Ten Free RPG Generators I Played with over at Dimensions Game Software
Sight: A thickening fog Sound: A whistle Taste: Bland Touch: Springy Smell: Inviting (The Ambience Generator)
"You hear rattling sounds." (The Automated GM)
The Catacomb Generator
Rhapsodomancy: Divination by using random verses, passages, or words from the works of a great poet. (The Divination Generator)
Fern: Hart's tongue Flower: Gardenia Fungus: Bread mold Herb: Henbane Moss: Peat moss Tree: Cashew Grass: Buffalo Grass Shrub: Snowberry Vine: Ivy Weed: Bindweed (The Fantastic Flora Generator)
Name: Colm Origin: Gaelic Gender: Male Meaning: Dove (The Name Generator)
"The trees shall die before the desert shall stumble." (The Obscure Prophecy Generator)
Demeanor: Oblivious Hardship: Deaf Phobia/Mania: (None) Occupation: Doll maker (The Personality Generator)
chybblaerm ~ kralychaeg ~ laefdraz ~ mylyglah ~ wiemy (The Word Generator)
Number of Continents: 3 Number of Major Island Chains: 4 Number of Oceans: 6 Number of Moons: 2 Number of Suns: 3 [also generate continents, island chains, regions and more] (The Worldbuilder)
To check out more of Dimensions Game Software's free online RPG generators, head over to their RPG toolbox page and scroll down to the bottom.
These are fun.
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