

  2. I'm a huge Claymation fan. I absolutely loved this. Thanks for the heads up! (Hugs)Indigo

  3. How cute is that? I'd have snails if they were that cute. We only have slugs though and they're not cute.

    At all.

    Thanks for the vid. I needed the smile :o)


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