
Friday, April 09, 2010

Complete . . . Almost

The proofs for Dream Called Time are sitting on my desk, waiting, ready to be corrected. One more read-through for typos, fax any corrections to NY, and I'm finished another series.

Well, not just any other series. The first series, the longest series, the series that has been a personal mission from day one. StarDoc. It's been a long time coming, and now it's here.

While I was doing my annual spring cleaning of the filing cabinets I found the very first incarnation of StarDoc, a short story titled Border FreeClinic. I always thought I wrote it in 1997, but turns out I was a year off: I wrote it in February of 1996. StarDoc is fourteen years old; just a little younger than my daughter. I'd also forgot what I first named the character who would eventually become Duncan Reever. Do you think StarDoc would have been the same if it featured Cherijo Grey Veil and an interpreter named Tyler Jackson?

(Okay, quit laughing. I have a nephew named Tyler, and a dear friend surnamed Jackson.)

I read the story, and after all these years I was surprised. Other than changing the interpreter's name, and making him a much more complex and important character, the original short story that inspired the series isn't all that different from the novels. I never sent the short story out anywhere; at the time I was just playing with concepts and really wrote it for myself. If you'd told me back then that a 22-page short story would turn into ten science fiction novels, I'd have laughed myself silly.

Moral of this story: You never know what might come from the next thing you write. Honestly.

To celebrate my final work on the series I think I should do a giveaway, too, so in comments to this post, name a book series that you've recently discovered that you're enjoying (or if you're not into series novels, just toss your name in the hat) by midnight EST on Saturday, April 10, 2010 Sunday, April 11, 2010 (entry deadline extended due to my unplanned absence.) I will select one name at random from everyone who participates and send the winner a signed photocopy of my original short story Border FreeClinic, as well as a signed, unbound galley copy of Dream Called Time, the tenth and final StarDoc novel, which will not be released until August 2010. This giveaway is open to everyone on the planet, even if you've won something here at PBW in the past.


  1. I recently discovered Larissa Ione's Demonica seris. Hoooo-boy, have I been missing out! I'm drooling just thinking about it.

  2. I've recently discovered Mark Del Franco's Conner Grey series. I think I read the first three books in...oh...three days. The latest one - "Unperfect Souls" - just recently came out.

  3. I only discovered StarDoc earlier this year, and a decent chunk of the series is out-of-print, so I may never get to read those missing books. But your S. L. Viehl novels definitely appeal to me :-)

    Am rather enjoying Rachel Vincent's Soul Screamers series.

  4. I'm enjoying the October Daye series by Seanan McGuire. :)

  5. Oh, wow.

    I've never won anything here, so I must be due, right?



    I've been reading a lot of YA because that's what I write. I can't wait to read more of the Hunger Games series . . . I guess the next one is already up for pre-order.

  6. Anonymous2:28 AM

    Jorrie Spencer / Joely Skye's shifter romances. (Actually, it's a series I've enjoyed for a long time.)


  7. Hi Lynn, I only read series books. I believe my most recent discovery is Nalini Singh's Archangel series.

  8. I am throwing my name into the hat. Stardoc is the only book series I have gotten into, not that I object to a series. I HAVE to win, I can't wait till August!!!

  9. If there is ever a contest I wanted to win here at PBW, it is this one! Unfortunately, I'm too busy reading textbooks for school to read novels at the moment so I don't have a series to throw into the hat. But there is only three weeks left in the semester and then I'll be able to devour anything! This is exciting!

    Throwing my name in the hat (10 times if possible). ;)

  10. I'm salivating over this giveaway. OK, the series I just discovered courtesy of some other movie-goers: Cressida Cowell's "Hiccup" books. My oldest wants to know if she can have all the books in the series TODAY. We're going to have a lot of fun reading them.

  11. Oh, I want. A new series I've discovered? Devon Monk's Allie Beckstrom series.

  12. I'm re-working my way through old beloved series' at the moment, so I can't comment on any recently discovered series, but may I please be included in your giveaway?

  13. Last month I discovered Seanan McGuire's October 'Toby' Daye series. All I can say is WOW. I started the first book and I was hooked. I inhaled it and then devoured the second. Now I have to wait for the third to be published. Waiting is the worst part.

  14. Congrats on wrapping up a most wonderful series, Lynn. I'm sure you have a welter of mixed emotions about it. I am looking forward to reading A Dream Called Time.

    The series I have gotten in to (and waiting for the next book) is the Dresden Files.

  15. No recent discoveries but I've been re-reading the Wheel of Time now that Brandon is releasing the final chapters.

  16. Peggy8:35 AM

    Congratulations on finishing StarDoc -- it's been a long time coming!

    My recommendation requires a bit of background:

    When hubby and I were in Australia in December, I ran out of reading material (finished five books; amazing what 14-hour flights and five-hour layovers do for reading time), so we scouted bookstores.

    In Sydney, we found Galaxy Books -- devoted to F/SF/H with an *entire wall* of paranormal romance. Heaven for both me and the hubby. He went for F/SF, and I went for paranormal...

    Do you know how hard it is to find paranormal romance that does NOT feature vampires or shapeshifters these days?

    I scoured the wall twice, and found Jessica Anderson's Final Prophecy series, which is paranormal romance based in Mayan mythology and 2012 end-times prophecy.

    I just finished the most recent book in the series, Demonkeepers and am still enjoying the series very much.

  17. Omg, this giveaway sounds awesome. I've recently discovered Jessica Anderson's Final Prophecy series. Tore through the first 3 books in weeks. Now I'm on the fourth...

    Erin Kendall

  18. I have recently discovered two series. One for adults, Nalini Singh's Archeangels and Rick Riordan's 39 Steps mysteries for kids. I also rediscoved Catherine Colter's FBI series. (Which is how I discovered StarDoc. At the end of one of her books was an excerpt for your StarDoc series.) I will be sad to see the series end but will love the closure! Thank you for the wonderful books. Many years ago I won a signed set of StarDoc novels from you. I still treasure them!

  19. Athena W.8:45 AM

    I just got finished reading Mind Games by Carolyn Crane a new series that just came out as well as Embers by Laura Bickle yet another new series. And earlier in the week I read Dead, Undead or Somwhere in Between by J.A. Saare. None have sequals out yet, and I am waiting impatiently already for the next ones.

  20. I just started reading Dhampir by Barb Hendee and J. C. Hendee. It's the first book in the Noble Dead Saga & it is amazing! I can't wait to read the next one!

  21. I received Inkheart to read over a year ago around the time the movie came out (haven't seen it though). I just recently borrowed the next two (Inkspell and Inkdeath) from one of my sisters.

    Also picked up a pair of RA Salvatore's books off a bargain books section this week--The Ancient and {whatever the second book is titled}.

    And am almost done with a Timothy Zahn called Odd Girl Out that appears to be a Sci Fi Private I (that rhymes) series. Will have to look for more of those.

  22. I'm very excited about StarDoc finally finishing up. I'm also a little sad, but it is rare to find an author who can keep up the level of wonder and excitement in a long book series.
    I've recently began reading the Alcatraz book by Brian Sanderson. I picked them up because he was the new WoT author and I was interested in seeing what he could bring to the game.

  23. Since the Stardoc series are the reason why I started following your blog, I cannot pass the chance to toss my name into the hat. For whatever it's worth, this series finale has been long awaited... and it carries that bittersweet feeling you must know better than I.
    If I never mentioned it, the first three Stardoc books were a gift from a dear American friend who came to visit when my second child was born. They lightened up the first breastfeeding month! My baby (now three years old) got interested in the story as I read to her out loud, and of course at the times when I shook my head and commented out loud about "this poor woman...!"

  24. So sad to see Stardoc coming to an end... I loved this series so much. Kinda sad to see it come to an end.

    As far as a series I'm loving right now, I'm current reading the second book by Susan Beth Pfeffer regarding her YA series where the moon is knocked out of orbit and everything goes crazy on Earth. The third book just came out so I picked the perfect time to read it.

  25. I started working my way through Robert Parker's Spencer series and am having a great time. It's pity he died this year.

  26. Just discovered Nalini Singh's Psy/Changeling series. Love it!

    thank you!

  27. I've been enjoying Patricia Brigg's Alpha & Omega series - very fun! I love StarDoc so much, but I'm glad you're bringing Cherijo's story to a conclusion... here's hoping she can finally get some rest!

  28. Most recent discovery is the first book in an urban fantasy series, Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire.

  29. Although I can't wait to see what happens, I can't believe it's ending! It's been an absolutely fantastic series and I'm sure that the last book will be brilliant. Thank you for writing the StarDoc series - it's been an honour and privilege to read.

    In terms of series books, I have recently discovered Stuart Pawson's DI Charlie Priest mystery novels.

    Thank you!

  30. I'm looking forward to the final book. It'll make a nice set on my bookshelf.

    Congrats on the whole series!

  31. Just discovered Linnea Sinclair's Dock Five Universe and started reading Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series. I've only read the first one so far but it was very good. We are going to be studying Mythology next year and I think they will be a nice tie in as recreational reading.

  32. I've just gotten into Mike Shepherd's Kris Longknife series.
    And also, anything by Linnea Sinclair. She's written a bunch of related but could be standalone books in her universe, and the most recent one I finished the same day I started, staying up to 3 AM on a worknite finishing it.

  33. Oooh...definitely want. Congrats on finishing, woohoo! Tyler is a good name, I have a nephew named Tyler too. But now I cannot even imagine another name for Duncan Reever and make it fit in my head.

    Am really loving Mary Balogh's 'Simply' series, have one more to go on that one. I picked up the last one first even though I hate doing that, and read it even though I wanted to wait until the whole thing was in hand.

    It seems like quite the challenge to make each book stand alone but be enriched by the others, and I always appreciate it when it happens. That's why I did not go crazy when I had to read a few of your Darkyn books out of order. ;-)

  34. I have recently started reading Jennifer Armintrout's Blood Ties series and each book gets better and better.

    robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com

  35. Lynn said..."You never know what might come from the next thing you write."

    Truer words... and all that.



  36. Too many series to list LOL

    Brenda Joyce's Master's in Time

    Larissa Ione's Demonica

    Jessica Andersen's Final Prophecy

    Congrats on wrapping up the StarDoc series!

  37. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I love series and they are the ones that most often disappoint after a period of time because it seems like most authors are unable to keep the same quality throughout the entire series. I love Elizabeth Peters, Devon Monk, DD Barant, Patricia Briggs (thanks to your introduction) and many, many others. I have been reading Elizabeth Peters since the mid 70's. I would love to win this giveaway - can't wait to see how you resolve the series.

    Thanks for many hours of pleasure - as I do reread series often - particularly when the next is shortly to appear as I am much worse than a little kid at Christmas when it comes to books due to be released.


  38. I recently discovered Jaz Parks written by Jennifer Rardin. I devoured 3 books in 2 day and I recently read 2 more in 1 day. I am trying to be patient on book 6 because 7 doesn't come out until Fall 2010.

    Its a fun series and makes me laugh.

    I can't wait until the this book comes out. There aren't enough good SpaceOpera's out there. It will be good but sad.

  39. I'm enjoying Keri Arthur's Riley Jensen series!

  40. Jasper Fford's "Thursday Next" books blew me away. I recently picked up the Eyre Affair and I am throughly enthralled :)

  41. Congrats on the new StarDoc book!

    One of the last series I read and really loved was Karen Traviss' Wess'Har series.

  42. I've recently fallen for Carrie Vaughn's Kitty series.

    Congratulations on completing your StarDoc series!

  43. Stace5:29 PM

    Not into a series at the moment, due to homework restrictions but . . . thank you for the word of encouragement. I'm currently inn a short story class - not my typical form - and have done a couple that I saw novel, and yes, series potential in. While I'll be sending out some of my shorts, it helps in the slog to know it worked for you!

  44. Not a series, but... (don't laugh)... I've just discovered Plato. Like picking up the violin a few years back, I'm startled to discover it's not as hard as I always assumed it was. (Then again, it probably would be if I was trying to read it in the original Greek.)

  45. Other than rereading the Doc Savage series, I like straight up SF and finished Alastair Reynolds' Revelation Space which is the first book of the series of the same name.

    Here's hoping you write some more SF.

    Congratulations on finishing the Star Doc series!

  46. man I want that. Would love to have the final book early. I am loving Jeannine Frost Grave series and both of Ilona Andrews series are fantastic.

  47. The Last Jihad series by Joel C. Rosenberg! =)

  48. Wish I had a brilliant series to recommend, Lynn, but I'm too sick to think of just one. So let me say that cover is full of awesome! And it's perfect with the series. :o)

  49. *sniffles* I'm sad to see the series end and sad that my mother won't be here to see the end. She loved those StarDoc books. Congrats on finishing it though.
    I've just recently gotten hooked on the Kushiel series by Jacqueline Carey. (the audiobooks):)

  50. Liz B9:52 PM

    I read the Sword of Truth series when I was in high school, but with the new TV series based off of it (Legend of the Seeker), I've rediscovered the series again. I've grown so much since I first read it and I'm getting so many new things from the story that it feels new.

  51. The Guild Hunter series by Nalani Singh.

  52. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Hmm, I thought I posted earlier, but it must not have gone through. Series I'm anxiously awaiting (other then the StarDoc finale) is Tate Hallaway's Garnet Lacey and Larissa Ione's Demonica series. These have been my most recent series book purchases!

  53. Anonymous1:40 AM

    I just read Soulless by Gail Carriger (the Alexia Tarabotti novels) and am definitely picking up the next in the series.


  54. I recently found the Coffeehouse Mystery series by Cleo Coyle. I normally don't get sucked into mysteries, but these are fun.

  55. Margaret S11:33 AM

    I have recently read books 1-6 of Mima's Bonded Fantasy series and now have book 7 on my wish list.
    I would be eager to read any of your stories as I have enjoyed the Darklyn series and the first of you Kyndred series

  56. Hi Lynn - I recently discovered the Stardoc series, and I'm almost finished with #3. I really like series books, because you find out more about the characters. My favorite "all-time" series is The Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. They are historical/romance fiction. What's next for you after Stardoc?


  57. I just started The Immortals after Dark series by Kresley Cole. So far I'm enjoying it immensely.
    I love series!
    I'd love to read the StarDoc series.

  58. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Recently started reading Robyn Carr's Virgin River series and like it very much.

  59. Right now I am reading your Darkyn books and I am anxiously waiting for the next Kyndred novel Dreamveil.

    Also I have been Reading Michelle Rowen's Immortality Bites series.

    Crossing my fingers hoping I win...

  60. The Jim Butcher Dresden files series has grabbed me out if my daily life, just as your Stardoc series fact, I am at a signing party now writing this.

    Thank you for writing a series that I can consistently look for in an bookstore, in any city in which I may find myself.
    Though this is the last in the Stardoc series, I will be following you into the Darkyn & Kindred series.

    I've already pre-ordered!

  61. Mohua7:38 PM

    I can't believe the StarDoc series is coming to an end. It is the reason I started reading Science Fiction Novels. I would love to throw my name into the hat...

    Mohua Dasgupta

  62. New series for me? Nalini Singh's Archangel series, Mari Mancusi's YA series, Jennifer Rardin's series. All very good books.

  63. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Recently got into? Like another person said, waaaay too many to list. However I'll mention a couple I'm looking forward to reading in the next few days - I just got in 2 books - Touched by an Alien by Gini Koch and Song of Scarabaeus by Sara Creasy (which isn't officially out yet). I'm also waiting for Changes by Jim Butcher to get here. That will probably be completely read the day it gets here.

  64. I used to read Dark Hunter books, but now I only follow the Darkyn series (awaiting Dreamveil!). I've been reading your scribd stories. I fell in love with Akela of the Black Branch.

  65. Desiree A.12:09 AM

    I am big into the series of several authors, including of course all of your series. I am sad to see Star Doc go :( but I cant wait to find out how it all ends. I also am waiting for the end of The Wheel Of Time, The age of Fire, Vampire Earth, Mercy Thompson, Alpha and Omega, etc ect.

  66. I've recently gotten into Catherine Anderson's novels and I'm loving them so much that I had to raid Barnes and Noble for ALL of her books in stock.

  67. I discovered Karen Chance's Cassie Palmer series by chance, picked up and sped through the first book last weekend, passed it to my sister and bought book two this weekend.

  68. I love a series. On the one hand, I am so sad that Stardoc is ending but, on the other, I can't wait to read it! I better re-read the first nine again in preparation. I just pre-ordered Dream Called Time last week. How exciting!!! I know I will cry though. It better come with tissues. Most importantly - when will the box set come out!!!!

  69. Hunter Kiss by Marjorie Liu... (sorry if the comment shows twice, I'm having problems with the comments window ¬¬)

  70. Valerie11:15 AM

    I loved StarDoc, will have to go back and read them all again when the last one comes out! Right now I'm really enjoying Patricia Brigg's Mercy Thompson's books; usually I try to stay away from the werewolf/vampire genre but I've ready most of Brigg's books and loved her writing style enough to pick these up.

  71. The series I've loved more than any other since I discoverd it last year is StarDoc, and I'm sad it's coming to an end.

  72. I am reading three series: Adriana Franklin's Mistress of the Art of Death, Deanna Raybourn's Lady Julia Grey mysteries, and Rob Thurman's series. I had to search for Rob's book at 3 bookstores which I am hoping means it is selling really, really well. I am sad and excited to read the last StarDoc novel. I love them all.

  73. In sixty years of reading I have never indulged in fan fic or alternate history plots. I can't explain how I came to pick up the first book in Naomi Novik's Temeraire series. I can't even say exactly what it is that charms me so. There were parts that appalled me, but I devoured the first five in a week.

    I plan to re-read all the Star Doc books in August to celebrate the release of (sob) the last one. Please put my name in your magical hat.

  74. Rebecca6:57 PM

    the last series I found is The Lost Fleet by Jack Campbell which focuses on Captian John "Black Jack" Geary.

  75. Hm... The Hunger Games and the second book so far by Suzanne Collins *YA and Kathleen Duey's A Resurrection of Magic-YA also.

    Still waiting on more books for both of those. Collins' last story for the trilogy should be out this summer I believe.

    Ooo..yes, there's also Carrie Ryan's zombie stories and Maggie Stiefvater's werewolf trilogy. Um, yeah...more YA.

    I think your Stardoc and Kyndred books are the only adult ones I've been reading lately.

  76. I've been enjoying the Gena Showalter series - Lords of the Underworld...just read a novella connected to the series while waiting for the next full-length to arrive...

    Terri B

  77. Last series I finished was Harry Potter. Good, not great. I read Tolkien's LTR annually; I usually get some new insight each time.

    I remember L. Ron Hubbard's ten book series, the title I can't remember. That series bored me to tears. After the first scene, each scene after that was the same conflict reiterated with minor differences like character names. Scientology ruined Mr. Hubbard.

    I like series novels, but when it's time for the series to end, then the author should end it. A reader knows when a series should end with greater accuracy than many authors.

    Anyway, I'd like to enter the contest also.
